![]() Chapter 7A Chapter by Plagued Monumentally![]() A little bit longer. Apologies to the length.![]() Chapter 7: I returned to my bed after I talked with Lyem that night, but eventually Mike had to go. The next week of school wasn’t eventful, but I saw Mike everyday. I wish I could say the same for Micah, he hadn’t been at school since Mike punched him. I was beginning to get anxious, and then anxious turned into me worrying. I shouldn’t be worried- he was probably out with a cold, flu or a family emergency, so I let it go and focused on math class. Mike was in my trigonometry class, but we weren’t seated together. He was on the other side of the room, staring at me and making funny faces. I giggled, but tried to be quiet because the teacher gave us both a couple nasty looks as well as a couple warnings. When the teacher turned her back, Mike got up to “sharpen a pencil” and instead he came over to give me a note, but when the teacher turned back around he made his way to the sharpener. “Nice save.” I mouthed to him, and he just smiled with his eyes. I looked at the crumbled piece of paper that was folded 3 times. I opened it, trying not to attract to much attention. “You look beautiful today, like everyday. I dare you to get kicked out of class today. Take a risk.” I took note of his messy handwriting. I smiled and looked over at him, and saw that he was still at the sharpener. “Watch me.” I replied and handed it back to him when he returned to his seat. I started to hum in a loud tune, just to get the teachers attention. When she looked over my way I got out a piece of gum from my pocket that I bought at lunch. I started chewing it, making bubbles and popped them with with a loud snaps. I looked over at Mike and waved at him, and then the Mrs. Jenkins started to turn tomato red. “Katrina Evans, I gave you you’re last warning, now collect you’re stuff and get out of my classroom- to the office!” Mrs. Jenkins said, raising her voice a smidgen too high. Mike started to chuckle and said, “You too Michael Brent.” I was hoping that Mrs. Jenkins didn’t see my smile. I got up and collected my stuff and headed out, hearing Mike’s footsteps following me close behind. He closed the door behind him, and then turned back to me, with a grin plastered on his face. “That was eventful. Most fun I’ve had all week.” He said, then corrected himself, “I mean, other than the past days with you.” He winked. “We should be heading to the office, I’m not sure if she already called or not.” I said, then I realized how much of a geek I sounded like, “Or we could ditch and catch a bus ride to the movies.” I considered that option for a moment, and remembered that Lyem gave me extra cash a couple nights ago. “You rebel.” He joked and then nodded, “I wouldn’t want to spend my day any differently. Lets go.” He took my hand and we went to both our lockers, trying to hurry so we wouldn’t get caught if we went fast enough. When Mike closed up his locker, we jogged to mine and I got all my stuff. I opened my backpack but then decided I could look for my money when we got out of the school. I closed my locker silently and locked it up. I turned back to Mike and he was looking at me smiling. “I never would of thought you were the type to skip school.” He chuckled. I shrugged and said, “I guess you learn something everyday.” I smiled and we walked out of the school, quietly and silently before the secretary could see us. We made our way to the bus stop so we could take the first bus to the trains. We got to the bus stop and waited, I started to shiver and Mike stepped closer to me from behind, and wrapped his arms around my waist and I snuggled close into his chest. I couldn't stop thinking about Mom and how I couldn’t do anything to save her. I was feeling really guilty about the fact that me and her were not close. “What are you thinking about?” Mike asked me. I took a deep breath and said, “My mom.” “We haven’t talked about that yet . . . How are you dealing with it?” He said, tightening his arms that were around my wrists. It was like he thought that anytime I was going to fall, but I guess it was just his way of comforting me. “Alright. Its really tough to let go, though. Like actually really picture her being gone.” “You know I’m here if you need to talk to me. I’m not just going to leave.” He said, and somehow I felt like that was directed at Micah. I haven’t seen him in a week, but I wasn’t going to get all worried about it again. I took another deep breath, filling my lungs with fresh air and then nodded, “I know.” “Bus.” Mike said. He let go of me, and the bus eventually stopped. I got on the bus and showed the bus driver my ticket and then walked- well more like stumbled to the back of the bus. I sat near the windows, seeing the bus drivers reflection in the mirror. Mike sat beside me and I scooted closer to him, resting my head on his right shoulder. I looked around the bus and saw different advertisements for teen pregnancies and mini-wheat's. “What movie are we going to see?” I asked Mike. “What movie do you want to see?” He answered my question with another question. I found his response to be funny and giggled. “Beastly.’’ Then looked up at him to see his expression, which remained neutral. “Sure,” he said putting his hand around me to keep me from sliding. I smiled and looked out the window all the way to the movies, since Mike wasn’t talking and I had nothing to say. Once the bus came to a stop, I looked from the window to Mike and we both got up. There was lots of people on the bus, so it took awhile for Mike and I to get off. When we did, I took Mike’s hand and intertwined it with mine. We walked into the doors of the movie theatre and went to the box office to buy our tickets. “Hey, I’m going to go to the bathroom. I’ll meet you in the theatre in about 10 or so minutes.” I said loudly, so that he could hear my voice over the crowd of people. “Alright,” he said and kissed my cheek. I scurried towards the bathroom and to my benefit, there was nobody in it. I walked towards the mirror and looked at my reflection. My hair was wavy from the wind, so it complimented my rosy cheeks. Minutes later the bathroom doors swung open. I whirled around and was standing face to face with a woman who had long dark brown hair that hung down by her elbows. It was the same color as mine, chocolate brown with a tint of red. The woman took off her sunglasses then lifted up her face. I gasped in surprise, her face was so familiar, arched eyebrows, thin lips, rosy cheeks, and pale gray eyes that reminded me of my Mom’s eyes. But it couldn’t be Mom. . .she was dead. “Hello Katrina,” the woman said. Her voice was so uptight and curious. When she smiled, I could see she had sharp teeth. . .the ones you would read about in vampire books. Teeth that you would see on vampire fan sites. I starred at her, in total confusion. I didn’t really know what to say. . .it was like someone slapped me in the face, only less painful, “who are you?” I managed to say, but I wasn’t sure if it came out steady or uneven. She stared at me like I just asked her an impossible math question, “well your mother, of course,” the woman replied. “My mother is dead,” I said in confidence. I knew that she couldn’t be my mother- I saw her die. “Well you see. . .I was dead. But luckily, I had the blood of my daughter inside of me before I died.” “I don’t understand,” I said in confusion. “Ethan didn’t tell you?” I flinched when she said Dad’s name, “I have another daughter, although shes only 10.” “That's impossible!” I snapped, “You left Dad three years ago. How is it possible that your daughter is. . .10?” “If you let me explain, I’ll tell you,” she said coldly. “Go on then.” “About 6 years ago, your Dad and I tried to separate, but it was long before the divorce. I was gone for about a year, and you just thought I was moving because my work was re-located to Italy,” she paused then started again, “I was pregnant with another mans child. Nine months later we had her. We named her Cassie. What I didn’t know was that Cassie’s father, Jeremy, was a vampire.” My eyes widened, and I gasped. How was this possible? “You’re lying-” She raised her hand, cutting me off. “Please don’t interrupt me, Katrina.” She said sharply. Then she walked over and leaned on the bathroom door, so she knew if someone were to come inside the bathroom, “As I was saying, since Jeremy was a vampire, so was my Cassie. I didn’t know what to do, it was beyond overwhelming. So I left them and came back to your father and my 3 beautiful children,” she sighed and looked towards me, “then two and a half years later, Jeremy called me-I don’t even know how he managed to get my number,” she shook her head and continued on with her story, “he told me that he was in trouble with the Vampire Consiglio- which is the Vampire Council of Italy- and that Cassie now belonged to them,” her voice was apathetic, which surprised me a little. “I knew I had to go and help Jeremy,” she continued on, “so I divorced your father. He just wouldn’t understand, and I couldn’t exactly tell him the reason why I was going. But anyways, then I moved back down to Italy and after that. . .lots of things happened and lots of things changed. I had to be turned into a vampire in order to save Cassie from what they would’ve done to her. That's when I decided I had to fake my own death so there would be no suspicion, or any way that you or anybody else could track me down.” “Mom-” Katrina started to say, but she looked at me sharply, so I bit my lip. “Katrina, I don’t think its safe for you to call me Mom. Call me Marsala, my name.” I nodded, knowing she was right for all the right reasons. “Marsala,” I started to say, still getting used to saying her real name, “why are you back now?” I heard a soft knock on the bathroom door. I jumped a little bit, the noise startled me, “Kati, are you in there?” the voice belonged to Mike.I glanced over at Marsala, who seemed to be just as startled as I was. I walked towards the door, and then Marsala stepped away, letting me answer it. I opened it a crack, and saw that he was a couple feet away from the door. “Yeah. I’m in here. I’ll be out in 2 minutes,” I reassured him. I closed it, and then turned around to face Marsala. “Go have fun. I’ll see you around,” and before I got the chance to say anything else. . .she was gone. I guess that was her own way of saying goodbye, until the next time. But what I couldn’t get through my head was why Dad hadn’t say anything about Marsala moving to Italy with her new husband. He told us that she needed distance, to figure out who she was and what she wanted in life. I didn’t buy it for one second, but I wasn’t able to find any other explanation. So for the last 2 years, I was living with the fact that my Mom didn’t want us. I shook my head and walked out of the bathroom, plastering a smile on my face. “Everything alright in there?” It was Mike’s urging voice, “you were in there for awhile.”I shrugged as we walked towards the movie theatre, entering it quietly. After the movie was done, there was a lot of movement and a lot of positive and negative comments about the movie. When me and Mike got out of the movie theatre, we started walking. I was on the side of the road near the curb, and Mike was on the sidewalk, glancing at me every couple minutes. “I’m glad we decided to walk to my place. Its a beautiful night,” I said, looking over at him. “Me too,” he said with a smile. He looked down and kicked a stray rock, sending it flying into the bushes. “I’m glad we did this, Mike,” I swear that his smile is infectious. The way the moonlight was hitting his face made butterflies in my stomach. There was something safe about just looking at him, those deep eyes that you could get lost in forever. He took my hand with a daring smile, and I jumped onto the sidewalk as we took the short cut through the valley that lead to my favorite park. The trees were swaying a little because of the wind, knocking some snow off of the branches. At first I wasn’t sure what he was doing, but when we reached the park I could see that he was heading for the benches, so we could talk. . .or do something that didn’t involve any talking. This was the park where Lyem and Landon used to take me when I was a little kid. They’d both take turns pushing me on the swing, helping me up on top of the monkey bars. This was where Caleb and I met, and this was where we made our first secret handshake. I remembered when Caleb introduced me to Mike in grade 6. There were so many good memories in this park. I took a seat on the benches, gazing over at Mike as he scouted the park. I could tell that he was thinking about the first time we met here. “I’m glad we did this too,” he said in return to my comment I said earlier. He looked up at the moon, which was full and bright. I scooted closer to him, putting my head on his shoulder. I watched as he intertwined our fingers, playing with them. When I looked up, I could see a person walking along the sidewalk that lead out to the valley. Something about the way he walked was familiar, the way he moved his hair out of his eyes. I got up, and moved closer so I could get a better look. The person wasn’t walking too fast, just a slow steady pace. Micah. It had to be Micah, but he hadn’t been at school for the last couple weeks, so why would he be back now? “Micah!” I called out, not knowing why I said it. I shouldn’t care if he was back or not. I shouldn’t be calling out his name when I know how Mike feels about him. But there was this feeling that was hard to describe. Something that made my heart beat madly, and my hands sweat. The figure turned around, clearly he was caught off guard. I jogged towards him, with a hunch that it was Micah. For all I knew, it could be some crazy lunatic who stalks women at night. But as I got closer and closer, I could see that it was indeed Micah. The same full lips that was now smiling. “Katrina?” He called softly. I smiled and nodded my head, walking closer to him. There was something different about him though. His hair didn’t seem so dark, and he looked more muscular. As I walked closer to him, I could see that his hair wasn’t dark anymore, it was blonde. And his skin looked more of a coffee cream color, but it was hard to tell in the moonlight. I could hear Mike calling my name out, so I turned around and held up my index finger so he could see it, indicating to give me a couple minutes alone. I turned back around and faced Micah, who’s expression didn’t change one bit. He still had a smug expression. “What happened to you?” I drew my eyes away from his body and focused on his cold, hard, smug face. Something about the way he was looking at me made me shiver. “What do you mean?” He said in utter confusion. His eyebrows merging together. “You look so different. . .More like them. The people at school who try to hard to fit in. But this time, you actually do fit in,” there was a twinge of jealousy hidden in the depths of my tone. “You aren’t making any sense,” he shook his head and chuckled. There wasn’t anything funny about what was happening between us. ‘But there isn’t anything happening between us,’ I thought to myself. “I’m the same person I was when I left a couple weeks ago,” he said in confidence. I turned around, and saw that he was glaring at Mike, then turned back around, my hair whipping in front of my face, “don’t do what you did last week. Just leave him alone,” I snapped. I heard a soft ring tone in the distance, and knew that it was probably Mike’s or someone who was wandering by. Micah and I stood in silence for a couple moments. I was about to speak, but then I could hear rapid foot steps coming up behind me. “Kati, I gotta go,” I automatically recognized that it was Mike’s sullen voice. I turned back around and saw that Mike wasn’t looking at me, he was starring down at his dirt covered sneakers. I frowned a little bit, “why?” There was something a little off by the way he was acting. He didn’t go within 10 feet from Micah, other than now which was to tell me that he had to go. He just shrugged, I wasn’t sure if it was consciously or subconsciously. “My mom said she needed me to babysit Sam-” which was his 4 year old brother, “-so I should go. I’ll see you later Kati.” Before I got the chance to kiss him, he turned around and walked the other direction opposite from us, with his hands buried in his pants pocket. I was pretty sure his house was located the other direction he was walking, but decided to let that go. I turned back around to face Micah who was watching Mike with a cold gaze. It was like relief was written all over his face. I even found myself feeling relieved that Mike was gone, which was horrible. “I always thought that guy was odd,” he put out. “He might feel the same way about you,” I testified. “True,” he said giving me a smile. It was official, I had nothing else to say to him. But there were a couple questions racing in my mind that I wanted to ask him. Like why he was happening to stroll through the park at the same time as Mike and I were, not to mention it was dark. “Why are you here?” I questioned him without any malice in my voice, just curiosity. “Is a guy not allowed to venture out late at night?” I wasn’t sure who he was trying to fool. “Don’t you have anything better to be doing on a Friday night?” “Yes, and I’m doing what I want to do right now.” Micah had that really rare thing, and that was he had a way to charm people with his words. He was one of those people that related with everyone, who could reason with them and understand them. I bit my lip, chewing it softly. Was that a twinge of flirting I heard in his voice? That was absurd. I was with Mike, I shouldn’t be allowing myself to feel this way about Micah, let alone consider flirting back. “Freezing your butt off in the cold?” I said, pretending I had no idea what he was talking about. He shook his head in what looked like amusement, and then laughed a bit. A soft laugh that sent butterflies to my stomach. A laugh that you wouldn’t get tired of hearing. “Yes, exactly that,” he said sarcastically. But with Micah, it was hard to tell when he was serious or sarcastic. “Why don’t we walk back to my house, so we can both warm up then?” I suggested in innocence. He seemed thrown off by my suggestion, but then quickly got himself together. If it wasn’t for me starring at him, I probably wouldn’t of ever noticed. “I’d like that.” It seemed like each minute we walked, it got colder. Micah didn’t seem to mind it, but I was shivering. He gave me a side ways glance, probably because my teeth chattering cut into his thoughts. He stopped walking, so he could take off his jacket, which was a tough black leather material. He hesitated before draping it on my shoulders, making me instantly warmer. I smiled and wrapped it tighter around me, it smelled of smoke and new leather. “Warm yet?” He wondered while still looking over at me. “Getting there.” My arms were crissed-crossed, holding the jacket over my shoulders, as the shivering died down. The rest of the walk home was nothing special, Micah would occasionally ask me if I was warm enough, I would always reply the same; ‘I’m okay, thanks.’ Once we got to the apartment doors, I unlocked them, and showed Micah the way up the stairs towards apartment 210, which me and Caleb shared. I wasn’t sure if he was home or not, and if Lyem was still crashing on the couch. I took off Micah’s jacket so I could get my bag that was slung over my shoulders under it, and gave it to him. “Thanks.” I shrugged and then got my bag and searched around for my keys. They always seemed to be at the bottom of everything, which made everything difficult. When I finally got them, I unlocked the door to see Lyem lounging on the couch, watching something on TV that I came to recognized as the recorded episode of last weeks Vampire Diaries. Caleb soon found his way out to the living room, and waved at us. I wasn’t sure how Lyem was going to take it that I had a guy over, but this was my place and he was a guest. I slid off my shoes, and made my way to the couches when Micah eventually turned around the corner to be welcomed by 2 other men. “Are you usually always surrounded by guys?” Micah observed without any effort. It was true, I related more to guys than I did girls. I also had 2 brothers, which also made Micah’s observations correct. Caleb came and sat down in the middle of Lyem and me. The couch- well I should say futon, was pretty big, so it fit at least 4 people. “Hey guys,” he said in his usual friendly tone. “Does anyone want coffee?” I asked, looking over at Lyem, who was awfully quiet I might add, then at Caleb, then finally at Micah. “Sure,” Lyem answered without looking away from the TV. “I’d like some!” Caleb said chirpily. I nodded and got up off the couch, walking towards the kitchen. I paused and turned around, looking at Micahs confused expression. “Wanna help me?” I asked him directly. He nodded and followed behind me. “What did you want to talk to me about?” Micah said hazily, like he was deep in thought. In the lightening, I still wasn’t sure if I liked his new hair color or not. The blonde just made his blue eyes seem less interesting. The brightness of the hair dimmed the brightness of his eyes. “You should change your hair back,” I murmured quietly. “You don’t like it?” There was a flicker of hurt that reflected in his eyes. “It’ll get some getting used to,” I reported, laughing nervously. “Don’t change your hair, it looks beautiful the way it is now.” I tried to hold back an enormous smile. As I was blushing, I turned away to get the kettle to boil the water for the coffee. I filled the pot till the halfway mark, then set it on the stove, turning the temperature to high. “Why are you with Mike?” Micah said out of the blue. Out of all the things Micah could of said, he was asking about my relationship with Mike. “Because I love him,” for some reason even I started to not believe that. Maybe I was mistaking love for lust. “I don’t believe that.” I didn’t realize he was leaning onto the wall until he started walking towards me, putting one hand on my shoulder. For about a minute, I stood there, feeling Micah’s warm hand on my shoulder. I turned to face him, his arm falling to his side as he looked down at me with eyes that I couldn’t read. “Why are you doing this?” “I’m not doing anything.” “Yes you are. I don’t know what game you’re trying to play Micah, but it isn’t working. I’m with Mike, and there’s nothing you can do to change that.” I glared at him, even though I was probably being a little too defensive about the whole thing, I didn’t care. “Everything alright in there?” Lyem asked, wandering around the corner that was the invisible door to the kitchen. I noticed that he had dark circles under his eyes, and his eyes were also bloodshot. “I should be the one asking if you’re alright,” I walked up to him to get a closer look at his face, “geez Lyem, are you getting enough sleep?” Lyem’s eyes were always bright with concern and happiness.“I should go,” Micah said awkwardly as he headed towards the door. I turned from Lyem to Micah, walking towards the direction Micah was headed, which was the door obviously. “Hey Micah. How about you come over on Saturday?” I watched as Micah put on his shoes, then his jacket that was slung over his arm the whole time. “I guess that would be okay. What time?” “Maybe around 1PM?” “Alright.” “Bye Micah! See you at school tomorrow?” Caleb asked from the distance, I could tell he was eating something. “Thanks for walking me home, by the way.” I smiled at him. “No problem Katrina, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you,” he whispered in my ear so that it wasn’t audible for anyone else to hear but her. He stood up straight and chuckled a bit, “yeah defiantly Caleb. See you,” he said to the both of us. I opened the door for him, and stood a little bit outside of the doorway to watch him walk down the hallway. As soon as he turned the corner, I walked back into the apartment, closing the door behind me. “Hm, Kitty, I didn’t realize you were so popular,” Lyem chuckled as he was holding a mug of coffee, handing another cup to Caleb who was blowing on it shortly after. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the leather chair about 4 feet away from the couch. “I’m not, Lyem,” but I found myself laughing a bit too. “So you ditch school with Mike, and come home with Micah,” Caleb was blowing on his coffee, so I didn’t really get to see his expression with the shadow casted on his face. He reminded me of Mom giving me a lecture about the importance of school. The thought of Mom made me think about the encounter I had with her today. I wasn’t sure if I was able to tell Lyem and Caleb without getting into a whole story, which I didn’t even know myself. Instead I decided that maybe I should call Mike, but looking at the clock, it was probably a bit late. I would probably give him a call tomorrow anyways. Once I said goodnight to Caleb and Lyem, I headed into the bathroom so I could take a warm shower. I turned the nobs until the water got into the temperature that satisfied me. I undressed and hopped into the shower while the warm water splashed onto my body. * * * When I got out of the shower, I dried myself off and wrapped the towel around my body, walking silently to my bedroom as I turned the bathroom light off. I walked over to the beige, wooden dresser while sinking my feet into my soft fluffy white carpet. I pulled out my white and black flannel PJ’s and draped them over my forearm. I started unbuttoning my jeans until my cell phone started to ring its melodic ring. Instead of putting on my PJ’s I started walking towards the end of my bed where my cell phone was laying. I didn’t have caller ID, so it was hard to decipher which number it belonged to. I hit the answer button and brought my phone up to my ear. “Hello?” “Kati? Its me, Mike. I wasn’t sure if you would pick up or not.” “Why wouldn’t I?” I said, maybe a little too defensively. “I don’t know,” I could sense that he did a shrug, even though I couldn’t exactly see him. I looked curiously over at the clock to see what the time was. It was almost close to 11:30PM. Even though I didn’t exactly want to say it, curiosity got the better of me, “so why exactly are you calling me at 11:30, Mike?” “I just wanted to check if you got home alright. I wasn’t sure if you were with Micah or not,” when Mike said Micah’s name, I could hint a bit of a growl in his voice. “Are you sure that’s not the only reason? Didn’t you just want to hear my angelic voice?” If he was in the same room, I bet he could smell the sarcasm all over my breath. “That too,” I could hear his soft muffled chuckling on the other end of the line. “I’m glad to hear from you.” I heard a sigh, but wasn’t sure if he was moving around or not, “Kati, do you think this is going to work out?” For a second, I was caught off guard by his sudden question, “what do you mean?” I had to admit, I was a little confused. Things seemed to be great between us. But why was his sudden doubt hurting me than I could imagine?“I don’t know. I mean, it started off great, I guess. I feel like I’m loosing you.” I didn’t really know how I should of responded but I guess saying, “oh,” didn’t help things. “Just forget I even said anything, then. I should go though,” he seemed to already made up his mind and before I could respond. With that he hung up and I threw my phone back onto my bed and changed out of my PJ’s. Unbuttoning my pants first, sliding them off, then taking off my shirt and undergarments, replacing them with new ones. I felt really safe when the soft fabric clung to my body. I brushed my hair into a high pony tail and removed all my make up in the bathroom. I started humming a tune under my breath while I started brushing my teeth. When I got into my bedroom I saw someone sitting on my bed looking around the room as if they were studying it. As I inched closer I saw that it was my Mom...Marsala. “What are you doing here?” I hissed in a whisper, hoping that Lyem and Caleb wouldn’t hear me. “I told you that I’d come back, didn’t I?” The way she said it, it was almost uncomfortable. “I didn’t think you’d be back tonight. Especially at my apartment. Do you know about a couple dozen feet behind us, Lyem and Caleb are sitting down and watching television?” I continued to whisper, not wanting to be loud so they wouldn’t become suspicious and check up on me to make sure I wasn’t talking to myself, “how did you get up here anyways?” “Lyem and Caleb have grown up to be two handsome and strong young men. I’m going to miss not having them both in my life. Caleb was like a son to me. And Lyem was my little cutie pie. Being a vampire comes with great regrets and goodbyes,” she looked down at her hands. Her long, white, slim hands that looked a lot like mine, except more paler. “I came through that window,” she announced, pointing a finger to the window above my bed. “Thank goodness that you live on the first floor. It would’ve taken serious trouble to climb up the walls of the apartment building. And I don’t think that would look all that normal.” “I’m glad we do too, so we wouldn’t rise any suspicion.” “I didn’t get a chance to fully talk to you about what I am and what I wanted from you,” she put emphasis on ‘you.’ I sat on my white and purple polka dotted moon chair that was located at the far corner of my room. I had a feeling that this was going to take longer than even I expected. “Alright, so as you know I’m a Vampire. I work for the Vampire Consiglio and your sister, Cassie, is apart of it. Do you need me to explain what the Vampire Consiglio is?” She peered over at me. “You can if you want. I’m more than interested in it, so, yes.” “The Vampire Consiglio is a group of vampires that are the most gifted vampires for centuries beyond centuries. They each have individual powers that they usually use if they are defending their clan. They do not use their powers for evil. The leader, Enola and her partner Rowan got thrown out of Greenland because they were abusing their powers. She took over the Vampire Consiglio in Italy with Rowan.” “Do you think you could tell me about each of them? And what their powers are?” I asked her in interest. This seemed like something I read about in books, or watched on television. “Sure. Well you know Enola, shes the head of the Consilglio. She is probably one of the oldest vampires in that clan. Most people believe that her power is to heal, although we have never actually seen her use it before. But she also has the ability to read minds and inflict pain on people with the force of her hands. Most of her powers make her superior to all the other vampires.” She went on to talk about Rowan, who was second in command and who was bonded with Enola. He had the power to turn into any ones worse fears, which I thought was pretty neat. But once I said that comment, Marsala gave me a sharp and irritated look. Obviously there was nothing neat about it. She talked about Emiliea who was a Vampirene, which means a young vampire that is stuck in a 10 year old’s body. Her power was to ward of demons, raise spirits and see ghosts. Next in line was Melborne who I thought was my favorite person out of the whole thing. Marsala told me that he was her favorite, too. He had the ability to start a fire with his eyes, and supernatural speed. Marsala also told me that the Consiglio was debating whether or not to keep Melborne. They thought of him as too nice and sweet to be a killer. Last but not least was my sister, Cassie. Like Emiliea, she was a Vampirene. She was stuck in a small body of a child, except this time it was a 8 year old. I thought of how miserable she must of been. She could never grow old, have kids or even a boyfriend because of how young she looked. Her power was to electrocute her prey. They could either die or have serious injuries that would take months to heal. “You must be upset that Cassie got turned at such a young age,” I commented after she was done talking. We kept our voices low enough that Lyem nor Caleb came in to check on us. During about the middle of the story Marsala was giving me, I could hear that they both went to bed, which was probably good. “It was upsetting. Knowing my baby can’t get married to a man older than her, hurts. Could you imagine the looks people would be giving her? Dear Cassie would probably even feel uncomfortable. Turning a vampire at such a young age isn’t great. But some of them turn out to be one of the most strongest vampire.” “So, earlier, you told me that you wanted something from me...” I looked down at my hands nervously, the same way Marsala did when I first entered the room, “what was it?” She took a deep sigh, which seemed to take forever. I could tell she was debating whether or not to tell me. “I wanted to come and tell you the stories because I wanted to turn you. I know how bad that sounds. You probably don’t even want to. It turns out that the Vampire Consiglio found out I had another daughter and a couple of sons. I lied to them when I said I didn’t have anymore children, I just wanted to protect you all. You, Landon and Lyem don’t deserve what Cassie went through.” She took another deep breath and let it out before speaking again, “I was in trouble with them before, as I mentioned earlier today. Lying to them would give them an excuse to turn the rest of my children. But instead, they could kill you. Once a human knows our secrets, they could kill you. But if they see you have the potential to be a strong vampire, they’ll turn you and bring you into the clan. Of course they won’t see you anymore than the lowest part of the clan.” I guess I wasn’t expecting her to give me the option if I wanted to become a vampire or not. I didn’t want to be a vampire, I just couldn’t. With everything that was going on, no way. I didn’t even know all about vampires, so how was I suppose to be one? “I know its a lot to handle. You can think about it,” she said as she got up. “I should go though, its pretty late.” I nodded and sighed, walking over to her. I was debating whether or not if I should hug her. I decided that I would anyways. “See you,” I said sadly. Even though nothing was ever going to be the same between us, she was still my mother. I wrapped my arms around her, giving her a big hug. She smelled like earth, which was refreshing. She hugged me back with more intensity and strength. “I love you,” she whispered into my ear before she pulled away from the hug. My whole face lit up when I heard those 3 delicate words come out of her thin lips. But before I could say anything, she was gone. © 2011 Plagued Monumentally |
2 Reviews Added on August 8, 2011 Last Updated on August 8, 2011 Author![]() Plagued MonumentallyMSAboutSo it's been a couple years since I've been on this site, and lots has changed. Most of my writing is between two to three years difference to the stuff I'm writing now. Please pay attention to the di.. more..Writing