Channon & Valerius - Anxiety kills

Channon & Valerius - Anxiety kills

A Chapter by Plagued Monumentally

Channon is Kyero's mother, and Valerius is Medea's father. If you haven't read my previous chapters, then this might confuse you a little bit.


    Channon didn't like driving home in the dark. She could see barely anything through the passenger side windows. Her headlights were growing dull, and there was nobody in front of her or behind her. Tonight would be quiet.

    When Channon pulled up in front of her house, and thats when she saw a mysterious figure waiting on the porch steps. The headlights were shining on the garage door, so she couldn't see the person.

    She was hesitant to get out of the car. She didn't know who the person was, and didn't know what the stranger wanted. Surely if it wasn't something important, then they wouldn't be waiting. 

   Channon opened her door and locked her car after she closed it. She knew that the stranger couldn't be so stupid to hurt her with a bunch of houses surrounding them. If she screamed, someone was bound to hear it and help her.

    As she got closer, the moonlight hit the strangers face and she recognized him immediately.

    It was Valerius, Medea's father. 

    "Valerius," she said with a nod, "what are you doing here?" 

    "I got a phone call from Medea saying that she was here. When I knocked a couple times, there was no answer. So I decided to wait for someone to show."

    "And why would your daughter be here?" Channon fingered the loop of her car keys, and kept a firm hold on her purse.

    "My guess is as good as yours," he replied.

    "I wasn't even aware that my son and your daughter knew each other."

    "Neither did I," Valerius looked at her curiously. 

    "I'll see if Medea is here. You can come in if you'd like." Channon walked around him and quickly up the steps to the door and unlocked it all in under 20 seconds.

    She looked around, but all she saw was darkness. There weren't any signs of lights on in the house, and it was dead quiet. "Kyero? Are you here?" She called out, and got nothing in return.

    She waited a couple more seconds, but no reply. 

    Valerius came up beside her and stood there, his hands in his pockets. 

    Channon jogged towards the stairs and ran up them, walking towards her son's room. She knocked a couple times, but still no answer.

    She opened the door and was welcomed by emptiness. There was no Kyero or Medea in his bedroom. 

    Valerius entered the bedroom as well, and sighed. "She isn't here, is she?" 

    "No. Neither is Kyero," she looked down and sighed as well. "Maybe hes at a friends house. Maybe Medea is too." 

    "Maybe. But if she was, then why did I get a phone call from her saying that she was here?" Valerius raised an eyebrow in wonder.

    "I'm not sure." Channon brought her hand up to her mouth, and chewed on her fingernails. Kyero would of called her if he was staying somewhere. And at this hour, he should of been home by now.

    She always hated it when she jumped to bad conclusions. They only made her worried.

    "Ahhh. You both are here, good." Said a soft voice coming from the doorway. 

    Valerius and Channon both turned to look at who it was at the same time. There were two figures standing there. One was tall, wearing a tight dark dress, and when the moonlight hit her face, Channon saw that she was extremely beautiful. 

    The other figure was a little shorter than her, and definitely male. He short black hair, and a dirty look about him. He had sharp angular features that appealed to Channon. 

    "Who are you?" Valerious said, defensively. He was standing with his arms by his side, fist clenched and feet planted firmly on the ground. 

    "My name is Kalliope. And this is my brother, Maddoc. We're here to take you to your children. And if you cooperate, we might decide to keep you alive for a little longer. We can do this the hard way, or we can do this the easy way." Her voice was really soft, but at the same time threatening. 

    "And if I were you, I'd pick the easy way. We don't want to come out of this with any broken bones." Maddoc said after his sister.

    Channon gulped in terror. "Are our children okay?"

    Kalliope smiled, her teeth were perfectly straight and they gleamed in the midnight hour. "For now they are." 

    "Whats that suppose to mean?" Valerius voice was starting to sound a little angry. But at this point, anger would get him no where.

    "Exactly how I said it. For now, they are alright. And if you don't come with us, they may or may not be in danger. Thats up for me to decide." Kalliope looked at Valerius, then to Channon.

    And when she smiled, goosebumps rose on Channon's flesh.

    "Alright. We'll come with you. But theres something you have to do for us first." Channon always knew Valerius to be a very good negotiator. But she wasn't sure if it would work. 

    Maddoc and Kalliope laughed in sync. "And what may that be?" Kalliope said.

    "I want to talk my daughter, and I imagine Channon would want to talk to her son. If you do that, and we know that they are okay, we'll come with you. No more questions asked." Valerius stared Kalliope straight in the eyes without any fear. 

    Once again, Kalliope smiled. Channon wasn't sure how someone could smile that much. 

    "Maddoc, get them on the phone."

    Maddoc nodded after the order, and pulled out a cell phone from his pocket. He dialed a couple numbers before handing the phone to Kalliope.

    Kalliope put the phone on speaker, and someone answered. It wasn't Medea or Kyero, the voice was deeper and sounded darker.

    "Yes madam?" A male voice said on the other line.

    "Zedrick, get Medea on the phone." She told him sternly.

    There were a couple minutes of muffles, and then a shaky voice called out on the other end. "Dad?" 

    Valerius's hands came out of fists, and his face softened. He walked towards Kalliope, and she gave him the phone. "Sweetie, I'm here." 

    "Dad,  I'm really scared. Where are you?"

    "I'll be there shortly. Listen, baby, I'm sorry for the way I acted this morning. You didn't deserve that. I love you." Channon could tell that Valerius was true with his words. 

    "I love you too. And I'm sorry for tricking you. They said if I didn't call you, then they would hurt you."

    Valerius smiled, "I understand," and handed the phone back to Kalliope.

    "Child, give the phone back to Zedrick." 

    This woman was very controlling.

    "Is that all you needed?" Zedrick asked her.

    "One more person. Kyero, get him on the phone." 

    Once again, there were a couple minutes of muffles before Kyero's voice spoke on the other line. "Mom?" 

     "Kyero, are you alright?" Channon quickly jogged towards Kalliope, a little quicker than Valerius did, and grabbed the phone out of her hands. She put the phone in both of her hands, and tears trickled down her face. 

     "I'm alright. Just a little disoriented. Where are you?"

     "I'm on my way. Stay strong for me, alright? Keep Medea safe."

     "I promise."

     "I love you, hun. I'll be there soon." Channon felt her heart break into a million pieces just listening to her son's voice.

     "I love you too, mom." 

    Channon smiled, then handed the phone back to Kalliope, and she shut it without saying anymore orders to Zedrick.

    "Alright, lets go then." Kalliope said with a smile, and turned to Maddoc, and he nodded.

© 2011 Plagued Monumentally

Author's Note

Plagued Monumentally
Later on in the chapters, it'll become apparent about Channon and Valerius's relationship. How do you think they know each other? Leave a review below.

Thanks for reading. :D

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Wow! Really have my interest!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Ooh, nice. READING ON, because this book is so flipping amazing.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Beautiful write...

Posted 13 Years Ago

That was awesome!!! i loved it!!!! I have to read more!! Great job!! Youre awesome at pulling in the reader!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

EVIL!! Great, I love this. Want to know more. Where are Kyero and Medea? How do the parents know each other? So many questions! Well done.

Posted 13 Years Ago

The story is coming alive now. I like the new situation and surprises in this chapter. A excellent chapter.

Posted 13 Years Ago

"I got an anonymous phone call saying that my daughter was here. Thinking back to it now, it seemed to be a little fishy." I felt myself going, 'well duh'. I think that needs to be redone. Also, 'extremely beautiful' does nothing for me when reading it, you need to describe the beauty and totally ditch the 'extremely'.

I like the new dimension to Valerius though, even though it was a bit out of the blue. I didn't even register it was the same guy. I think you need to foreshadow his kind, sober side long before we get to this hostage situation. Also, another little problem with overdescription and overused phrases: 'Channon felt her heart break into a million pieces just listening to her son's voice.' I don't mean to be horrible, but stuff like that REALLY flattens a piece and makes it immature, and your writing is much better than that.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

A powerful chapter filled with intensity. Anxious to find out why the children were taken.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Added on August 16, 2011
Last Updated on August 16, 2011
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Plagued Monumentally
Plagued Monumentally


So it's been a couple years since I've been on this site, and lots has changed. Most of my writing is between two to three years difference to the stuff I'm writing now. Please pay attention to the di.. more..


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