To the one...

To the one...

A Poem by hildaarlette

To the one I thought would be different,

You’re not. You are just like everybody else. You sing such pretty songs and make them sound like a wizard’s spell. The curse has been broken and rose-colored glasses have fallen off. I see the true meaning of your demeanors and none of them involve me in them. You played me like a golden fiddle but at least it carried a nice tune. But I refuse to sit and wallow because I don’t deserve to. I know my worth therefore your presences is repulsive. It is unkind, unwanted, and unneeded.

You are worse than the Greek god Janus. His two faces served a greater purpose and became a gateway. You have them because you can’t face your true self and need to hide from reality. It is not my job to make you feel like the man you are not ready to be. Don’t misunderstand what I am trying to say. I believe you are a good person somewhere deep inside, you just don’t make the best decisions and hurt the ones by your side.

Your words are all very kind, but that’s all they are. Words. They are meaningless and easy to fall in love with. And for a time, I fell for them. I’ve grown out of it and out grown you. I refuse to have fantasies that build false hope. I am emotionally uncommitted and disconnected. I hope you accomplish all your biggest dreams, but this is goodbye to this “relationship”.

From the one who refuses to hurt anymore.

© 2021 hildaarlette

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Added on January 26, 2021
Last Updated on January 26, 2021
Tags: #breakup, #healing, #relationship