I absolutely love this! Personally I find the creativeness sublime. What talent to take a little can that has sat in so many lives and give it voice. The can that has held the quill of the poet who with never a thought to this faitful conveyance spills the blood of their heart across paper then callously drops the spent scribe int it.
"In a world where cans come to life...rated R..."
In all seriousness, I liked this. It was clever and light-hearted; kind of like a Disney/Pixar movie, without the asinine celebrity voice-actors (or the $150 million budget).
Also, it reminds me of an old coffee can that a friend of mine once filled with homemade napalm. I miss being fifteen...
Every day objects we take for granted to throw away can provide much beauty and heart. Like the can...might be a clever metaphor or maybe I am reading too much into it, but anyways great poem
Wonderful! Such a cleverness of lines, of thoughts, of art in more than one form. This is how it is, too .. the small almost invisible this and that, part of a person's collection of rubbed-off items and happenings.. how it is, taking on the minor bits and pieces