I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Please place your hand on the Bible.
I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth so help me God. You may be seated. Is there anything you
would like to tell the court today? I’ve got
a few confessions I would like to make…
I confess that I don’t
know how to show
emotions the way I’d
like to. I confess that
I love life no matter
how many times I
mutter ‘fml’ during
the day. I confess
that I’ve got these
amazing friends that
I would just about
anything for. I confess
that I don’t tell this
one special person
that I love him enough
times every day. I confess
that I can be a real
pain and that I might
shut my parents out
a little too often but
I really love them more
than words could ever
describe. I confess
that I’m a red-blooded
American and my blood
boils whenever someone
dares to say a cruel remark
about my country. I confess
that I sometimes forget
just who I am and I
have to break out some
old CDs and books and journals
and remind myself. I confess that
there’s this one amazing,
special, perfect person who
touched my life and I
would do anything to
see him one more time.
I confess that sometimes
when I feel hopeless
I whisper a prayer.
I confess that sometimes
I wish I was someone
else but then I realize
that would be too boring.
I confess that no matter
how depressed, angry,
angsty, bitchy, difficult
I can be I wouldn’t change
me for the world. I confess
that I love who I am.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
I have told you the truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth. Nothing further.
This is so nice ,i will tell you what i liked about your confessions..
I dont know how to show emotions when i would like to..
I love life though it gets bitchy most of the time
I have friends that I would do anything for them
I would tell this one special person that I loved him as many times..
I may be a real pain to my parents though i love them a lot
I confess there is one special amazing person who touched
my life and I would do anything to see him one more time
I confess no matter what i always loved the who I am
Lovely words ,lovely confessions..some I really liked a lot..
lovely write..
I would reccomend not playing up the words. This has a certain maturity about it that, if you were to play with the words, it might lose that charm. Lovely work again.
Live. Love. Write.
I'm 20 years old. I've been writing since I was 4.
Writing is more than just a hobby. It's my passion, my drug, my therapy and my life.
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