![]() Jrek CityA Chapter by House Of DreamsSomething about today wasn’t quite right. This was his first thought as he stepped out into the misty November morning. His little hut, or rather, shack, stood more than ten miles outside the city. He just wasn’t one for the hustle and bustle of the people. They were…unclean, some of them, loud, obnoxious, rude, and some were just downright mean, not that he wasn’t mean himself. Anyone that knew him would tell you in a heart beat to stay away from him. He was crazy, or as the people around here said, loco. Apparently no one believed in demons anymore. No one, except him and those that actually were loco; they seemed to be the only ones. As he looked up at the sky, he squinted. The sun was high up and, for a person with eyes close to being white like his, its rays hurt. Shading his eyes from the sun with his hand, he sighed. Today would be just another day, a day just like any other regular old market day.Sighing once more, he began his walk to town.
* * * * It was just before high noon when they arrived. It wasn’t really one of those high class cities like some of the ones they’d been to, but it would do. This was their first stop. “And exactly where are we again?” This was now Mayoko’s second time asking the same question. “Jrek City.” Unaki answered the same question once again. “Drake City?” “Jrek. J-r-e-k.” “Oh. So it’s Jrek City? Hmm. Odd name.” She looked around. This was unlike any city she had ever seen in her life. There were paintings on all the buildings with vulgar words painted under them. “Why are we here Kesaru?” “A former informant of mine lives here, somewhere.” Kesaru stopped in the middle of the street, and inclined her head up, her gaze traveling to the window of a hotel. Quickly, the blind that had been pulled back snapped shut. “Hmm.” It was more of a satisfied laugh than a curious one. “You don’t know where he lives?” Now that was odd. Kesaru usually had her facts together before deciding to do things. She did rash things, yes, but they were thought out rash things. “No, I don’t. But I know where he’s going to be this morning.” Mayoko and Unaki exchanged glances. Kesaru actually sounded, pleased, happy even. “Split up. Mayoko, take the east side, Unaki the west, I’ll take the north. We’re looking for a place called June-Bee.” “June-Bee?” “It’s a market place. Find a man there by the name of Ryosuke Dillapalada. He’s a demon with topaz colored eyes, so he shouldn’t be hard to miss. If you find him, tell him I’m looking for him. He shouldn’t give you any trouble, but if he does, kick his butt. Once you’ve done that, signal. Got it?” Unaki and Mayoko nodded. Everyone separated into the direction they’d been assigned.
* * * * The west side of Jrek City was exceedingly crowded. Never in all of her life, had she ever seen so many people at one time trying to get food. The marketplace, Pandora, apparently was the only one on the west side, which meant either Mayoko, or Kesaru, would find this Ryosuke character. Unaki exhaled slowly. That would be good. Now she could get out of this place. Turning, she didn’t notice as the unusual looking guy walking up the street passed by. She paid no attention whatsoever. “God, I hope one of them had luck finding this guy.” She wiped the sweat from her brow and walked away.
* * * * The east side was no better. Mayoko had long since given up hope. There were thousands of marketplaces on the east side. June-Bug Marketplace was on the east side, but no demon was there. She’d been here, staking out the entrance of the place for the past thirty minutes. She had seen neither hide nor hair of a demon, yet. Maybe Kesaru was off on her days. Maybe the name of the place was wrong. Who knew, maybe the guy was dead. She tsked. If this guy didn’t appear soon, she was going to forget about him and do something a little more exciting. Wait a minute…exciting. Guys love girls. All she had to do was get every guy here to notice her. If she could get them all into a group, then maybe, possibly, she could spot this Ryosuke? How to go about doing that? Think! Think! She couldn’t concentrate. Too much noise. Looking up, she was mystified by a gorgeous hunk of a man walking by. He entered a store up ahead, only to come out seconds later, and walk over to the June-Bug marketplace. Almost immediately, Mayoko sensed it. Something wasn’t right. The feel of the place had changed. Some massive amounts of energy were being emitted, but, from where were they coming? She searched the crowd with her eyes. Same people. The old humped back lady selling poppy seeds, the sleeping drunk sitting half up, half slumped beside a building, and…That guy! Jumping from her perch, she ran into the crowd after him. He was only a hundred feet ahead of her. “Exsisto existo meus phasmatis!” A fox, in silver flames, burst into the sky, unseen by the human eye, only to diminish just as quickly. Mayoko ran through the crowd, bumping into people, knocking some to the ground. She stopped, and looked around frantically. She couldn’t find him. He wasn’t in sight. She looked, left, right, in front, and behind. Nothing. “Mayoko! Mayoko!” Kesaru and Unaki were running towards her. Inhaling, she shook her head as they got closer. “I lost him.” “What?” “I lost him.” She said it loud enough so that they could hear. “At least you found him. He couldn’t have gone far.” Kesaru and Unaki looked around. They couldn’t see over the heads of the people. Searching, Kesaru found something that would work. Through the throng of people, she used her demonic nature to leap onto the covering of a vendor. Her eyes worked frantically. Nothing. “Crap,” she whispered. Time to get everyone’s attention. “People of Jrek City, hear me!” That worked. “I am looking for someone. His name is Ryosuke Dillapalada. Is he here?” No one answered. “Does anyone know where I might find him?” Once more there was no answer. They only stared at her as though she had lost her mind. Maybe she had. She leapt down, sighing once, as the people went back to what they were doing. “Think we’ll find him?” Unaki looked at her. “Hopefully.” “You seek out el loco Niño?“A gruff voice came from behind them, lowly. Turning, their eyes fell upon the man sitting on the ground. He was old, his beard long and graying. He only had one eye and was bonier than any lass would ever be called. “Who is el loco Niño?” “The one you speak of. Around here, that is what he is called. Claims he’s a demon hunter.” “And where does, el loco Niño, live?” Kesaru’s eyes had narrowed just a fraction. “Fifteen miles north, out of the city. Crazy, living out there in the desert. This here is desert enough, but to live in it by yourself, got to be crazy.” “Uh-huh. Thanks for the info.” Kesaru reached into her pocket and pulled out a small pouch. She tossed it to him. He caught it. She smiled as he opened it to look inside. Gasping, the old timer looked up to thank them, but they were already gone.
* * * * “So what did you give him,” Mayoko asked. They were at least five miles out of the city now. “Three hundred and ninety-seven dollars.” She answered as if it were an everyday figure. “Three hundred and ninety-seven dollars? You have got to be the most outlandish demon I have ever known.” It was one of Kesaru’s specialties. Many said that she had been raised around the poverty stricken humans and that was the reason she gave them money whenever they helped her. Some said she was half-human herself. Whatever the case, Kesaru seemed to like humans, the ones that couldn’t fend for themselves that is. “Yeah, well at least my name’s not el loco Niño.” She laughed as she continued walking, Unaki up ahead of them a little ways. “Kesaru? Is it true, what that old man said?” “About what?” “This guy we’re looking for, is he truly a demon hunter?” Silence surrounded them. Then, finally, Kesaru answered. “Yes.” “Christ! So why are we going to him?” Unaki had never spoken out against Kesaru. “Because he is the best informant I’ve got.” “Informant?” Something crossed Unaki’s face. “No! He wasn’t the reason for that.” “And how do you know that? For all we know, he was the one that got us caught!” Unaki stopped. She was now face to face with Kesaru. Mayoko stood off from them, watching helplessly. “He wasn’t. I know.” “How do you know that, huh? How?” “Well, we’ve been best friends since childhood.” They turned at the unexpected voice. Standing beside Mayoko, hand on her shoulder, was one of the sexiest demons they’d ever seen. He was talk, tan, with dark brown spiky hair, and topaz eyes. Although the temperature was slightly close to ninety-nine degrees, he was dressed in black leather pants and shirtless. His eyes meeting hers, he spoke. “Kesaru Kunikida. My, it’s been a long time, love.” His accent was Irish, and he was built like a Scottish Highlander. “Yes Ryosuke, it has.” Her eyes were connected with his. “Unaki, Mayoko, meet the man that has been my informant for more than seven years, Ryosuke Dillapalada.” “Informant? Was that all I was to you, love?” “Yes.” The way she said it made the act sound like a passing thought. She didn’t seem to care, nor did she show any emotion that she once did. Her eyes remained hollow, and he must have taken notice, because his demeanor changed. “So why are you here ladies?” “I need info.” “Too bad. I’m not in the business anymore.” “Doesn’t matter. I need info on the demon leaders who captured us, and you’re the only one who can get me that info.” “Not anymore. I’m out of the business. If I even tried to get info now, the Lords would know something was up.” “No they wouldn’t. That’s a lie. You and I both know that you still have clout with the figurehead of the information network. What was his name again? Orlando?” “Joseph, and he’s dead now.” Ryosuke turned from them. “You know I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t really and truly need you. You’re the best in the field, I won’t settle for seconds.” Kesaru almost sounded…sincere. Now that was weird. She was usually so laid back. In fact, just moments ago, she had been. What had happened? Mayoko and Unaki watched the two as Kesaru approached him. Her expression hadn’t changed, neither had her tone, but his had. For her this was impersonal, but for him… “If I do this for you…” he looked at her now, “I want something back in return.” “Name it.” “You. You still own me a dinner if I’m not mistaken, and I want it.” “Not happening. Name something else.” “You are hard to get along with, aren’t you?” Kesaru stared at him, lips pursed together to hold back her retort. “Fine. Second best to you…I want to be there when you take down Raikon.” “Deal.” “Good. I’ll meet you later with the info you want.” He walked away. With the wave of a hand, he walked away, leaving the three of them to watch his retreating form.© 2010 House Of DreamsAuthor's Note
Added on March 4, 2010 Last Updated on March 4, 2010 Author![]() House Of DreamsVA & NC, VAAboutMy name is Shaunta` (shawn-tay). I live between NC and VA. I am moving to NC soon, so that is a big step in life. Well, not really. See, I'm moving, back, to NC. I lived there for 3 yrs before I was .. more..Writing