Sometimes when I grow utterly tired of this world, I snuggle up to my mother and tell her I'd like to return to her womb and stay safe and warm there away from everything else.
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This is precious, yet in a deep, heartfelt way... our mothers, ideally, are such a well of unconditional comfort and love... no matter how much older we get, or the further we move away, we NEVER lose that craving for the indescribable, powerful, ultra-soothing feeling of 'mom'. One hug from mom, and I'm a little happy, carefree child again... works every time.
This is precious, yet in a deep, heartfelt way... our mothers, ideally, are such a well of unconditional comfort and love... no matter how much older we get, or the further we move away, we NEVER lose that craving for the indescribable, powerful, ultra-soothing feeling of 'mom'. One hug from mom, and I'm a little happy, carefree child again... works every time.
gosh, this brought tears to me... you have expressed in a few words the only sanctuary on earth, and it is just once-off.. amazed. thank you for this.
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
Thank you so much for the review! You're an amazing reviewer and reading your reviews have only serv.. read moreThank you so much for the review! You're an amazing reviewer and reading your reviews have only serve to encourage me more!:)
12 Years Ago
that's great, I'm so glad! stay cool and creative! :)
A medical student, I try to find time to scribble down a few words whenever I can, which is usually on the back pages of my notebook when the lecture sometimes take a particularly boring turn. True, I.. more..