As I stand there in the pouring rain talking to him. My eyes red with tears. My face wet the rain. I tell him about the trouble I had with my mother about the last night. As I'm explaining I think to myself about us, and everything we could and should be. I also think to myself if I should really stay with him. I tell him my feelings. He sighs. I can here the sad and depression in his voice when he tells me he's sorry. Which sadly, makes more tears fall down my already wet face. I think to myself, " Am I ever going to get to see him again? " I feel more tears run down my face as I tell that I might have to say goodbye, again. I also, tell him how much I love him. How I had just got him back and do not want to loose him again. He tells me he agrees. As I say I have to go I add in more tears of goodbye. I still hear the sadness in his pure voice as he says "I Love You." I'm off the phone at this point. I think to myself that I am right. Everything always seems to come back to me. I was not forced that night before to do what I did. As the others blame themselves along with other people, I blame only me. I can't help but think the guilt and pain I felt the day of the death of my dear friend. Now this. I caused myself and the one I love so much pain. As a few more tears come down my face, I'm thinking to myself. The worst part is, I can't even take it all back.