"Still, lambent hazel darkened green, so seductive hate can be." That is indeed, a genius line. I love the structure of this one, it's unique to you, very witty. Also the esoteric content is reminiscent of yesterday.. the veiled words you've chosen speak directly to me. I know the struggle well, and the affirmative glory of surpassing such malicious feelings, overcoming them and leaving them behind to smolder and die out. Flawless write, Michael, I truly loved it. :)
this gives me a giggle, isn't it great when not even road rage can ruin your day, this makes me smile! I wish I could be like this all the time, but I have a lot of zen catching to do yet. love this one too!
Hatred, being a master of disguise, is often able to gain access to places he really isn't welcome. Since you "overcame him long ago," you quickly recognized this demon and adeptly gave him the slip.
Sounds like a plan, 13--a decidedly poetic one!
"Still, lambent hazel darkened green, so seductive hate can be." That is indeed, a genius line. I love the structure of this one, it's unique to you, very witty. Also the esoteric content is reminiscent of yesterday.. the veiled words you've chosen speak directly to me. I know the struggle well, and the affirmative glory of surpassing such malicious feelings, overcoming them and leaving them behind to smolder and die out. Flawless write, Michael, I truly loved it. :)
. ha ha ! ... i absolutely love the tone in which you've narrated this apparently simple but absolutely profound piece of writing ... and ... the innovative structure is inspiring ... makes the post so powerful ... and you're right ... "so seductive hate can be" ... a stalker too ... the only way out is to leave "his a*s" behind ... yes, i had a good day ... a hate-less day ... awesome work, my friend ... the power of poetry shines in your words ... :) ...
Genius! I have to post this on my wall and read it aloud every day. Hate does take on a golden nature of its own of its own- shiny and attractive- sucks us in "our hate is justified", we cry... in actuality a parasite has infected us; yet it's so attractive, we need the reminder- leave "his a*s behind" great line! bravo!
For we have thought the larger thoughts
And gone the shorter way.
And we have danced to devil's tunes,
Shivering home to pray;
To serve one master in the night,
Another in the day.
..I do love.. more..