A Story by Slender Smile/Husna Tayyab

This was the article I posted on my Group when India won T20 a couple of years back. What I have written here is what I had to face then. I know its too late to publish it now but i wanted to do it.





"Are you sad,that India WON over Pakistan in the T2O?

This was the question I have been facing since India has won the International Trophy..!

Granted,there are some people-Muslims AND Non-muslims - who are sad about it-reasons known only to them.About 5% of the Muslims-all over India,take the side of Pakistan.But,what about the other 95%-who are all "INDIAN" from head to toe?This question made me think- How many people out there are facing the same thing in 'OUR' country?

My cousin,who loves to join us at Hyderabad at the tiniest chance he could get,was travelling when an eve-teaser was teasing a girl,with the girl ending up crying.This ended up with the whole bus being directed to the Local Police Station with the comolaint against the culprit.

Turns out he is a Muslim..!

Reaction from the Police Department-

"ye saare musalman aise hi hai."

              saare musalman?!?My cousin was shocked.He couldn't say a word..!

How a person behaves in public and how a person behaves with a lady-depends entirely upon his upbringing and the environment he was brought up in.

Can anyone say with a sure-shot confidence that only muslims are the eve-teasers and mischief makers?

Eve-teasers and mischief makers are found everywhere,irrespective of their caste,creed and religion,respective of their environment and upbringing.

India 'was' known to be a country following "Unity in Diversity",but today the situation is completely opposite.Infact,you could say its "Diversity in Unity" now.

You can see that when you go to states like Karnataka,Tamilnadu,Mumbai, and Delhi.

When you go to Karnataka and Tamilnadu- the hostile behaviour you face from the localites make you rethink,if you are standing on a foreign land.Thay are not ready to accept people other than from their state.Known for their academic excellence,these places make any Indian non-localite feel 'unwanted'.

And people from the places-Mumbai and Delhi- refer every South Indian as 'madrasi',even if they are not.

The movie "CHAK DE INDIA" has showcased some of the scenes beautifully.

One-where a girl from Andhra Pradesh gives her introduction and is brushed away by the clerk as a 'madrasi'.When the girl tries to correct him-saying that she is a Telugu girl.The clerk asks her sarcastically-is there any difference?

And the girl answers correctly,

   "utna hi jitna Kashmir aur Kanyakumari mein hain...!"

The second scene where two of the girls from the State of Mizoram give their introduction and are invited by the clerk as 'mehmaan' to our country.

When the girls stares at him,he asks-

     "kya hua?kya aap log khush nahin hai?"

And the girls answer him back-

     "koi apne desh mein mehmaan bankar kaise khush reh sakta hai?!"

Wow! Yeah right..! Who could be happy when you are being categorised and disowned in one phase of life or the other?

Thankfully,there are still people out ther who celebrate Christmas,Diwali,Eid,and many other festivals alike.And hopefully,this continues,subsiding the irrelevent and irrational differences that are arising in some people too self-absorbed with their high-handedness about themselves,their religion and their region.

But,one thing I have decided I would do, and I think everyone should do-when being literally categorised and disowned, is to stand up to myself. Just because I am a muslim, no one has the right to say something against- me being an Indian- and antagonise me.

I would definitely bark at them-





Today all of the Muslim community and the religion ISLAM is blamed due to some people who call themselves 'muslims' and go on killing people in the name of Islam.

They are the Black Sheep of the community.

Aren't there Black Sheep in every religion and community?

© 2009 Slender Smile/Husna Tayyab

Author's Note

Slender Smile/Husna Tayyab
A/N: Most of you may not understand what some of the sentences above mean.So....

Koi apne desh mein mehmaan bankar kaise khush reh sakta hai?- How could a person be happy when they are treated like guests in their own country?

kya hua kya aap log khush nahin hain?- what happened?aren't you people happy?

musalmaan- muslim

utna hi jitna kashmir aur kanyakumari mein hain- the same difference as much is the distance between kashmir and kanyakumari.

ye saare musalmaan aise hi hote hain- all the muslims are the same.

madrasi- people from the city madras/chennai

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Very well written! I think this is a piece that should be read by all. It has a whole different perspective on an obviously global subject...differences and ill treatment of others...national and religious pride...simply being human.
The sentiment and emotional stir within in you was conveyed without question. Great writing! : )

Posted 15 Years Ago

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Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Religion can be twisted up to the Will of the speaker. You are a wise person. Be proud of who you are. In the name of religion terrible deeds are done. I believe all life is important. Till this World learn to put down guns and end violence. Reach for peace. Spend 10 percent of the cost of War. All people could have food and shelter. A powerful poem. Made me think. I'm proud of my Native American heritage Ojibwa also. Thank you.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


a great write indeed.....though there is just one thing that i don't feel appropriate is the percentage'd be nice if we leave the stats .......cuz it's somehow leads to facts, which i'm not certain if anyone can be sure of (with something like this...where we talk about feelings).......well don't take me wrong....
i highly appreciate every word you said......even in my belief .....there should not be any religion, no nameplates nothing. aaah.... no discrimination. its such a treat, you wrote it so beautifully that it just went in.....its patriotic.
And well in the last lines........see, there is a thing that somehow even if we hate a particular thing, we sometimes...just do that.. maybe unknowingly.... like if we talk about discrimination (don't take it for the above case, but in general) like if we say we must be equal! The Xs should be equal to The Ys, The Ys should be equal to The Zs. They all should be given equal rights etc etc, now the Xs will cry or the whole X community and so the Ys and The Zs that we should be equal to them etc etc, so it's a mesh, everything...what we're doing, we're discriminating! and its bad...its no good for us. for humanity.. cuz something is the cause, be it religion, be it color, be it power...there is a base that started all this...this feeling to discriminate.... to differentiate one human from another...let all the potential causes be vanished. we have to shed this skin, if we don't sport these labels of Xs,Ys, Zs..........we'll ultimately be equal......and then those Black Sheep can easily be identified and be taken care of......
but aaaaaah.......i can only pray for it............we've got a million layers of rust on ourselves....and that is also of different types.....and it took millions of years.......we're rotten now, but its an effort of millions of years......uh....May God Bless Humanity.

It's so nice meeting you here. Bless you and thank you for writing such a wonderful piece.
warm regards~

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I agree with bud. This was a great story. I can tell your proud of your race (and you should be)

Posted 15 Years Ago

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A powerful, informative write. You are so right, there are radicals, black sheep, in every religion, race, etc. Getting to know each other on a one to one basis can cut through a lot of the ignorance and prejudice. It is rather sad that even the word "religion" raises the hair on the back of my neck now. So much abuse, violence, bigotry, war, etc. have all been perpetrated in the name of religion. Faith is more about relationship rather than religion as such.

Now, with that being said, I actually have a strong faith, and believe that God created us, and all things, even snowflakes, each uniquely different. So, from that I believe He likes diversity, and loves ALL His children. Thus, instead of acting with sibling rivalry we need to accept and love each other no matter how we choose to worship. God is not something we can keep in our own little shoebox, saying He only accepts our creed and only acts this way;and all others are wrong. Thus, we need to love one another and stop judging whole societies by the actions of their black sheep.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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Powerfully written, voiced not just for one but for all of us... Each of us must thrive to express who we are, feel the beauty of who we are, and be honest in looking into the eyes of those around us as well for who they are... Beautiful expression of your life, of the depth of you, and your wonderful connection to community... So glad you posted!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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thats a wonderful write ..when i look at a person i look into his mind ,his talk ,his behaviour,his beliefs..
i will never look into his race ,his color or his nationality ,they are all the same to me..the best of them..
are the ones with high intellect ,with so much kindness towards others ,with lots of understanding others feelings and thoughts
i will never care what his religion is ,thats between him and God,i care how he treats his fellows humans ..
how social towards others ,how kind and sympathetic to wards other illnesses and weaknesses..
these are the beautiful people i want to deal with..
anyone can say i am a moslem and goes on killing people and he will give verses from the moslems book(Koran)
but its all wrong ,everyone can take some few writings and use it for his own purpose and benefit,these are not moslems at all
Islam will not agree to kill an innocent animal without a cause,killing a human being that God has created,is the greatest sin
on earth my friends ,never believe what they say,its all lies,Islam has never said that ,one drop of a human killed,its said will deeply anger our God
and he will never forgive it for the end of time..
lovely write..

Posted 15 Years Ago

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I have long tried to follow an example I had read about the Prophet Mohammed long ago... When the prophet was engaged in a conversation with anyone regardless of their stature or wealth, he would wait until the other person was finished with what they had to say. The Biblical teachings of Jesus are very similar and we can all learn from these two men who both understood that the "other" person was more important than they were.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Thanks for explaining all the words you wrote in Indian. It help alot! And what a great story!
I love to hear and learn about others countries. I think your right about people,places and religions.
If we can't get along sooner or later it turns to war. I hope your country makes peace with all its people.
Thanks for sharing a part of yourself.


Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

very well penned...!and i agree to bud this is a piece to be read by all..
"people who call themselves 'muslims' and go on killing people in the name of Islam...They are the Black Sheep of the community." i agree to this those who all are doing this are black sheep...!!they are not of any religion any caste....they don't deserve it.....

AND I AM PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN...!" this is best line...!!i love it...! this what we really need to do....!!
instead of being proud of being anything...!!firstly we should be proud to be an Indian....!and we should be thankful we are born in India.....

great write...!
really touched my heart...^_^

Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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11 Reviews
Added on March 23, 2009
Last Updated on March 23, 2009


Slender Smile/Husna Tayyab
Slender Smile/Husna Tayyab

Sacramento, CA

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم I fall & I pick myself up, I lose hope yet I dream I am los.. more..


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