Untitled Chapter 1 (Acceptance)

Untitled Chapter 1 (Acceptance)

A Chapter by holly-maria

    “What do you call a deer with no eyes?” Amy asks me.
    Amelia Dalton is my best friend of all time. Yes, it’s weird, we have the same name. But we have different nicknames since Amelia is a bit out a mouthful. She’s Amy Dalton and I’m Lia Hart.
    We’d been connected at the hip since then, even though we’re almost exact opposites. She’s tall and sporty and strong rather than just skinny with pathetic excuses for muscles. She's a smoky eyed burnette with tanned skin and I'm a pale blonde with bright blue eyes. She wrestles with her cousins and older brother and plays softball, volleyball, and soccer rather than just doing Pilates and riding horses. She screams just because she feels like it. She doesn’t like ice in her drinks where as I fill my cup half full of ice. She likes coffee more than smoothies. But when you put us together, it’s like unleashing a hurricane of madness.
    “What?” I ask after a moment of thinking.
    “No eye deer.” She’d been snickering before, barely able to conceal her laughter, but now she bursts out laughing as she doubles over.
    “Dumbass.” I say, but laugh anyway, not at the joke, but at the way she’s cracking up at her own joke. But as I laugh, I notice a guy I’ve never seen before walk behind Amy.
    I’m sure I’ve never seen him before because I’m sure I wouldn’t have-- couldn’t have spotted someone that hot and then forgotten about them.
    He was tall and dark and handsome. When I say dark, I don’t mean his skin or his hair, but he carried a sort of dark energy that was everything but visible. A dark, dangerous energy. He looked like the classic bad boy--dark, messy, wavy hair, mysterious, icy blue eyes, jaw line…He had a slim, muscular build and his face couldn’t be described with any other word besides perfect. There are tattoos on his hands, wrapping around his arms, disappearing under the sleeve of his shirt and then reappearing again on his neck. They're aren't like any tattoos I've ever seen. They're almost like runes.
    He walks confidently, but something about the expression he wears, makes him look not exactly awkward, but like he’s never been here before. Not the way someone looks like when they transfer to a new school, but the way someone might look if they were visiting another planet, without really wanting to.
    The boy stops fifteen feet away from us and sits at a picnic bench.
    Not wanting to stare, I turn away and forget about him as I pay back attention to the group around me.
    Amy is now talking to the small ground of her friends that hang around with us. I can’t really says “my friends” because they aren’t anymore. Not Alyssa, who used to be one of my best friends in the seventh grade. Not Chelsie who I’ve known since the third grade. Not Charlotte or Selena who’ve jumped into our group of friends at the beginning of Freshmen year. Not even Kevin, who I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with. Not Raquel who had also been a very close friend of mine Freshmen year.
    I’d dumped Raquel, Kevin and Chelsie as friends at the beginning of the year, because Chelsie had just been a bad friend. Raquel had told the entire school that I’d been raped and gotten pregnant and then gotten an abortion. Kevin had been a real a*****e, but we still talk and laugh, even though I really would prefer not to talk to him.  And Alyssa, Charlotte and Selena, well, they can’t trust me anymore, even though they can still laugh and talk with me.
    I’m the girl who cried rape to a lot of people. To my almost-ex-friends, I’d insulted them by not telling them that it had happened. Furthermore, because after they’d confronted me about it and I’d apologized, I’d failed to them not only was I pregnant, but that I’d gotten an abortion.
    It’s funny how after knowing people for so long and caring about them for so long, you can just dump them--stop caring. And that may seem so unrealistic, but a lot of what had happened last year made me start to realize who I am.
    Sometimes I feel lonely without having as many close friends as I once had. Right now all I have is Amy. Not even my parents are here anymore. Mom killed herself, Dad‘s an alcoholic, and I’m stuck taking care of my troubled fifteen year old brother, Josh. Truth be told, I really don’t care about anyone else except for Amy and Josh. I find myself missing them sometimes, but I don’t need them anymore.
    I’m better off now, especially without them. There’s no stress, nothing. But there’s also rarely any fun unless it’s just me and Amy by ourselves.
    But I’m learning to accept that. I’ve just got accept my life the way it is. I’ve done it before with all that had happened last year and now I’m happy as can be.
    Hell, seeing that hot guy made me happier than can be.

© 2010 holly-maria

My Review

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Hmmm, sounds pretty good for a first chapter. Very interesting first sentence and nice shaping for the start. I like the many interesting "faces" (I guess is the word) of the narrator. It seems like a nice glimpse at past events.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 27, 2010
Last Updated on May 28, 2010
Tags: love, romance, drama, christian, darkness, shadows, God, Lord, angels



Pearl City, HI

16 year old living in pearl city hawaii. i'm a summer girl. i like things simple and i hate drama, even though it has its way of finding me. i'm moody during the winter because things are usually fall.. more..
