![]() Medea - Detention for the wantedA Chapter by Plagued Monumentally
After the last class of the day, Medea gathered her stuff and glanced at Cassandra who was on the other side of the classroom, flirting with some guy.
"I have detention. But maybe after..." That was the only part of the conversation that Medea heard. "Cass, are you coming?" Medea put her bag around her shoulder, glancing curiously at the strangely attractive boy Cassandra was flirting with. Cassandra pouted and looked at her, "I really don't wanna go." Medea laughed and rolled her eyes. "C'mon, girl. Lets go. You're new best friend Kyle, or whatever his name is, will be in there." "Kyero, you mean?" Cassandra corrected her, as she walked over to Medea. "Yeah, him," Medea snarled. ∞ As Medea walked towards the detention room, which was in Mrs. Laroche's classroom, she saw Kyero sitting at the far corner reading some book she couldn't see the title of. "Ladies," Mrs. Laroche turned from the whiteboard and smiled at them. "Hi Mrs. L," Cassandra called in her sweetest voice. They both weren't in the classroom for more than 5 minutes and Cassandra was already sucking up to someone. "Grab a seat. You're in here for the next hour. But I don't want you guys sitting next to each other, that's how you got in here in the first place." "Actually, I heard she was defending her friend." Said a familiar voice that came from behind Medea and Cassandra. Medea turned her head curiously, and was welcomed by the sarcastic face of Elodie. "What are you doing here?" Medea whispered as Cassandra scoffed and took a seat near the front. "Haven't you heard? This is my usual hang out spot." Elodie laughed and walked around Medea, taking a seat right in front of Kyero. Medea wasn't sure if she should obey the orders that Mrs. Laroche gave her by not sitting my Cassandra, or just sitting by her anyways. But instead, she found herself walking towards the empty desk beside Elodie, who was already chatting with the guy that got her here in the first place. "You're new, right?" Elodie asked sweetly when Medea sat down. "Yeah," Kyero put down his book and starred at Elodie for a moment. "And you're name is Kyero?" Elodie raised an eyebrow, searching for something genuine in him. "Yeah," he repeated. "I'm Elodie, and this is my friend, Medea." Elodie had a smirk on her face, she obviously already knew that they didn't like each other. "Yeah, I know her," Kyero mumbled. Medea turned around, to study Kyero for a moment. He had really light blonde hair that was both curly and straight. She wondered if he straightened his hair or not. But it looked pretty natural from here. "I know you too," she tried to sound nice, but it just came out snarky. "Awkward," Elodie giggled and pulled out her sketchpad, opening to a fresh blank page, then she pulled out a pencil and started to draw. "So what brings you here to detention, Medea?" Kyero narrowed his eyes and gave a sly smile, trying to make conversation. He already knew why Medea was in here, it was all because of him! "Just some a*****e being a smart a*s who thinks hes better than everyone else." Medea smiled innocently. "Yeah. I heard of him. He can be a dick sometimes," Kyero started to chuckle. Medea found herself laughing, also. Something about him was just so refreshing. He wasn't really like all the other guys. Something about him was fierce and defensive, but at the same time laid back and funny. She never met a guy that wasn't trying to hit on her or Cassandra. Instead when Cassandra and her came into the room, he kept his eyes on his book, completely oblivious as to who was in the room. And Medea liked that. "I bet he can be nice, too." Medea flirted a little. Trying not to make it that obvious. She didn't know why she was wasting her time with Kyero, but something drew her to him. "Medea, Kyero, I've heard enough of your voices for one day. I think you should start working, or you might find yourselves back here tomorrow. I expect you to both finish your short stories by the end of detention. If you aren't, you both get a 0, and you'll be here tomorrow. Such a treat, right? I should stop being so nice." Mrs. Laroche said sarcastically as she went back to typing something on the computer. Medea turned around to face the front, pulling out her notebook so she could start working on her story. She didn't get why they had to write a stupid short story about what the future holds for them, as if she knew. There was still a thought at the back of Medea's mind that felt Kyero's gaze on her. Something about that made her feel safe, but at the same time creeped out. ∞ "Alright. I'll be back. And when I get back, your time is up. If I find that you leave before I get back, you'll serve time with me tomorrow again." Mrs. Laroche looked at Kyero and Medea, and starred at them for a couple seconds, waiting for them to meet her eyes. Then she turned around and walked out the door. "You guys have the coolest teacher," Elodie said, looking over at Medea. She had her feet up on the chair, and her sketchpad on her knees. "Substitute teacher. Shes alright, a little creepy though." Medea did think that Mrs. Laroche was different, but she never thought that they principle would hire an attractive one. "All teachers are creepy. Its because they basically live in the school. They mark stuff, go home and mark more stuff, then come back and make our lives miserable." Elodie said, looking down at her sketchpad as she continued to draw something that Medea was anxious to see. Kyero laughed, then Elodie, then Medea found herself laughing also. "Whats so funny?" Cassandra said, her body was turned to them as she studied Kyero. "Nothing." Medea answered. "Could you keep it down then? I'm trying to work." Cassandra glared. Medea turned around and put her hand to her chest, pretending she was having a heart attack. "Cassandra?! Are you seriously...working?!" Medea laughed. Cassandra rolled her eyes, "this won't be a sight you'll see very often." She turned around. Medea faced Elodie again, wondering what she was drawing. The mystery of it was too much for her to keep it in anymore. "Elodie, can I see what you drew?" Medea asked. Elodie blushed a little before she put down her pencil and showed Medea her artwork. It was amazing. Something you'd definitely see in an art gallery or something. The beautiful lines of a running horse, the perfect shading and the way she captured the happy feeling in the horses eyes was unbelievable. "Wow!" Medea exclaimed. "Can I see?" Kyero said, peeking his head over to look at the artwork. "Wow indeed." Kyero said, "you sure are talented." "My oh my. I'm going to die of shock here. Did Kyero just give someone a compliment?" Medea said sarcastically. "This won't be a sight you'll see very often," Kyero mimicked Cassandra. Medea found herself warming up to Kyero nicely. But there was still a side to Kyero that Medea could see herself getting mad over easily.
© 2011 Plagued MonumentallyReviews
17 Reviews Added on August 9, 2011 Last Updated on August 9, 2011 Author![]() Plagued MonumentallyMSAboutSo it's been a couple years since I've been on this site, and lots has changed. Most of my writing is between two to three years difference to the stuff I'm writing now. Please pay attention to the di.. more..Writing
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