![]() The Story Of A Girl Named FlameA Story by Hitops and Comics![]() I wrote this two years ago so enjoy the book that was my first novel.![]() FLAME ONE Flame felt as though her head had just hit the pillow when she was jolted awake by the sound of gunshot. She was out of bed in a minute, adrenalin flowing through her veins filling her as she flew down the stairs. Flame was at the entryway in an instant, throwing open the door with a BANG! Flame looked out and saw six shadowy figures running down the street out of town. Flame ran out the door to follow the figures, but before flame could get vary far she saw him. He was only a few feet away from her and he was bloody, very bloody. Flame rushed over to him and dropped on her knees beside him. She leaned over the boy her ear to his chest listening for a breath. To her relief the boy was breathing, but his pulse was erratic, and he was loosing blood quickly. Flame looked for an entry point for the bullet she had heard, but there was none. All of the blood was exiting from knife wounds or skin broken under the force of a punch or a kick. Flame quickly glanced around to see where the bullet had landed as she ripped up the bottom of her long night shirt. Flame found the bullet in a moment, a slight silvery glint in the early morning’s darkness. The bullet was sitting in a small pool of water an inch from the boy’s head. Flame needed to get the boy inside before he died lying in the street. Flame ran inside and headed strait back up the stairs to the room directly across from her own. “Brick!” Flame yelled waking him up as she dragging him out of his bead. Flame didn’t have time to explain she just ran back down the stairs again as Brick stood, the boy was loosing blood too quickly, she had to get back down there. Brick was on her heals wondering what had excited her, but he knew better than to ask. Then he was there, and he saw the boy. Without needing a word from Flame Brick scooped up the limp body and carried it to the back of the garage, to the spare room. When Flame switched on the light to the room, she saw just how pail the boy was as Brick put the boy down on the bed. “Brick, get the first-aid kit and water,” Flame said ripping off what was left of the boy’s shirt. The blood on it was starting to turn black. Flame threw the soiled shirt on the floor and as she did so she noticed the boy’s thin, strong, frame that had been hidden beneath the baggie shirt. Brick was back in a moment the first-aid kit in hand. He handed the case to Flame who pulled out the hydrogen peroxide and poured it over a rag. Flame took the drenched rag and started cleaning out the deep gashes. She didn’t have to worry about it stinging, the boy was out cold. Flame began in the areas that were loosing the most blood and worked her way to the scratches and burses. This whole process took four hours and by the time that Flame was finished the sun was out and shining to announce another summer morning. As flame reached the end of her labor she notice two broken bones. One was an upper right rib and the other was the lower left arm bone. Flame could feel the bone already beginning to mend itself. And then a sense of dread filled her. Flame lifted the boy’s right arm and just before she could look she heard Brick at the room’s door, behind her. “How's it going?” he asked, his tall, tan, muscular, build taking up most of the doorframe he was leaning against. Flame put the boy’s arm back down on the bed and turned toward Brick. “Remember the time the Bulwaluk pulled you behind him for three miles?” Flame asked looking at Brick, Her face had contorted itself into a grimace but her eyes showing the slightest gleam of a smile at the memory. “Of course I do,” Brick said “How could I forget? I still have the scars on my arms and back,” his ice blue, eyes smiling back at her deep green ones. “This is a little worse,” Flame said. “I thought you said that I had nothing worry about,” Brick said looking at the condition of the boy. “I lied.” Flame said pushing her hair off her face. “I wasn’t sure you would live,” she said as she was brushing the kids face with a cool cloth wiping away the final flecks of blood. “In fact, it was caring for you that taught me how to care for him now.” “You what!” demanded Brick. “ You did lived through it and now you’re stronger than before, so stop whining,” said Flame. Brick just shook his head and turned to leave the room. Flame was the most confusing person on the planet. According to her instead of him being fine like she had told him he had almost died. She baffled him. Why would she have done that? Just as Brick was out of the room, Flame’s voice pulled him back. “Brick, look at this,” Flame said worry crossing her face as she healed up the boy’s hand so Brick could see. Brick saw that there was something like a tattoo, but not quite, it was jagged like a lightning bolt the edges sharp. This wouldn’t have caused him to be surprised except that A: It was the same as Flame’s and B: It was glowing a light blue color. “It's the same,” Brick said. “I know it’s the same but how a…” Flame gasped and grasped her right wrist with her left hand as the pain struck, and her wrist began to glow. Then all of a sudden the pain was gone and all that remained was the ominous glow, a reddish tint around Flame’s wrist. “What was that?” Brick asked as the glow finally faded out. “I-I don’t know,” Flame said. “Flame if it… Do you think it could mean…” Brick was cut off by Flame at this point. “No, it just doesn’t,” Flame said as she left the room. “Watch him.” Once in the hall, Flame Picked up the old phone that hung on the wall, it was covered with dust from lack of use. She dialed an old number. It had been about a year since she had used this number. Flame wondered why she hadn’t tried to call them more often. It would make days like these so much less awkward. Not that Flame normally had days like this. “Hello?” A voice said light, and cherry on the other side of the line as JJ answered. “JJ,” Flame said. “Flame? It can’t be you we figured you had lost our number, that or you were avoiding us,” JJ said. “I know, sorry. The garage has been really busy.” After that there was an uncomfortable silence until Flame said, “Listen, do you and Zeek still have your bikes?” Flame asked herself if this was the right thing to do but she knew that if it is what she thought, she knew it was just the beginning and she would need them. “Yeah they’ve been sitting around for a while but they still work,” Said JJ. “Why?” “I don’t really know,” Flame said. “Can you come?” What was she supposed to say that a boy with a glowing wrist had shown up and it meant trouble? No, that seemed crazy to her and she was living it. “Of course we’ll come. We’ll leave tonight,” JJ said. “Thanks,” Flame said, and she hung up the phone. She still had to call one more person. She got his voicemail again. This was the third time this year that she had tried to call him. She wondered why he had a phone if he would never answer it, “Leo it’s me. Please pick up,” She waited a minute but noting happened. “Fine, Just call me back. There’s something going on and you should be here with the rest of us,” that’s all she said after that she just hung up. If only she had known what was happening to Leo at that moment. Flame walked over to the kitchen and pulled out a tray and started making some breakfast for the boy. She figured that he would be up soon with his amazingly fast healing pace. So at this point it would probably be appropriate for the author of this book to explain about Flame and her friends. Flame is a sixteen year old girl with short red hair and deep green eyes and she can create, maintain, and manipulate fire. Flame is the leader of a group of kids. Kids that she had come to see as closer to her than family. Brick is the only person in the group that is older than flame. Brick is seventeen and he is Flame’s right hand man. You probably wonder why Brick would let Flame, a girl and a younger person lead. Well the fact is that she beat him. They had a contest just as they had met to decide who would make the decisions and Flame had won. The other members of this little brigade are; Leo a thirteen year old boy with white hair and gray eyes and if you were to hand him a weapon then in ten seconds he would be able to use it; JJ is also thirteen and he has brown hair and brown eyes and he just likes to make things go BOOM!; Then finally there is Zeek. Zeek is fifteen has black hair with natural dark blue streaks. Zeek really likes guns and knows how to use over two-hundred different guns. “The kid's up,” Brick said poking his head into the kitchen. “Okay. I'm coming,” Flame said grabbing the tray and going into the boy’s room. “Where am I?” asked the boy as Flame walked into the room. Flame cut off the boy before he could say anything else. “Hold on, eat this then tell me who you are,” said Flame putting the tray down. “And then I’ll tell you about me.” “My name is James,” Said the boy in between mouthfuls of food, “So who are you?” asked James with enfaces, noticing her bright red hair a short, plain, black dress that was cut at the side to show her jeans underneath and to allow free movement, a bright red shirt under the dress, and a red belt that went around the waist of the dress. “I'm Flame, and this is Brick. You're at my garage,” said Flames “So you’re like a mechanic?” James asked. “I prefer the term vehicle specialist,” Flame said then asked, “Do you remember what happened at all last night?” “Yeah, I got beat up by a gang,” James said rubbing the back of his head where it had hit the ground. “Do you know who attacked you? Or why someone would want to attack you?” Flame asked. “No,” James said. “I fought because they attacked me. I didn’t get a chance to see their faces. The only thing I saw was a ring. It looked like a viper.” “You
fought a team of vipers? And lived? You're going to think this is beyond crazy,
but I saw the birthmark on your wrist and well it started to glow, and so the
question is, can you control fire?” Flame asked as she |