A Poem by holyspirit1
life diagnosed with bipolar 
I look out the window and what do i see my wholelife passing before me, i load up the car and try to run, but where to i wonder what to birthdays no xmas no thanksgiving dinner no family get togethers for me for i am the dumb one they don't want around..there were names for a condition that no one understand not even the doctor he never said a word.. he gave it many names put in the end he says just take a pill..i take the pill and i look in the mirror and what do i see the same dumb one staring at me..i go through life wearing a smile to crack my crown..tears once stood on my cheeks are now long gone..i wear the mask of a pill with no family abandon me the day i was born to go through life lost and confused..i have wandered the streets wondering what i should do..i try to work and that doesnt help for the people know what i am and i still remain confused..names on my locker and stolen lunches..are all whats its about when they want to see me blow my fuse..its game i know well about i see it every morning and i hear it with a shout..i look around and i wonder if others feel the same as i do..i look at the heavens and i wonder why god is punishing me..i didnt do anything i just happen to be born..all of a sudden out of the wood work people are talking to me about god and his love and i wonder where he has been for the last 44 years..where was god when i was born with a condition with many names and to a family that hides behind shame..i am lost god what did i make you so angry that you would punish me a person lost and confused with a condition with no name..i have made a decision that i know will piss off a few..but god please go away and find another to sit in your day will come when i am old and grey and if i dont make it to heaven hey its ok..
© 2009 holyspirit1
Added on October 23, 2009