Ohh another charmer and blazing words..
i am gasping and longing..words could never tell,or enough
rain was not of use to water those withering flowers
bent in maddening pain,how i need to feel you
like i am mad want to be near you
those snakes ,burning tears
its their time the come
as i wither away
what lovely though sad ,but sadness brought all the magic with it
lovely write..
Ohh another charmer and blazing words..
i am gasping and longing..words could never tell,or enough
rain was not of use to water those withering flowers
bent in maddening pain,how i need to feel you
like i am mad want to be near you
those snakes ,burning tears
its their time the come
as i wither away
what lovely though sad ,but sadness brought all the magic with it
lovely write..
“A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” - Oscar Wilde
Feel free to check out my first publis.. more..