![]() Little Man.A Poem by i.am.the.sun.
A cannibal of currency
you’re not yourself anymore. Became your purse long ago sense of self tied to coins of which you’ve never held. Little man, little man, where is your home? The house on this hill Just an empty shell Painted like so much canvas. There for the eyes of your peers But your peers aren’t your friends And your friends aren’t around Tell me please, where did they go? Little man, little man, Do you hear the sound? No one is calling your name Where did they go And where are they now And why aren’t your friends in their homes? Little man, little man Do you hear the sound? They’re making it plain as day. You are their income Ate them out of house and of home A cannibal for currency You ate all your friends Fat little pig on the hill Little man, little man (You) can no longer ignore the sounds Of ten thousand mouths All hungry for you You ate their money But you couldn’t stomach The pure human spirit inside Now they have come back Out from the ghettos Starving and hungry for you Forced to eat each other, You’ve all but raised more cannibals, But this time of flesh and of blood. Little pig, little pig, Can you hear the sound? Or have you become deaf To your own cries as well? No one will miss you You don’t have a home Your friends became food A long time ago. (Die Geld von die Leute Sie Essen gekauft Sie isst ihr Geld, Mehr jeden Tag, Kein Geld fur Essen Sie isst Sich, Jagd nach dem Hunger, Fett kleiner Mann, Jetzt der Jaeger ist Essen fur jeden Mund Kleiner Schwein, Kleiner Schwein Konnen Sie den ton horen?)* Greasy lip smacks Sound like ten thousand claps, The only applause that you’ll ever hear. ---- *The absolutely horribly written German stanza (pls halp). The money of the people bought their food You ate their money, More every day, No money for food, They ate themselves, Hunting the hungry, Fat little man, Now the hunter is food for every mouth, Little pig, little pig, Can you hear the sound? It’s been forever since I spoke any sort of German and it’s fading fast. Sad face. © 2016 i.am.the.sun. |