Chapter 8

Chapter 8

A Chapter by Plagued Monumentally

Seems to get longer


Chapter 8:

I got woken up by the surprisingly loud vibration of my cellphone that was sitting on the ledge of my night stand. I groaned as I opened my eyes. The morning glow of the sunlight streaming out of my windows was enough to hurt my eyes. I extended my stiff body to reach it. I saw that it was a text from Mike. Butterflies instantly rose to my stomach as I viewed it.
Want 2 hang out 2day? Fam is gone out for golfing. Want me 2 come pick u up so we can hang out?
I smiled, but wondered if there was something he was implying in that text message. I mentally shrugged off that thought while I replied.
What time?
I watched as my message sent before dragging myself out of my bed,  gripping my cellphone loosely in my hand. I noticed that Lyem nor Caleb was out in the living room. I glanced over at the at the grandfather clock that Caleb adored for some odd reason. It took me a couple seconds to focus on it and I saw that it was 12:30PM. Just as I was about to groan about how late I slept in, my phone vibrated.
Anytime u want.” Mike replied.
I replied saying: “How about in an hour? I need to get ready. You don’t have to knock, just come in.” This time it felt like it took forever to sent.
I put my phone on the counter while I walked towards the fridge to grab something to eat. While I stood in front of the fridge I ran my hand through my hair, feeling if it was greasy or not. Since I had a shower last night before I went to bed, there was no need to have another one.
I picked up the half empty milk carton and put it on the counter as I headed for the pantry to get my favorite cereal, Cap'n' crunch.
As I poured the dry cereal into a deep round bowl, I started to think about Micah. It was so weird the way he asked me if I loved Mike. Mike was my boyfriend, of course I loved him. Did I? I shook my head at the thought, of course I do! But why was Micah’s question putting doubts into my head?
When I finished pouring the milk into my cereal I walked over to drawer  to get the utensils. I grabbed a random spoon and made my way to my bedroom so I could get ready. Before I walked back to my bedroom I grabbed my phone and checked to see if I had messages. I did, from Mike.
U don’t need 2 get ready. Ur already beautiful.
I rolled my eyes and blushed a little, but I decided that it would be best if I didn’t reply back to that comment. I never did learn how to accept a compliment, seeing as I usually didn’t get them from other guys besides Caleb and my Dad.
The couple last bites of my cereal was better than the first couple. I kept the bowl on my nightstand and walked over to my dresser to pick out what I wanted to wear- since pajamas and pink fluffy bunny slippers wouldn’t be really appropriate for a date with Mike.
I decided on wearing my black v-neck shirt that looked like there was a tint of green when I wore it out during the summertime. I was surprised when I looked into the mirror and saw that this shirt, which I haven’t worn in forever, emphasised my chest. I didn’t usually wear shirts like these, but I guess it would be alright for a date with Mike. I grabbed my soft denim blue slim-fit jeans and turned to the side and looked at my figure in the mirror that was hanging on the back of my door.
I brushed my hair out, so it was free of all knots. It looked better when it was wavy rather than straight, so I left it wavy.
Just as I was about to put on some make up, the doorbell rang. It couldn’t be anyone other than Mike, and I told him that he could just walk in. I opened my bedroom door and walked brisk fully to the door. I opened it  with a smile.

“You’re early,” I started to say until I saw it was Micah, standing there as handsome as ever. I still couldn’t get over the fact that his hair wasn’t his usual color anymore, it looked almost blonde. There was something in the lust of his ice covered eyes that sent my heart in a whirl, “Micah, what are you doing here?” My gaze drifted from his eyes to his body. He was dressed in all black, which reflected his mysterious demeanor.

“You don’t remember?” He raised one eyebrow in confusion. “You asked me if I wanted to come over on Sunday around 1, and-” he looked at his watch that was resting on his right  hand, “its 1:13PM.”

I groaned my head falling forward my hands to hide my embarrassment, remembering that I asked him last night if he wanted to hang out today. When I gathered up enough courage, I looked up to look at Micah, but his eyes were focused on my chest. “What are you doing?”  I asked him in bewilderment, crossing my arms.

He looked up from my chest and looked at my eyes really fast. I could tell that he wasn’t planning on getting caught. He cleared his throat and shifted his weight onto his other foot, “you know how beautiful you look right now?” He stepped around me, entering the house. I didn’t mind that he didn’t ask permission.

“Thanks, Micah. But its nothing.”

He turned around to look at me, with a gentle smile on his face. He hesitated before bringing his hand up and pushing a stray strand of hair that fell out of place, and placing it behind my ear carefully. That was enough to make me shiver. Tingles shooting up my arms.

He kept his hand on the side of my face, looking down at me.

His gaze was filled with intensity and love. The way he looked at me...I longed for someone to look at me that way. Micah was someone who came out of a fairytale- the handsome Prince.

I wasn’t sure if he was bending down towards me to whisper something in my ear, or if he was bending down towards me lips to kiss me. The second option seemed to be the most likely, and when his lips clashed onto mine, I knew for certain that it was the second option.

When I kissed Mike, it was awkward and wasn’t filled with this much romance. I felt like I was getting blasted by a beam of light that made my stomach squirm. Our lips kept kissing at a simple and steady pace. His lips were moist and tasted like peppermint, but I wasn’t sure if it was the gum he was chewing before, or if it was just a Micah thing.

I knew it was probably karma, because just then the door opened and standing in the doorway was Mike, looking at me in despair and shock. I pulled away from Micah’s lips and turned around to face Mike who had his hands clenched in a fist.

“Well, well,” Mike said with anger overpowering his sorrow. His face was started to get pink, almost into a dark pink as he clenched his hands into fists.

Mike was looking at Micah like he wanted to murder him.
“Mike, its not what you th-”

He looked over at me and he was frowning. I didn’t think he noticed he was, “don’t you dare tell me this isn’t what I think it is,” the look he was giving me was enough to hurt me. Mike looked at me like he wanted me dead, like I was like an ant under the magnifying glass of his gaze.

“Please Mike. Don’t be mad,” I could hear my voice starting to crack up a little bit. But who wouldn’t get overwhelmed with all of this? First minute, I was kissing Micah, then the next Mike was on the verge of yelling at me.

“So am I suppose to be calm about my girlfriend kissing another guy who I totally despise?” He said in venomous sarcasm.

Before I could answer, I could feel something hit my cheek. It felt like a boulder. But it wasn’t something, it was Mike’s fist.

Throbbing pain surged through my cheek, and at the same time I was in shock. I never knew in a million years that Mike would hit me.

I put my hand to my cheek and hot tears streamed down my face.

Before I got the chance to respond to what Mike did, I saw Micah run over to Mike and knock him backwards, sending him flying out the door.

I got up, stumbling a few times while I jogged towards the doorway. When I could see what was going on, I see Micah’s fist pounding Mike’s face numerous of times. I couldn’t believe how fast Micah got up and pinned him against the wall. It was a matter of 3 seconds. He was incredibly strong, something that Mike couldn’t compete with. Derogatory terms were flying out both Mike and Micah’s mouths while they continued to fight. The racket was so loud, a couple people poked their heads out. They stood there in complete horror as some of them came rushing out, some of them were even trying to drag Micah off of Mike.

“If you guys don’t stop fighting, I’ll call the cops!” One man yelled, who I recognized to be Jerry Harold, a middle aged man who lived two doors down from me. I honestly didn’t know what he did with his time. He didn’t have a job because he never finished high school. His ex-wife was the one who supplied everything, maybe that’s why she left him. In a way, I felt bad for him.

I focused my attention back to reality. I was standing a few feet behind Jerry Harold who was cursing and trying to get Micah off of Mike.

“Micah! Stop! Stop!” I  ran over to the opposite side of Jerry, and repeated over and over. I grabbed the back of his shirt and tried dragging him off of Mike, but it was useless. “Please Micah!”

After one more punch from Mike, Micah got off of him and spit bloody spit on the carpet farthest to my door. I started biting down on my lip, chewing it furiously.

I rushed over to Mike who had a bloody lip, and a cut on the side of his cheek. His eye was already starting to get swollen, it would probably leave a black eye.

“Oh my god, Mike! Are you alright?” Even though he hit me, I still wanted to comfort him. I remember the way he comforted me when I found out my mom supposedly died, but it wasn’t all that true. Still, it was the thought that counted.

I wiped away the blood that was dripping down the bottom of his lip and wiped it on the carpet.

He just pushed me away from him and brought his finger to his lip, wiping the rest of the smeared blood away with the back of his brown sweater.

“Stay away from me Katrina,” he said while he winced at the pain, “I don’t ever want to see your pathetic face again. I’m so through with you.”

I could feel my cheek start to swell, but that didn’t stop me from crying again. I just nodded my head and watched as he walked away in a huff.

I wasn’t sure if I was suppose to chase after him, blurting out apologies like they were free candy. Instead I turned around and faced Micah, who was looking down the hallway and chuckling softly.

“What are you laughing at?” I raised an eyebrow curiously. You know those people that are hard to stay mad at no matter how much you try? Micah is one of those people. He kissed me, then fought with Mike. I know I should be mad at him, but there was something about the way he was looking at sincere and protective.

“I just think its funny how Mike walked off like that,” he stopped chuckling once he saw the look on my face. I saw that the cut on his lip was already healing, which I found really strange.

I wondered if he would have a swollen eye were Mike punched him, but it his face looked basically the same as it had when he arrived at my door- except for the small cut on his lip.

For the first time since I met him, I was able to walk away from him. When I got into my apartment, he was right behind me. Good thing he shut the door before people started rushing after us, trying to talk to us. Truth was, I didn’t even want to talk anymore. Mike was mad at me, Caleb would be mad at me for fighting with Mike, and Lyem would be too because of all the destruction.

“Katrina, I’m sorry,” Micah started to say as he walked over to me.

I slumped down on the couch, bringing my knees up to my chest. I wasn’t sure if I should be crying or if I should be mad at Micah. I couldn’t bring myself to do either or.

“I know.” I winced after, considering my cheek was still sore and throbbing in pain.

He came and sat down beside me on the couch. I could tell he wasn’t sure what he was suppose to do.

A couple minutes later he brought his hand up to my cheek and brushed it softly. I was surprised that it didn’t hurt at all, it just felt soothing and reassuring.

“You know, I didn’t regret that kiss,” Micah said in sympathy.

“I didn’t either.”

In that moment, there was a twinkle of happiness that reflected in my eyes to his. It took me everything I could not to kiss him right then and there. I started biting my lip softly, still looking over at him, but not directly in his eyes.

“What?” His hand was still on my face, and his thumb brushing in a soft rhythmic motion.

“I just remembered that I haven’t shown you my room yet,” all I wanted right now was for Micah to hold me in his arms and kiss me. That kiss that all the girls dream about. The one that makes your mouth water for more and your heart start beating faster whenever he kisses you.

He laughed softly, taking his hand off of my cheek and onto his lap and wiped his hand on his pants. I wasn’t sure if it was a nervous thing or not.

Swiftly, he got up and turned around to face me. He held out his perfect hand to help me up. I took it and he dragged me up. He had surprisingly inhuman strength during that moment, but it was probably nothing to worry about. I could feel myself being lifted off of the couch and in a matter of a millisecond I was up on my feet, starring at him.
“Show me the way, ma'am,” Micah said, still holding my hand.

I dropped my hand and walked towards my bedroom, Micah trailing a couple inches behind me. I could hear him breathing, it wasn’t all that loud. In a way, it made me feel strangely comfortable.

I opened the door to my bedroom and it was surprisingly clean. My bed was positioned in the far corner where my TV series posters were plastered on the wall. There was a collage on my far wall that was covered with pictures of my childhood. Just looking at them sent flashes of chiming laughter and melancholy sadness.

I shook my head as if to remove all the images in my head and looked around the room until my gaze fell on Micah’s concerned expression.

“I’m fine,” I assured him.

He nodded his head and continued looking around my room, he started to chuckle when he saw my abundance of fluffy pink stuffed animals on my bed and my white fluffy carpet on the floor beside my bed.

“Typical teenage girl room,” Micah said, shaking his head in amusement.

I walked over to my bed and sat down, grabbing my favorite pink and white spotted Dalmatian webkinz.

“Lyem bought this for me for my 10th birthday,” I ran my finger down its smooth floppy ear, still as soft as ever.
I could feel the warmness of Micah’s smile, even though we were about 4 feet apart.

I lifted my head so I was looking over at Micah rather than my stuffed animal and patted the space beside me, running my hand over the blanket, grinning. “Come here,” I said flirtatiously.

Within seconds Micah walked- well, strided, over and sat down beside, closer than I thought he would.

“Is this your way of being sexy, Katrina?” He whispered as our his forehead rested on mine, and mine rested on his. He was looking down at me with those intense frosted blue eyes that reminded me of a cold winters day.

I lifted my head and looked around on my bed, wondering what would be the most comfortable position to kiss him. I scooted backward and rested my back on the corner of the wall, facing Micah who was perched awkwardly on the edge of my bed. “Caleb is out working on his lines for the drama play for school, and Lyem is out working with Dad all day. So...” I started to say, trying to clue him in on what I was thinking.

Before I could say anything else, Micah was crawling over to me, grinning like he knew what was coming next. He was laying down on his side, his elbow holding him up as he made patterns on my leg that made goosebumps rise on my arms. His eyes looked like they were lost. Even though he was starring down at the blanket, his eyes were completely elsewhere.

“Hey,” I whispered softly to him. He snapped out of the trance and squeezed his eyes shut before opening them and setting his gaze on me.

Micah moved himself up a little higher with his hand so he was at eye level with me. As he moved closer the soft glow of the light complimented his blonde hair that looked like a chestnut color rather than blonde. His hair was perfectly placed like always, and his eyes seemed like all his focus was on me.

His lips were full and rosy pink, he ran his tongue over the bottom lip as if it were dry. His
skin was milky and soft, without a blemish in sight. He was looking at me, his eyes filled with love and sexual desire and I came to realization that I felt the same.

I found myself moving closer to him until my lips met his. His soft, moist lips that I could kiss over and over and not get bored. His arms rested on my hips as he pushed my body beside his so there was no gap between us.

It felt nice, being so close to Micah and smelling his rich, earthy, peppermint scent that reminded of me of camping and my favorite gum.

With each kiss, the desire between us got more and more intense.

Micah started to put his arm under my shoulder and with a fluid motion he rolled me over and on top of him. I could tell I was breathing heavy, my chest rising and falling as his mouth found his way to the nape of my neck, kissing it lightly until he found his way to my ear.

“You sure you want this?” He whispered into my ear which made me instantly start chewing on my lip in pleasure.

I nodded softly, trying to conceal how much I wanted this. My breathing started becoming more urgent has my hands fell onto the hem of his shirt. His mouth parted away from my ear and he was looking up at me, my legs on either side of his body.

I looked up at him, as if asking for permission to take off his shirt. With a nod of his head, he slid off his t-shirt with a slow movement and flung it to the side, the shirt landing softly on the floor without a sound. After a couple seconds of gazing down on his body, I started to take off my shirt. Once I was finished, I threw it the same direction he threw his.

It took me a second to regain confidence to look back at him, I could tell my cheeks were already flushed.

In the distance I could hear the cars zooming by on the street. But I put all my focus back on his chest. This was a body every girl would dream about, and right now it was all mine. His dark tanned skin and his abs that were outline by the accentuated lighting. I rested my hands on his chest as he leaned forward and put his mouth against mine again.

I would never get bored of kissing him, because that was what I most desired at this moment. All I wanted was to feel the fast paced beating of our pure, young hearts. I could smell the love in the air, it was powerful and strong. I couldn’t imagine myself doing this with anyone else but Micah. Because he was the boy who I dreamed about. He was my prince charming.

We started kissing more intensely and fast. First it started off as romantic and slow, now it was picking up speed as my body moved with the motion his did.

I intertwined my legs with him, so we couldn’t get anymore closer. My space was his space, and it was like we shared the same air that was ours, and just ours.
I felt Micah’s hands move from my hips to my lower back and to the clasp where my bra was. I could feel my cheeks redden in embarrassment, but I didn’t stop him.
Without hesitation or any difficulty, Micah undid the back part of my bra and I felt him smile against my lips as we looked each other, eye in eye.

“I love you,” he told me softly. I never heard those words come out of his mouth, but it was an appropriate time.
The scary thing was that I loved him too. But it wasn’t long ago when I thought I loved Mike.
I wasn’t sure if I still did, but I would never admit that to Micah.
“Katrina?” Micah said. I noticed that he pulled away from my lips, so he rolled me softly on my side, being gentle not to hurt me.
“Why did you stop?” I wondered, gazing back into Micah’s eyes that I seemed to get lost in time and time again.
“You seemed distant and I was thinking...” He started chewing nervously on the bottom of his lip, “maybe we’re going a little too fast. No less than 30 minutes ago, Mike broke up with you. And not to mention he hit you and left a nasty bruise on your beautiful face.”
I blushed at his last comment and nodded a bit, “I do agree that its moving fast, but I don’t really care. We got each other after all of this...I knew never how fast I could fall for someone until I met you.”
After I fixed the pillow so it was comfortable I rested my hand on top of his, playing with his fingers.
“The first moment I saw you, I felt an instant connection. I knew I had to incorporate myself into your life,” he looked down at our hands and smiled.
“Even if you think we’re moving to fast...all I want is you. Kissing you was like a new experience. new feelings I wasn’t sure I was capable to feel.” Everything was going through my mind, I was saying to Micah.

Micah moved closer so he could kiss my forehead. His warm lips landed on my warm, flushed skin. Every time he touched me or kissed me, my desire would just  get stronger and stronger.

"I love you.”

And with that, I fell gently to sleep in the embrace of Micah.

*    *    *

“Oh my God you guys!”
I woke up to the sudden tone of Caleb’s voice, he looked completely disgusted when I opened my eyes and looked up at him.
I wasn’t sure if he was disgusted by the fact that I was half naked, or if it was because I was sleeping with someone who wasn’t Mike. Maybe it was both.
I rubbed my eyes and stretched as I looked over at Micah who had a grin on his face. His hands were behind his head as he looked at me, then to Caleb, then back at me.
“Why the hell are you in bed with Micah when it should be with Mike?!”

I guess Mike never got around telling him what happened.

“We broke up,” I told him sternly, getting up and detaching my hand from Micah’s gently.
“So right after you break up, you think its alright to just jump into bed with Micah? Smooth Katrina, really smooth.” Caleb hadn’t called me by my full name since we were in elementary. But I guess things change.
I glared at him. I couldn’t believe that he was actually saying what he was saying right now. I knew I had every right to be furious, but Caleb had a point. I just broke up with Mike, like 3 hours ago? And already I was kissing and getting more intimate with another boy.
Its not like me and Micah went all the way. It was too soon. I guess everyone in my room would agree with me on that.
“What are you implying, Caleb?” I got up and searched around for my shirt which was sitting a few inches away from Micah’s shirt. I held it in my hands, feeling the soft fabric, and put it on.
“Oh, trust me, you don’t want me to tell you whats going on in my mind right now. I don’t even know who you are anymore!” He looked back over at Micah and clenched his fists, which was odd, considering I never saw him do that before, “why don’t you get a shirt on, lover-boy?”
I tugged my shirt down and grabbed the hair that was stuffed inside the shirt and pulled it free. I bent down and grabbed Micah’s shirt, tossing it softly towards him.
“I’m thinking of going topless more often,” Micah taunted. But instead of saying anything else, he put on his shirt.
“Caleb, just leave, will you?” I tried to contain the anger that was boiling  up inside of me. I hated it when I fought with Caleb.
“Oh sure,” he started to say. This time I could really hear his accent. I loved it when he said some words and his Australian accent would uncover itself. “Sorry to interrupt you’re hot passionate make out session.”
“We weren’t making out, we were sleeping when you came in.”
“Whatever you want to believe. I just came in here to tell you that Landon is coming over tonight. Lyem and Dad finally convinced him to come out and visit. I hear he hasn’t been handling the death of your Mom.”
My heart started to beat faster, I was sure Caleb and Micah could hear it. It was beating hard mostly because I knew the truth about Mom and I hadn’t seen Landon in forever. Its been about 4 years since I actually got to see him. My mind was slowly starting to forget what he looked like.
I remembered when he would take me out for Slurpee's and ice cream whenever I got a good grade on a test in school. He was always so supportive. But when he met his current girlfriend Riley about 5 years ago, he started acting different. He would stay out late and come home early in the morning. His attitude would change and he would become more and more distant from the rest of us.
Caleb wasn’t a big fan of Landon, mostly because he thought he was a jerk. In some situations, I would admit that it was true, but I loved Landon.
“When is he coming?”
“Tonight, sometime. He wasn’t able to make it this afternoon because he had some things to take care of.” Caleb said, looking at his nails, acting like he was bored.
“Thanks, Caleb. You know, since we’re boring and all, you can leave. I’m sure we’d both appreciate the peace and quiet.”
I suppose that was a bit mean, but Caleb did deserve it. Maybe he didn’t deserve the tone of voice I gave him, but right now, I really didn’t care.
Without looking up, Caleb turned around and walked out of my bedroom, slamming the door closed. The force of the door shutting made the picture frames hanging on the wall shake.
I turned back around to face Micah who was looking at the ceiling with an intimate concentration.
“What are you thinking about?” I asked him, running my nail along the inside of his hand.
“I guess the question should be ‘who am I thinking about,” he chuckled as he turned his head to face me. “I’m always thinking about you.”
I could tell that I was blushing. But I just smiled, trying to hide my embarrassment.
“As much as I love it here, in your bed, with you, I’m going to have to get going.” He frowned a bit.
I knew that he would have to leave eventually. I nodded my head and got up, yawning as I turned my back to him to get my jacket.
I heard the bed creak a bit as he got off, and he came up behind me and put his hands around my waist, holding me against him in a tight embrace.
“And what do you think you’re doing,” he said as he kissed the side of my neck a couple times.

“I was hoping that I could walk halfway with you to your house.”
He smiled and pulled away from me as he looked around my room for his jacket, which was sitting perfectly on my polka dotted chair.

He walked over to it and grabbed it, “shall we go then?”
I smiled and nodded as we both started walking towards my bedroom door.
I opened it and saw Caleb sitting on the sofa flipping through the channels on TV, looking for something interesting to watch.
“I’ll be back,” I was debating whether or not to say ‘not like you care though,’ at the end of it, but I kept my mouth shut.
Caleb kept his focus on the television as me and Micah started putting on our shoes.
I opened the door, not bothering to grab my keys, and shut the door. Me and Micah walked silently towards the doors.
This time, Micah opened them for me. Being a perfect gentleman, he let me go first. The sun was low in the sky, but not too low. It was probably between 5:30 and 7 o’clock.
We kept walking in silence, cold wind blowing through my tangled hair. I put my hands in my pockets and looked over at Micah who was starring down at the sidewalk, deep in thought once again.
“Do you think I’m a bad person for making out with you shortly after Mike broke up with me?” I told him what I was thinking, trying to find a topic to break the silence between us.
Micah looked up, startled. I guess he wasn’t paying attention to the world around him. “Huh? Oh- no. No of course not. I mean, Mike deserved what he got, even if he brought it on yourself.”
I guess he had a point. Mike was the one who broke up with me. But there was something wrong about this whole situation.
I never knew when I started to depend on guys. I never dated someone before Mike or Micah, and this was all knew to me.
We turned into the park where I met Micah a couple days ago when he returned. There were a couple children swinging on the swings and parents sitting down on the benches, chatting to each other as they watched their children from the corner of their eyes.
“Remember when we were this young?” She said, still looking over at the children playing in the park as she turned to look at Micah, still walking.
“We still are young.”
“You know what I mean.”
He chuckled a couple of times and then tucked his hands into his back pocket of his dark jeans. “Yeah, I know what you mean. Being a child was the best thing in the world. Everything wasn’t as hard, and you didn’t have to make tough decision.”
“Sometimes I wish I never got to the stage of liking boys,” as soon as the words came out of my mouth, I instantly regretted them. “But if I didn’t, I wouldn’t of ever met you.”
He smiled, and I instantly felt warm inside. He had that kind of smile that anyone would kill for. His mouth looked perfect when he smiled, and his white teeth were mesmerising when you looked at him. “I think this is halfway, my house is just a couple blocks away from the park.” He told me, looking around him.
The park was enclosed, trees surrounding the whole park. It was kind of like a park in the middle of a forest, but it had a friendly and warm feeling about it too, even if it was cold out. The grass was green and all along the park was bushes with some kind of flowers on them.
I stopped right beside him, letting my hand go as Micah turned to face me to give me a hug.
“Even though I don’t really know whats going on between us, this afternoon has been absolutely amazing.” I whispered in his ear as he hugged me.
When we both pulled out of the hug, he just sighed. “I’m sure we can figure that out soon. But you have no idea how much I want to be with you. But I understand that you might need time, I might even need some time too.”
I nodded my head, completely in agreement with him. As much as I wanted Micah, I wasn’t sure if it was the vulnerability I was feeling that made me want to be with him, or if I actually loved him. “I’ll see you at school?”
He flashed me a charming smile, “or sooner.” And then he turn and left.
I turned around and smiled, tilting my head to the side to get another sneak peek of Micah. His hands were still in his back pocket and I could tell his head was down. What was that boy thinking about all the time?
I kept walking until I saw a man with dark jeans and a black button up shirt that was starring at me. There was something about the way he was standing, and looking, that I didn’t like. From the distance, I could see that his hair was a reddish brown color that glistened in the dull sunlight.
I looked down, trying to focus on my shoes other than focusing on how exposed I felt. But my curiosity got the better of my and I looked behind me to see if he was still staring.
But he was gone.
How much had that been, like 30 seconds since I looked at him last and he was already gone? But maybe it just escaped into the trees, or he was an incredibly fast runner.
My phone vibrated in my pocket. I totally forgot I had it. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Lyem calling me.
“Hello?” I said, answering it as I continued walking.
“Kitty, hi. I was wondering where you were. Caleb shrugged when I asked you where you were. Anyways, did Caleb tell you-”
“That Landon is coming?” I interrupted him, I usually always finish his sentences for him whenever I know what hes talking about.
“Yeah, Caleb told me when...yeah he told me.”
“Well he should be here within the hour. I’d like you to be here when he arrives. Dad is picking him up in the airport. Turns out he doesn’t even live in Brooklyn anymore. He lives somewhere in Colorado.”
“Huh, I never even knew that,” I felt bad that Landon and I hadn’t stayed in contact. I had no idea how to contact him, but I still felt bad. I wonder what he looked like, if he even looked any different. All I currently knew for sure about him was that he was still with Riley Lewis.
“There’s a lot of things we didn’t know about him...” I could tell just from the tone of his voice that there was something he wasn’t telling me.
“Lyem? Whats going on?” I asked curiously.
I heard him sigh, well what heard to be a sigh, anyways.
It took about a minute for him to finally respond, during that time I wasn’t sure if he hung up or not. “It turns out that he is deeply in debt because he used all his money on drugs. His girlfriend, Riley, has been getting worried about him. I’m just surprised he called Dad. Anyways, I’ll talk to you when you get home. I’d rather discuss things more privately. See you soon Kitty,” then he hung up.
There was some sort of warmth and happiness that came to me whenever I heard Lyem’s voice. Growing up, me and him never had been really close.
I continued walking until I passed the convenience store and I knew that I was about 5 minutes away from home.
I could swear that there was someone following me, because I’ve been hearing footsteps behind me, walking at the same pace, since I left the park.
I quickly glanced behind me, seeing the same guy from the park who was starring at me. I gulped as I shot my gaze forward, walking a little quicker.
“Excuse me, ma’am,” I heard someone say. I stopped walking, blood draining from my face as I turned around hesitantly.
I took a quick deep breath and put on a fake smile. I waited for him to say something, but he just starred at my face. Up close he was actually attractive, but in a creepy way. His skin was white, almost albino. His eyes were almost black to the point where you couldn’t even notice the pupil. His hair looked more red than it looked from far away.
“Yeah?” I asked.
“I was wondering if you knew where this address was,” he held out a yellow sticky note with an address written on it in beautiful handwriting. I read it a over a couple times until I could finally understand it.
“Oh, are you looking for Willsberry Meadow?” Willsberry Meadow was a block with a whole bunch of large houses. It was probably the most richest part of town.
“Yes, I think so.” He replied skeptically.
“Ah. Yes, I know where that is. You see the bunch of brown buildings down there?” I pointed down the street.
He nodded and moved closer to me. It was probably to get the same view I was looking at, but there was something about him that made me squirm in my shoes.
“Just keep going down there and then make a left. You’ll eventually see the mall and then if you keep following that street all the way up to 99th ave, just turn right and then you’ll see a sign that says ‘Willsberry Meadow’.”

He gave me a smile and I saw that he had unbelievably sharp canine teeth. “Thank you, ma’am. I’m sure I can find my way from here.”
I nodded and waved goodbye to him, but something was telling me that wasn’t the last I was going to see of that stranger.

© 2011 Plagued Monumentally

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Well I don't like Katrina anymore since I don't tolerate cheating at all - then not even feeling guilty and making out with Micah. I am with Caleb all the way!

Posted 13 Years Ago

really good i like it

Posted 13 Years Ago

omgomgomgomg YES MICAH AND KATRINAAAAA. forever

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on August 8, 2011
Last Updated on August 8, 2011


Plagued Monumentally
Plagued Monumentally


So it's been a couple years since I've been on this site, and lots has changed. Most of my writing is between two to three years difference to the stuff I'm writing now. Please pay attention to the di.. more..


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