![]() Shadow of the PastA Story by Gemma Elizabeth![]() A midnight run for a glass of water brings more than she expected ...![]() Time slowed as I stared down the barrel of a gun held by a
man once trusted, once loved. Calder
Haze. The odd thing was it wasn’t the
gun my brain couldn’t process; it was the fact that he was the one pointing
it. The fact he had been the one sent to
kill me. That he’d accepted the job in
the first place. The ticks of
the wall clock stretched out as we stood there in my run down kitchen; him
holding the gun, me holding a glass of water.
His arm began to shake slightly but not from the weight of the
piece. I’d seen Calder hold heavier
weapons for much longer. Letting out
a long stretch of breath, he closed his eyes. When his eyes opened again, he gave me a chilling
smile. My hand tensed round the glass I held. This was it, my brain
screamed. The moment my life would
end. I wanted to ask him why but,
instead, I closed my eyes and craved the darkness. His face greeted me there too. Not the killer face he wore right now, but
one from a distant past. My throat
tightened from the memory. ‘Nice pjs.’ The sudden intrusion of his voice
made me jump. Water spilled over my hand and onto the floor. It wasn’t until my heart slowed down that the
words registered. ‘That’s all you can-’ I opened my
eyes. The b*****d had disappeared. I peeked out to the lounge. He wasn’t there. ‘In the bedroom, Bex,’ Calder
called out. ‘Bring alcohol.’ White hot anger began to build up
inside me but I managed to push it down.
He still had a gun after all.
Mine were in the chest in my room.
For now, I had to play it cool. With a brandy in each hand, I
walked the short distance to my room.
Now the shock had worn off, my brain no longer wanted to meekly accept
defeat. First chance I got, I was taking
him out. He was sitting on my weapons
chest, smirking. Damn him! I handed him a glass and wondered over to my
bed. I let my hand shook slightly as I
took a sip of the brandy. He scoffed at
the movement, not fooled one bit. So
much for misleading. ‘Didn’t I teach you to always
carry a piece?’ I took another sip, hand now
still. He watched the action like a
hawk. It wasn’t until I’d finished the
contents that he spoke again. ‘Ready to talk yet?’ Placing the empty glass on the
bedside table, I allowed myself to truly look at my would-be assassin. He was wirier then he was when I fled two
years ago. His pale skin had a grey tone
to it and there were bags under his pale blue eyes. ‘I’ve got all night, Bex. I’ve got nowhere else to be.’ ‘Why would you when I’m the job?’ ‘Don’t get snippy.’ ‘You pointed a gun in my face!’ ‘But I didn’t pull the
trigger. Yet.’ I stared at him,
dumbfounded. Did he honestly think that
the fact he was warning me gave him points?
I wanted him gone. He casually swirled the glass in
his hand, not quite meeting my eye. ‘Curious why I’m warning you?’ ‘Actually I’m more curious about
why you took the hit to begin with.’ He looked into his brandy, ‘I
thought the payment was large enough,’ he knocked it back, not pausing until he
drank every last drop. ‘ Should have known it wasn’t enough.’ Silence formed around us yet again. He returned to staring into the now empty
glass. When he finally turned his gaze upon me, I saw the war he was having
within. I wanted to offer him comfort.
We’d been through so much together; how could I not? But when his eyes iced over, I stayed rooted
to the spot. ‘Don’t think this is over. If they up the bid, I’ll be back tomorrow
night.’ ‘Why are you telling me this?’ He gave me a sad smile, ‘I owe
you that much at least.’ The room fogged up around
him. Water touched my cheek and I
realised with a start I was crying. I haven’t cried since that night … ‘Don’t,’ he closed the distance
between us, cupping my face. That made
me worse. Swearing softly, he pulled me
into him. I tensed. Sighing, he released
me, pulling back to look down at me. ‘Why would I warn you, only to
knife you?’ He stood and turned his back on
me. He was giving me the chance to end it
now, to end him. I didn’t move. All I could do was sit on my bed and let the
tears fall. When he reached the door
way, he turned. ‘You should have taken the shot when you had
the chance.’ I didn’t know who he was speaking
to; me or himself. © 2013 Gemma Elizabeth
StatsAuthor![]() Gemma ElizabethCrewe, North West, United KingdomAboutRecently graduated from a Drama and Creative Writing course, I find that I'm unable to write XD more..Writing