Chapter 8 and a half

Chapter 8 and a half

A Chapter by Frankie Nguyen

not really a chapter but, more of a transition

    Days went by and the kids got bigger. Everyday they seemed to just grown up before their eyes. They spend their last months together as a family; choosing to miss parties and social gatherings. Logan and Ophelia started classes in the Fall which was only a short three months away. They knew the time would fly and before long Logan would be miles away. He knew how hard it would be for Ophelia and promised to call her everyday. He wanted to make sure they had a great future together. Ophelia knew herself it wasn’t going to be easy in the least. She was just glad that she had his parents there to help her. She was going to major in nursing and Logan would major in medicine to be a doctor. They wanted to make sure that Emery and Eliza had the best life as possible.
    Soon two weeks had passed and they planned a wedding. They didn’t want a big wedding just simple one with the twins, family, and of course Amy. They planned to have a small ceremony outside under the shade of a red bud tree. It took them two days to plan and the days following Ophelia picked out her dress, Logan found his tux, and everyone else found clothes of their own. Within a month they were ready to wed. 

© 2011 Frankie Nguyen

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Added on February 23, 2011
Last Updated on February 23, 2011