

A Story by Haim Kadman

Chapter 22 of the thriller "The Imperative U-turn".


Chapter 22

A special meeting was convened at the FBI countrer intelligence division to deal with the outcome of the division’s number one job.

Well some six weeks have passed since we’ve sent him back, and we haven’t got a sign from him yet. He must have been interoggated, and I wonder whether he’s still alive...’ The division’s director opened up the session, and expressed openly his doubts in order to arouse his men comments.

They’ve surely confiscated the passport, which their embassy has supplied him with; but we had better wait some additional three months sir, before reaching a conclusion.’

Who else wishes to add his views?’ Jeff Branen the division’s head asked his men, the heads of his division’s units; expecting to hear some practical ides, how to deal with their current problem.

If you’ll allow me sir I wish to add a few words...’

Go ahead John,’ the division’s head encouraged one of the new appointed men as a unit head in his division.

Well sir if the Russian agent isn’t dead he’s surely rotting in one of Lubianka’s dungeons. In any case he did supposedly his job...’

We did it what he was supposed to do seemingly. and one of Harris security men was hit; and we sent the Russian back home after a stirct briefing.’

But if he’s dead sir?’ Another one among the units’ heads called out.

They might send another hitman to bump off Harris, and it might trigger a bloody rebelion...’

That’s what I believe and we’re all concerned about it,’ the division’s head remarked with a clear hint of annoyance, and after a second or two he went on: ‘I don’t believe that they’ll use him again with the passport, which we supplied him with; I think that if they’ll send another one he’ll use a different passport with a different identity of course, and they might send him at the first stage to Mexico or even to South America.’

So we’ll have to keep an eye on our airports sir.’

That’s right but he might sneak in without landing in one of our airports’, we’ll have to keep scanning all our airports and borders’ crissings during the next three months at least… But the best means of precaution would be to strengthen the security round our vice president.’

Do you really believe sir that they’re so eagre to bump Harris off, and why?’

Because she’s the one that counts, and not our president.’

@ Haim Kadman 2020 �" all rights riserved.

© 2021 Haim Kadman

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I rather like your writing style. Your chapters seem quite abrupt, however. I wish they were more meaty and longer. I was attempting to organize some reading of them but it seems parts are missing or can't be pulled up on this site. I read quite a bit of spy/thriller books and a few of my favorite writers are Nelson DeMille and Tom Clancy. Best of luck with you literary endeavors. F.

Posted 1 Year Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 10, 2021
Last Updated on March 10, 2021
Tags: Suspense, intelligence, meeting, espionage, mission, briefing


Haim Kadman
Haim Kadman

Petach-Tikva, Israel

Profile: A few words about myself: being a native of a small country whose waist is seventeen kilometers wide in a certain area; and in seven to eight hours drive one can cross its length, I was amaze.. more..

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A Story by Haim Kadman