Session 3: Tech support notes from the missing file and mushroom soup case

Session 3: Tech support notes from the missing file and mushroom soup case

A Chapter by H.L. Cerveise

Session 3: Tech support notes from the missing file and mushroom soup case

“Hello this is Oisin. How may I help you?” Oisin says in his polite business voice.

“Hi Oisin, this is Sally. I have a really bad problem. I have lost an entire day of work.” She took another breath and continued. “Yesterday I made massive changes to the product cost sheets. However, right before he left at the end of the day Fred got into the file changed and deleted so much now all my work is gone.” Another pause for a breath then she continues. “I would have recovered it from last night's backup, but I knew that would be no good since it backed-up Fred's changes last night.”

“That is correct, Sally that would do you no good. However, do not worry since this file is on your server. We will be able to get the file you edited back.” He tells her as he gets on her computer. “I see you have the folder on the server opened already. I will let you recover the file so you can do it yourself next time this happens again. If you run into problems feel free to call me. Okay are you ready to start?” He asks just to make sure she is comfortable doing this.

“Yes, this will be good for me to learn.” Sally's voice sounds enthusiastic, which makes Oisin happy.

“Okay, the file you have selected is the one you want?”

“Yes” Sally sure sounds readying to go.

“Right click on the file. Now on this drop-down menu select “Restore Previous Versions” by left clicking on it.” He sees the correct windows coming up as she clicks her mouse. “Look at the list see the dates and times and left click once to select the one you want to restore. The file dated from yesterday with a time stamp of 3:35 pm could be yours. Does that sound right?”

“Oh, yes that would be about the time I saved it and exited out of Excel.” He could hear the excitement in her voice.

“Okay, now let me explain the options you have. The one is to open it; the second is to copy it to another location or finally restore it, which will replace the existing file. So if you want to get all your input back and erase the version Fred created, select restore.” He watched as she selected the restore option. She then clicked on it and opened the file.

“Yes, this is mine. Thank you so much, you saved all my work from yesterday. I have another problem maybe you can help me with. It's not a computer issue, is that okay?”

“Sure, I can try.” Oisin answered with a puzzled voice. “However, first I will email you the instructions for doing this again if needed.”

“That would be great. Now my problem. It's about Fred. He has not been looking good and seems to be losing weight. So I brought in mushroom soup for him to see if he would eat that. When I tried to give him a bowl of it, he turned away and mumbled about the mushrooms are screaming at me and almost ran into the doorway on his way out of the lunchroom. I even made it with almond and coconut milk since I know he is a vegetarian.”

“Oh, sorry Sally I think that might be my fault.” He thinks back to his last conversation with Fred. That was more than a week ago, not good. “Can you transfer me to him.”

“Sure and thanks for the help.” She said as she put him on hold.

“Hello, this is Fred” Fred's voice even sounded weak to Oisin.

“Fred, this is Oisin. Did you stop eating anything after our talk?”

“Yes, I have nothing left to eat.” His voice sounded sad and lost.

“Listen to me Fred, the mushroom is the fruit of the mycelium. It is the mycelium that communicates with other plants and itself not the mushroom. The same goes for fruits and nuts they are not thinking sentient beings it is what they grow that is.” Oisin hopes this will help convince him to eat something.

“Hum, okay. However, sentient beings can be grown from the fruits and nuts?” Fred's voice still sounds unconvinced.

“That is true; however, until they are planted and start growing they are not sentient.” Oisin decided he'd better take this even a little further. “If we planted all the possible nuts and seeds, we would upset the balance of life. So we have to eat them before they become sentient.”

“Oh, I never thought of it that way. So eating a pepper which is the fruit of the pepper plant would be okay also. Thank you Oisin, I am going to go and get some of Sally's mushroom soup I am starving!” Fred said hurriedly and hung up and left Oisin smiling and sitting in silence.

© 2017 H.L. Cerveise

Author's Note

H.L. Cerveise
The picture with this writing is of one of my crops of wine cap mushrooms. This is a six-pound harvest from a small bed measuring 3 ft by 6 ft of wood mulch. I have seen first-hand how mycelium does communicate, pluck one mushroom off a mushroom log and the rest stop growing.

Of course, there is also the very interesting story of the zombie ants and the fungi (mushroom) that controls them. See this link for more information:

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This story is wonderful. I must return and read again. You took me with you to places, strange places and create wild visions. You did your job as a writer. Thank you dear friend for sharing the amazing tale.

Posted 8 Years Ago

H.L. Cerveise

8 Years Ago

Thank you for reading and reviewing a chapter of this writing. I had and have a lot of fun writing .. read more
Coyote Poetry

8 Years Ago

I did enjoy and you are welcome my friend.
Don't bring up zombie ants, they're creepy as all get out. I learned about then in middle school and I hate them XD

Posted 8 Years Ago

H.L. Cerveise

8 Years Ago

LOL, like I say it's all fun and games until someone ends up with a mushroom growing out of their he.. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on July 29, 2016
Last Updated on July 27, 2017


H.L. Cerveise
H.L. Cerveise

Penn Yan, NY

I am a computer consultant and creative writer. I should also tell you a number of my writings are inspired by on-line encounters I have in virtual worlds of various natures. Often these worlds spill .. more..


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