Same soul romance

Same soul romance

A Story by Plagued Monumentally

    Chi grabbed her maroon colored brush and dragged it through her blonde hair with roots that looked to be brown. Once she was finished, she ran her hand down her hair to feel the softness of it. 

    "Come to bed, babe," said a soft voice that belonged to her girlfriend, Cybelia. 
    Chi put the brush down on the glass table and looked over at her, smiling. Her face glowing with just one simple look at Cybelia's face. 

    Even though Cybelia was half asleep, and her brown hair probably had knots in it, she was still beautiful in this midnight hour. Her cheeks were flushed from what Chi could see from the bedside lamp. Her eyes were open to slits, but even from there she could see her radiant blue frosty eyes. The way they danced when she laughed at her jokes made Chi warm inside. Whenever she looked into her charming blue eyes, she will always be reminded how lucky she is.

    Chi got up from the chair and walked over to the bed, taking off her sweater, revealing a white satin night gown that came to about her thighs. Through her dark brown eyes she saw Cybelia smile.

    "How can it be-" Cybelia twisted her body to look at the nightstand where the digital clock was placed in the middle of it, "-1:30 in the morning but you still look as good as you did this afternoon?" 

    "I was about to say the same to you," Chi smiled and crawled into bed, shuffling over so that there was only a couple inches of space between the two of their bodies. 

    Cybelia's warm hand sneaked over and placed it on top of Chi's. They intertwined their fingers, the smile never washing away from their faces. "You do know that you have to face Kalliope sometime. You can't keep running from her." 

    "I don't want to leave you. We're safe here, for now." Chi gave Cybelia's hand a little squeeze.

    "She'll find you." 

    "You sound so sure of yourself." Chi turned to look over at her,  her head sinking into the pillow. 

    There was a gleam in Cybelia's eyes that shouldn't of been there. It took Chi a couple seconds to realize that she was crying. 

    Chi shot up and reached her hand over to wipe the tears away. "Whats the matter? I'll be okay." 

    "You don't understand the things that she'll make you do. I was lucky enough to escape her. She'll tear you down, she'll kill everyone and anything to get what she wants. She looks innocent, but her heart is as black as her eyes. Theres nothing more she likes than to watch people suffer. You can't stop the things you do, and if you do, you'll be another prisoner to rot in hell." The words flew out of her mouth in a moment of grieve. 

    Chi sighed. "I know what you went through was tough. But thats why I'm here now, so I don't have to go through that. If she ever found out we're together and where we are, she'll have both our heads." 

    "Do you think this is all worth it?" Cybelia turned her head to look at Chi, her eyes searching Chi's for the answers she wants. 

    Chi's eyebrows came together, "what do you mean?" 

    "This, us. Are you sure that its worth going against Kalliope?" 

    Chi moved her hand from the bed, to her cheek and ran thumb up and down in a soothing motion, then bent down and kisses her dry lips, giving them instant moisture. 

    Cybelia reached her hand up and rested it on the back of Chi's neck, deepening the kiss.

    Chi pulled away from her lips, the breaths of Cybelia warmed up Chi's lips. "Yes, its worth it. And we aren't against Kalliope. We're...not against anyone."

    Cybelia starred into her eyes for a moment and nodded.

    Chi pressed her lips against Cybelia's again, and moved so she was on top of her, her legs straddling her hips. 

    "Everything I do with you is worth it." Chi whispered.

Click here for an extended version of this writing

Warning: mature content


© 2011 Plagued Monumentally

Author's Note

Plagued Monumentally
For those of you who don't know, and for those of you who already do, Chi is a slave in my book "Unholy Confessions". Like Kizira, who got her own story (Sins of Yesterday), you will get a little insight to Chi's character and who she is. Yes, she is a lesbian. I thought that would be a great addition to the book itself. If you haven't read my book and have no idea who Kalliope is, she is basically the creator of the institution they are all in.

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A powerful erotic tale. I like the way you started the story. The brushing of the hair gave real life feel to the story. I like the conversation of the two people. Thank you for sharing this excellent story.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Thanks for sharing this. Keep up the great work.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Like everyone else has said I did notice this flowed really well. Until I read your note I was going to say it doesn't seem to be a complete story and that you should add to it but obviously you have lol...other than that I noticed a few grammatical errors but nothing crazy.

For example in this line "If she ever found out we're together and where we are, she'll have both our heads." you seem to change tenses a bit. Instead of she'll it should be she'd to stay in the past tense or if you want to stay in the present then leave she'll and change found to finds.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Very poetic. the words flow, they glide through the sentence beautifully. You'd have to be mad to not like this piece.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Pro-ba-blay should have read the book before this story so I'd have a better idea of what's going on and who the characters are... butm too little too late. So going off by just this, I thought it was interesting. The emotions and dialogue are well written and expressed

Posted 13 Years Ago

the whole way it moves is perfect you have a really good sense of pace once is key in story telling my friend.
Great read and it ends perfect as the two characters sense the storm great work

Posted 13 Years Ago

Great write, and i agree with most!! I love the side stories for the characters that you can relate to them more, it was a great idea!! Great job!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I agree with most reviews - it is interesting and sweet!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Extremely interesting and excellent write.

Posted 13 Years Ago


Posted 13 Years Ago

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15 Reviews
Added on August 18, 2011
Last Updated on August 18, 2011


Plagued Monumentally
Plagued Monumentally


So it's been a couple years since I've been on this site, and lots has changed. Most of my writing is between two to three years difference to the stuff I'm writing now. Please pay attention to the di.. more..


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