A Story by hcarson



Sat at the kitchen table Sofie begins to seal the envelope she had been writing on when Ross, her partner of just a few 
months, came strutting in. Tall, dark haired and heavily built he had a slight resemblence to the footballer, turned actor, Vinnie Jones. Sofie's automatic smile faltered at his dark expression. Hate filled his eye's as he looked down at her, sat on the kitchen chair. Her trusting brown eyes searched his, confused. She never saw the slap coming but she felt it. It had connected hard with her right ear causing a suctioning effect, both stinging and giving the ear a heavy, blocked feeling that lasted  for a few days; when the next slap inadvertantly helped unblock it.  She never uttered a sound, just looked in shock confusion as he smirked and walked away.


" Get out the f*****g car you silly b***h." Eddie grabbed Crystal roughly by the hair, dragging her from the driving seat of the dark blue Cortina and onto the wet pavement. Curled in the back seat sofie, Chrissy and Michael looked on helplessly. They knew what would unfold...had seen it often enough already in their short lives. Breath steaming up the windows, they watched with heavy hearts as their father beat their mother out on the street for some imagined slight, no more than two foot from them.


Seven year's later found Sofie still with Ross. For a long time she hadn't even realised that what she was experiencing was domestic abuse. She had thought this was just how relationships worked. After all, hadn't her Father beat her Mother before he went to prison? The imprisonable offence had been theft, therefore, it must be illegal to steal but not illegal to beat your partner.Sofie had lived by this theory, allowing Ross to kick, punch and drag her by her hair, bite, slap and ridicule; never considering he may be wrong for doing it. She simply covered the marks and got on with things-that's what all women did right? She would be hurt but she knew this is what a relationship was; man got drunk, man got angry, woman helps him release the tension. Painful but not the only painful aspect of being a woman. Look at childbirth she had then thought.
It had been about two years into the relationship while sat in the probation office, waiting for Ross that she began to see things differently and getting angry. Very angry.
The wait was boring so being a prolific reader Sofie had began reading all the yellow and curled posters,semi tacked to the grubby walls. Shifting her eyes around, deciding which to pass the time reading next, one stood out and her blood ran cold, holding her, fixated, breath coming in short gasps as she read then reread the words on the faded piece of tatty paper. The image of a battered woman cowered on the floor. A man had her hair, twisted in his fist as he leaned over her, face contorted in pure hatred, red faced, spittle collecting in the corners of thin, taut lips. A bold heading shouted 'Domestic Abuse; Don't suffer in silence.' It went on to give a list of things that constituted domestic abuse such as violence, threats of violence, being kept away from family, friends etc...the list went on and as Sofie read through it she mentally ticked all those that applied to her-everyone had a tick next to it in her mind...flashing and screaming at her. Her blood boiled with anger not just at him for his abuse, but at herself for not even recognising it as such.
She couldn't stop staring at the poster, trappped by the so familier scene, caught forever by the actors in front of her but the situation where she was concerned was all too real.

For years after, that poster stayed in her mind, a flashing beacon of wrongness and unfairness, frustration and anger. Even more so when she told him that what he was doing was wrong and illegal, and he just laughed his arrogent laugh, a laugh she had never noticed he had on first meeting him, or maybe she had just not recognised it for what it was. Smirking at her, eyes lighting up, thoroughly enjoying her look of astonished anger at his reaction.
She tried fighting back. She rang the police, she reached out to what she thought were the right people, you know, the ones that bragged at that time all over the telly about them being there to help abused women but it was all false. So little help was given it just exascerbated the problem, making him angry and therefore, more violent so in the end she stopped. She then tried kicking him out. This too was a disaster. He just let himself back in by either key or foot. On one occassion she had woken to a knife at her throat. she quit kicking him out at this point and instead just began to wish he would die. It had become more and more clear this was the only way it would end, in one of their deaths and at this rate, with being strangled, hit with bats and unknown drug overdose attempts in her coffee ( the violence took this shape when she had got physical back) it seemed clear to sofie the death would more than likely be hers. But she had children now so she wished more than ever that it would be him to die before he finally managed it on her.
For many years his favoourite trick was to wait until she fell asleep and then punch her in the side of the head. She had got into the habit, despite her claustrophobia, of sleeping with the quilt around her head, trying to protect her ears as it hurt so much getting caught there. It was from this cocooned position she did most of her most fervent wishing until she eventually fell into a fitful sleep each night for the next eighteen months.

It was a cold December day. Heating on, coffee steaming on the table, Sofie was enjoying some peace. Ross had gone out for an hour. Sofie loved these times when it was just her and the kids. No tension in the home, Just a relaxed ease, except the fearful undercurrent running beneath the surface, all dreading his return but non wanting to voice it and ruin the short bit of respite they had.
Many hours later Ross still hadn't returned. This wasn't unusual. Many nights, if he found some unsuspecting or uncaring female willing to put up with him he wouldn't bother to return home. Those were the nights Sofie loved best, although she still slept with the blanket pulled tight around her ears.
At half past eleven a car pulled up outside. Sofies immediate thought, from out of nowhere, was 'that's the police to tell me he's dead'. There was absolutely no reason she should have thought this but her gut told her she was right. Opening the door she found a policewomen in uniform and one without. Turns out she was a family liasion officer. Unbeknown on how she got there sofie found herself sat on the chair in the livingroom, tears sliding down her cheeks, unnoticed. She was shocked. Not that he was actually dead but that that she had, without doubt already known it the second she heard the car. She cried not because she was sad but because she felt guilt. Guilt that she had, quite literally, wished him to death.It turned out that he had stumbled into the road drunk. Firstly he was hit by a car that then secondly flung him in front of a bus. Sofie found it quite ironic that both drivers were female. She vowed she would let them know how vile and violent he was towards women lest their conscience be bothering them, until then though, she just looked forward to burying the b*****d.

© 2016 hcarson

Author's Note

based on true story, some bits changed and a lot left out but true non the less

My Review

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It seems all too easy for women to find themselves in this situation with no recourse and no power, even to be honest with themselves. I am sorry that Sofie went through everything that she did. I've never experienced anything like this myself, so it's difficult to understand why Sofie doesn't try to escape her situation. I actually do get it, but I think you have an opportunity to give the reader a window into that world. Take us a bit deeper into Sofie's brain. As a reader, I want to know why she doesn't leave after the first time it happens. I want to know how so many years of abuse can happen without anyone interfering, what is the world around her like? She assumes that this is what "all women" deal with, who are the women she knows in order to draw this conclusion? How often does she struggle with herself over what to do, and what does that internal dialogue sound like?

As you can see, I was left with many questions. I think that's a good sign, as your story made me think. I had a hard time identifying with Sofie's struggle, but I think if you can find a way to share her thoughts and motivations (dreams even, if she still has any after all this) then this will become a truly effective narrative. Two other quick opinions. First, I felt like the lapses in time were a bit arbitrary. What if you use or reference the same situation/thought/turn of phrase in each section, with small differences to give the impression of change over time? Second, I hated Ross from the start, so her guilt over his death distanced me further from Sofie. I think you would need to include some "good times" together for me to even begin to understand why she's not dancing in the streets, even if she feels that his death was her fault.

I know I threw a lot at you just now, please don't take it to mean that I hated your writing. I only see opportunity here, and I really do want to know more about what is going on in Sophie's mind. If you do a re-write, I wanna read it!

Posted 8 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

haha too true ;)

8 Years Ago

I think his tragic ending could make a good story don't you think?

8 Years Ago

ah yes now me and Dhimen have been talking about that, i think i'm going to add a chapter of 'what h.. read more


Sadly, we live in a world where of many abuses, yet none quite so tragic as those of abuse to women and children ... There is very little more humiliating than to be abused in front of others as an audience, and there is very little more painful to a child than to watch their mother being beaten and verbally abused ... Except, of course, if that abuse should find its way to them, and usually it does sooner or later ... A man who treats a woman this way is nothing more than a cowardly bully, no matter how big or tough he may seem on the exterior ... Your heart has penned to page a very poignant of the realities of a cruel world full of cruel men who need killing, though I do not advocate murder ... Karma is a wheel, and it will often seek the wicked out in unexpectedly running them over ... As per your most appropriate ending ... The most powerful aspect of this story is the reality of its truth as real life events ... A powerful write that sends a message to any woman or person who is enduring such needless affliction ...

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

thank you marvin, you are correct in what you say, especially about the children.although one thing .. read more
Its hard to know what to say to something such as this. I think some of the gaps that were mentioned below make a lot of sense. People who find themselves in a violent relationship often have not real idea how they ended up there. And as the brain gets more and more into survival mode, it gets harder to truly think and process. In other words, the gaps and time lapses are part of the story, not a short coming of it!

Also, think highlighting the shortfalls in the support offered is important. I believe most people think: you just go get help, leave and never see the person again.

I am very glad that you are safe.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

yes it was a horrid time but i learnt a lot from it and thats what is important i suppose :) all tur.. read more
And so another story filling truth. Yes! The damn b*****d died. I usually stay away from readings like these because I get too attached to the character and just want to take action. But this was a good story. I'm glad that the ending turned out how it did in real life hopefully. So yes, good job dear

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

yes he died but he never got hit by a bus..i kind of altered that detail as it had a more satisfying.. read more
I hated how this lady had to go through so much pain but what I did love is how you expressed the struggles of being born a woman, even if a woman is not abused in her lifetime we would never be free of the fear of being physically threatened be it being raped or even domestically abused. We always need to watch over our shoulder we can't travel safely at night..it always seems like we have to hide in the shadows and that we can't fight back no matter how hard we try because we are not physically strong enough..I loved this story because you expressed what it's like to be a woman so perfectly that I was like yes that is exactly how I feel...truly something to be reckoned with..people need to know what is going out there despite the " equal rights" illusion that we are all under.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

I meant to say did he really die but what!! 7 years? You sure have a lot will power ...oh my god..ms.. read more

8 Years Ago

your very right, i learnt a lot from my experiences an yes he did really die although not in the man.. read more

8 Years Ago

Yes quite a painful death to sentence cruel
I am really sorry for Sofie. I understand what she must have gone through, though I have only heard about all this. I understand how and why women feel trapped in abusive relationships. But I was also hoping that Ross would die! This story has a lot of potential. Do add more to Sofie's character, her background; Ross, her kids. What do they go through? How does their day to day life unfold? What I am curious about is how Sofie's kids will react - if she has daughters, will they also accept this violence as normal because they have seen their mother go through it, as Sofie accepted it because of her past or will they rebel? Will Sofie teach them, discuss with them why she did not leave earlier? There are a lot of questions that Sofie needs to introspect and find answers to. Needless to say, it's thought provoking.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

yes, there will be more to this at some point. it is based on true story so tring to keep it real wi.. read more
It seems all too easy for women to find themselves in this situation with no recourse and no power, even to be honest with themselves. I am sorry that Sofie went through everything that she did. I've never experienced anything like this myself, so it's difficult to understand why Sofie doesn't try to escape her situation. I actually do get it, but I think you have an opportunity to give the reader a window into that world. Take us a bit deeper into Sofie's brain. As a reader, I want to know why she doesn't leave after the first time it happens. I want to know how so many years of abuse can happen without anyone interfering, what is the world around her like? She assumes that this is what "all women" deal with, who are the women she knows in order to draw this conclusion? How often does she struggle with herself over what to do, and what does that internal dialogue sound like?

As you can see, I was left with many questions. I think that's a good sign, as your story made me think. I had a hard time identifying with Sofie's struggle, but I think if you can find a way to share her thoughts and motivations (dreams even, if she still has any after all this) then this will become a truly effective narrative. Two other quick opinions. First, I felt like the lapses in time were a bit arbitrary. What if you use or reference the same situation/thought/turn of phrase in each section, with small differences to give the impression of change over time? Second, I hated Ross from the start, so her guilt over his death distanced me further from Sofie. I think you would need to include some "good times" together for me to even begin to understand why she's not dancing in the streets, even if she feels that his death was her fault.

I know I threw a lot at you just now, please don't take it to mean that I hated your writing. I only see opportunity here, and I really do want to know more about what is going on in Sophie's mind. If you do a re-write, I wanna read it!

Posted 8 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

haha too true ;)

8 Years Ago

I think his tragic ending could make a good story don't you think?

8 Years Ago

ah yes now me and Dhimen have been talking about that, i think i'm going to add a chapter of 'what h.. read more
i can't believe how sofie went through such enormous domestic violence....hats off to her courage and will first of all... the way the relationship went on for so long is hard to take.... this was violence at its worst level... and as it was a true life story it gives more tragic feeling to the reader... but i respect Sophie for her courage to went on with life... this story was alive all the way... the ending was interesting and i guess this is what made the title of the story... great to see the two drivers were female and gave a twist in the tale... thank you for sharing this Helen.... full ratings....

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

aww thank you Dhimen, you are so lovely with your words and how you put them, you make a person feel.. read more
Inject Positivity

8 Years Ago

well i truly believe that if your struggle and experience can help just one person's life little bet.. read more

8 Years Ago

thank you iP, you are so very kind, your words always appreciated :)

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7 Reviews
Added on March 11, 2016
Last Updated on March 11, 2016



cardiff, barry, United Kingdom

I have an interest in writing short stories and poetry in some shape or form apparently since coming here! Being a mother of five means I have no end of inspiration! I'm an animal lover and have an Am.. more..


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