

A Poem by Husain J.



I'm sorry , I ate up the chocolates ,
Seeking refuge in desserts , my mind turned indulgent
I did check twice in the window, and my inbox,
For a friend , to offer homage ,
I chomped my way over the wreckage ,
So creamy and full of flavour ,
I had no choice , my lover...

I'm sorry , I painted the wall pink.
Dried fruits and cleaned the sink,
Boiled some water and stirred a drink,
Hoping to calm my OCD, I did not overthink,
The same aroma filled my room , I was startled ,
It was just right , crafted , as you liked...
Left a cup for you , but had it later
You see , I had no choice , my lover..

Pondering outside,
I realized how much muck collected inside ,
The mess we made and the days we cried
Crashed the plates and threw words on the blindside..so unlike our kind
Though I made up with a kiss and glass of wine ,
Fate can do terrible things ,
Few understand the pain of underlings ,
Common men are stuck between want and need ,
Stress might have driven away the best of me..

In the chaos of my imagination I chanced upon a key,
The store room we called it , dumped things unwanted ,
The door looked more like an overgrown tree,
Stepping mysteriously inside and over decades of clutter ,
I found some Polaroids clicked behind the shutter ,
Our faces colourful , vibrant behind plasticy sheen ,
My brain relived every moment ,
Forgotten behind monotonus chores and everyday routine ,
The misty Dusty sent a whiff of nostalgia ,
You're smile gave me goosebumps , my eyes sparkled with euphoria,
Tears bid farewell to the years we thrived ,
My heart crashed on my hysterical bride,

You would know , how much I longed for you ,
I sat there giggling indefinitely , without a clue,
I'm sorry , I promised myself never to show ,
You would know , if only you would....in my lonely burrow

© 2018 Husain J.

Author's Note

Husain J.
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Added on April 3, 2018
Last Updated on April 3, 2018


Husain J.
Husain J.

Pune , India

Practising Optometrist and Lecturer more..