![]() Chapter 7A Chapter by Courtney ElizabethI wake up to my parents fighting, again. They fought a lot, actually. I was used to it. This time, though, It sounded like it was getting a little out of hand. All I could hear was screaming, crashing of beer bottles, and then the last, slamming of the front door as one of them left. I went to the top of the staris and peered down them. I could see right into the nasty kitchen, where Mother was standing. I examined her. Her left eye was bulgy, her top lip was cut a little with a littleblood coming out of it, and her hair was all rustled. I covered my mouth as I looked at her in despair. I knew right the that father was drunk. He would never hurt a girl. I was still standing at the top of the stairs when Mother turned around and faced me. I caught her by surprised and she stopped in her steps. She looked at me. I could see in her eyes, pain, sorrow, and one little tear glistening in what little light we had. I instantly ran back upstairs to my little, empty room. I'm not sur ewhy but it seems like when ever I'm in there, I feel alone, deressed, and empty inside. Since I spent most of my time in my room, I had those feelings a lot outside of it, too. I lie on my mattress and cry. Not knowing what to do, I act like my boy friend,and act like nothing ever happened. I change into my school clothes. The same thing I wore the day of the little incident with my boy friend and I, considering that was the only school clothes I owned. I was all dressed and had my back pack over my shoulder. I headed down the narrow stairs and into the kitchen, which was still a complete disaster. I looked over into the living room. Mother was there, sittng on the couch, doing nothing. When she could clearly be cleaning upher and Father's mess. I stand there looking at her for a couple seconds, sniffle a little,then walk towards the door. " I know you're right there, you know." Mother says, as I walk closer to the door. " I know." Is all I say before i open the door and slam it shut behind me without one more word. © 2009 Courtney Elizabeth |
Added on November 7, 2009 AuthorCourtney ElizabethSome Where Knew All The Time :'(, MEAboutThe names Courtney. I love writing. Its like my passion. Along with basketball. But my world is all about my best friends. Blake, your amazing. i love how your always here for me when im in a tough si.. more..Writing