I agree with Coyote, a good question you ask here. Many Western countries question these restrictive societies, especially of Middle-Eastern countries, and ask why? why do these people countinue to allow themselves to live this way? It is sad that there are still huge swaths of humanity that at the very least, are not allowed to decide how, they choose to live. I think it is inherent in every human being to want spread their wings... A good poem Belle, that made us think
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
Thank you Diego for this insightful review. I think, anti fascism, resistance and liberation ideolo.. read moreThank you Diego for this insightful review. I think, anti fascism, resistance and liberation ideology of these western countries made them question this kind of custom. In my country we do not literary wear this veil in our head, but we are being thought to have it in our head figuratively. We are being thought morally that man has the authority over woman, that as woman we must learn in silence with all submissiveness, must live with it and accept it as like what natural law dictates it, so it is not really a question of why do we allow ourselves to live in a predetermined world but more of why do to system sets a marginalized society.
very good thoughts were expressed in this poem region and customs tend to take away the liberism we fought for as human kind . good use of metaphors and analogy to express this very commendable point of view bell :)
In the context of the modern society, I feel that every woman is already given the opportunity to spread her wings in the sense that whatever the veil she wears could be the result of her choices. It is also by choice whether she shall keep or discard that veil. However, I likewise believe that there are some instances in today’s society wherein a woman is restricted to pursue her passion or career because of traditions like in the case of our Muslim sisters or for non-Muslims, in an extreme case of marriage wherein a woman is being prevented from pursuing her passion or career by reason of obsolete beliefs. This piece is short yet very stimulating.
life has a way of putting our dreams on hold, it contains us in so many ways...you need to break free from your ghosts, pull the veil off and spread your wings.
This is a simplistic piece at first glance but at its core is a wonderfully deep thought striking poem! Bravo on the write and the meaning behind it! It is wrong that a woman cannot have joy due to things that are placed on her as mandate and such. Everyone should be able to spread their wings and strive toward their goals and passions! :)
HI, beautiful, again you touched me by your words. Very nice pattern & write. It's you that shows some reality again n again by your reflection.
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
Another review from you. I am really glad that you are being touched by my words, I just wish I can .. read moreAnother review from you. I am really glad that you are being touched by my words, I just wish I can have the chance too to taste the dew of your words.
I can't help thinking that you using the veil here to indicate the symbolic veil of making women second class citizens in a male dominated society .women given a certain place in the world subordinate to men.women not allowed to live to their true potential through community and societal pressures , a veil of the mind. Women in the west too are veiled so to speak. I do take the point though that in places like Saudi Arabia women do not have a choice in the matter. Thought provoking write. Lovely.