Valley of shadow and doubt

Valley of shadow and doubt

A Poem by Muse

Playing with the ten-syllable word count again.



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I saw thousands upon thousands of souls.


A guillotine was our only parole.


We were in line because of no way out.


"Lord your will shall be done!" we cry and shout.


In this hour we become martyrs and saints.


The weak of heart prayed, and then we would faint.

We shook

and whimpered

before we died.


Faithful believers, piled up like the tide.


The rapture came a day too late for us.


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Being judged by a dark world made church-less.


One by one

large blades severed our voices.


I was here...

because of Godly choices.




© 2014 Muse

Author's Note

I felt compelled to write about a dream I had a few months back. My subconscience is often plagued with religious fear that was often engrained into me as a child. I will confess to believing in God. But why do I fear? Perhaps that was the purpose of this vision "dream" shake me during a moment of doubt. I say vision because this is not the first...I doubt it will be the last....meaning it's nolonger a dream when it comes to past.

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Featured Review

dreams can be great structures for writes, if you can wrangle them. There's clarity in some form of mystical allegory, but not for the conscious wakening. As subconsciously inspired as this was, you've crafted it into a solid prose that serves to illustrate to it's readers.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


Being judged by a dark world made church-less.
One by one
large blades severed our voices.
I was here...
because of Godly choices.

I must just say Wow! to these words, This is one amazing write here,
so much rawness and such talent.

Posted 3 Years Ago

great write muse but i don`t believe it`s the mark of the beast but a forerunner on how we will obey,according to nasa the planet x or wormwood will hit 4,13,29 that means the trib will start in 25

Posted 3 Years Ago


3 Years Ago

aand god has spoken to me in a audible voice three times

3 Years Ago

David Flynn past away a few years back from a brain tumor at a young age. I'm not sure if his site s.. read more

3 Years Ago

I used to have that fear too. Fear of burning in hell. Then I read psalms ch 37. I feel better now.

Posted 3 Years Ago


3 Years Ago

the millennial reign is for a 1000 years btw

3 Years Ago

Not true. Read psalms 37:11 and psalms 37:29


3 Years Ago

The Millennial reign is when peace is restored to the earth. Psalms 37:29 doesn't not refer to prese.. read more
I felt like I was somewhere old. Maybe another life of yours. I guess I liked that..

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This must have been a vivid and scary dream. I find dreams a very good starting place for a good write. Sometimes dreams are premonitions of things to come. In this, I envision a gray world where this inspiration comes from. I can feel faithfulness, martyrdom and in some cases, hopeless acceptability, frozen in footsteps not knowing if one should run, knowing the inevitability of following the masses. And I see the inevitable future when this country outlaws God and religion. Atheism is becoming the new national conscience, growing in membership daily. I find this write and your dream very orwellian. Creative genius. Oh, by the way...I count syllables all the time when I write...but I'm OCD too.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Interesting But also Freighting I don't have dreams like this.

but when I was lost I had dreams of Hell and many Nightmares it was horrible

I was pushed into religion but I have learned it is Jesus and many are Worshiping
Their Religion and not the one true Tangible Beautiful Savior that Jesus is I cry in tear up when
I say that because his name so beautiful and POWERFUL gives you peace just to say it.

Many broke away from Catholic Religion it always
Frightened me and I have learned all it was, was
religion but my grandpa it was Jesus for him I always
said my prayers at night before bed as a child and asked
god to forgive me if I did something wrong but always thanked
him first for what he has done for me it is why my Inspiration
an glory goes to him it is all him.

God could be Warning you but Religion is
what the Devil wants us to worship and be in
a church that doesn't worship Jesus and that doesn't
teach god True word from the bible as Man try's
to change it so much they will get Punished for that
sadly many don't know we are not to change any of God's
words is why I am very careful when I write a poem that
was Inspired from a scripture to not change what it should be.

But he knows their Hearts so if they don't know he Judges
by what we know and if our heart is Sincere in what
we do in it is right not in our eyes but his eyes.

The Devil Feeds one fear and we can only fear , fear it self
and the devil was in control of dreams the most beautiful
Angel in heaven but I think you know that he makes us suffer
if he knows our fears he can us that he walks around like a
Roaring Lion to see who he can Devour and I believe this is Directed
towards Christians.

Thank you for this interesting piece and your lovely review and comment.

I will keep you in my prayers when we have scary images or thoughts
at any time even negative thoughts like depression it is the devil many
are unaware of that sadly.

Blessings. kindred poet

Posted 10 Years Ago's why I've longed admired you, Muse...Brilliant...Genius...aren't adjectives to describe how you've always wrote on a high level...I love it...being Catholic...of at least raised as astonishes me now how societal norms changed to ones that is Godless...we are left in an after thought to be slaughtered for so called old with their heads. Mesmerizing write invoked in 10 lines. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Babe Roxx

10 Years Ago

Me full of myself? Hmmm naaah Hmmmm Maybe Hmmm Okay I'm full of myself. Full of Passion!(glitter fal.. read more

10 Years Ago

And don't forget the locust with the stingers.

lol glitter suits you.

Thi.. read more
Babe Roxx

10 Years Ago

I know Random...isn't it wild. :)

Hey, maybe Revelations needs glitter. :)-
Oddly enough, I pictured accused witches being led to execution here, images of a corrupt church, Giles Corey under the stones and such, while reading this. As if it was a case of the church betraying its own kind and becoming godless, or at least that's what came to mind.

I like that image of the winged guillotine. And then a lot of odd guillotine images and thoughts came to mind, lol. Very provocative, as always, Muse.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

I commented on Everett's review, I think that's the real reason for my spiritual turmoil.

10 Years Ago

Mmm. My family is Catholic by descent, but we divorced ourselves from the church years ago. I think .. read more

10 Years Ago

Amen to that.
Religious conflict, religious's something that has been effecting me a lot lately. It's something I write a lot about too. This is an amazing poem where you have described the horrors of approaching death in mass murder with emotions. Great work!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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39 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on April 1, 2013
Last Updated on June 24, 2014
Tags: faith, religion, persecution, martyrs, saints, revelation, bible, fear, death, life, heaven, hell, inspiration, dreams, nightmares, family





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A Poem by Muse