Chapter 6

Chapter 6

A Chapter by Plagued Monumentally

Introduced to a new character: Saria Baker. :D


Chapter 6:

I was standing face to face with death. There was only one way out, and that was to either kill the beast or the beast would kill me. Its eyes didn’t seem to be filled with malice or hatred, instead they were filled with remorse and gratitude. I tried screaming but nothing came out. I was hoping someone would hear me, but there wasn’t much they could do in a situation like this.

I was going to die- and this creature would enjoy it.

“Stop! Please stop!” I tried to say, but still, nothing came out. I couldn’t speak, the creature was crushing my ribs.

Both its paws were pinning me down, so I couldn’t move, and my legs wouldn’t move. The creature started to growl, and I was hypnotized by its big, beautiful, breathtaking brown eyes to even noticed the sharp pain surging through my shoulders.

I opened my eyes and tried to remember where I was. Then I remembered I was at the hospital. I must of been sleeping for no longer than 15 minutes because my Dad wasn’t back from talking with Dr. Coleman. Lyem was sleeping on the chair next to Mom’s bed.

“Lyem?” I whispered.

His eyes fluttered and then he was awake, probably trying to remember where he was too.
“Dad will be back anytime.” I reassured him.
“Hes not done yet?” He asked.
“Apparently not. How long were we out?” I wondered.
He checked his watch and said, “20 minutes almost.”
Just then Dr. Coleman and Dad entered the room. Dad’s face was filled with frustration and anger, I didn’t know what happened. Dr. Coleman must of saw the worried look on my face because he started to explain, “Katrina. We’re trying to do everything we can to save Marsala er, you’re Mother.” He paused and then continued, “But nothing we’re doing is having any affect on her. You’re Mother has what is called Coronary Heart Disease. Its caused when there is a plaque build up from fatty materials and other substances. When the coronary arteries begin to close in, the blood that’s suppose to flow to your heart doesn’t, and it stops the heart.”
I made a mental note of all that information and then asked, “So you can’t save her?”
“We’ve tried everything. A heart transplant is too risky in her case, so it can’t be done without her dieing. Shes currently on life support- that’s the only thing that is keeping her alive and with you.” Dr. Coleman sighed and that’s when I knew that wasn’t it. “I asked your Dad if he wanted to pull the plug. And then after that, she won’t be with us on earth anymore.” He looked over at me.
“Katrina, I know it might be hard to understand. I took into great consideration about what my choice should be, and I thought of how you’re Mother would want it. And I’ve come to a decision.” Dad said carefully.
I took a deep breath, but I already knew the answer. He was going to take her off life support, he was going to murder  her!
“I have to, Katrina.” Dad looked down at his hands, not meeting my gaze. He was ashamed.
“You do realize what you’re doing,  right? You’re murdering her!” I yelled, and Dr. Coleman winced at how loud my voice went.
“Nobody is murdering anyone. This is always tough to decide.” He paused then continued, “and accept.” Dr. Coleman said.

“You don’t understand! Don’t you dare try to understand until you’re own Mother is laying on her death bed and you get to choose whether she lives or not!” I said with fire.
“Katrina, stop!” Lyem came to his feet, he wasn’t using my usual nickname, meaning he was getting fed up with my behavior. “Mom would want this. She hates it when people mourn over her.”
“There has to be something you can do!” I said, this time tears were spilling out of my eyes. I was practically on my knees because I was so upset.
“I’ll give you all a few minutes to say you’re goodbyes. I’m sorry for you’re loss. I hope she rests in peace.” Dr. Coleman said before leaving the room.
I was breathing in uneasy huffs as Lyem and Dad tried to calm me down. I looked around the room to try to calm me down. The walls were a nice shade of brown, the same color I have in my apartment. There was a beautiful picture of an angel with wind and leave wrapped around her pale body.
I got up and walked over to the chair Lyem was sitting on when he was sleeping, it was right beside Mom’s bed. I looked up at Dad and Lyem and asked if I could have a moment alone, they left the room with no arguments or questions.
I ran my hand over her warm hand and looked up at her face. She was getting older, there were smile lines by her eyes and laugh lines like Dad has. Tears were streaming down my face, I was surprised I had more left considering I was crying almost all night.
“I’m sorry that I wasn’t around more. I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to really get to know each other over the years.” I wiped my nose and then continued saying my goodbye, “You may not of been there most of my teenage life, but I still loved you- I still do. I’ll take care of Dad, because even though he doesn’t want to admit it, he need his children. It makes me upset and angry that you won’t be there for my wedding- if I get married. And to see my children walk- if I have children.” I bent down so I could kiss her forehead then straightened back up, “I love you.” I said, tears still shooting out of my eyes like bullets.
Lyem came back into the room and he pulled me into a hug. I haven’t hugged my brother in a long time, and this just made me feel even more safe. He was warm, probably because it was a fireplace in the hospital. I buried my face in his chest and it made me feel better instantly.  
“We should get going.” Lyem said to me.
I nodded and wiped away the tears, and a few wet spots were on Lyem’s shirt, “You’re right. Lets go.” I saw a glimpse of Dad pacing up and down the hallway.
Lyem put an arm around my waist and walked with me out of the room. It was hard knowing that this was going to be the last time I saw Mom’s face.  
“Are you alright?” Dad asked with a worried facial expression.
“I just wanna go home.” I answered honestly.
“You and Lyem go on ahead,” he demanded, “I’ll be awhile.”
“Okay. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I gave him a light smile and headed out to the car with Lyem.
The blast of cold air welcomed my face, and it almost immediately calmed me down. We searched through the hundreds of cars in the parking lot to find Lyem’s car. Finally we did, it was hiding behind a black 1999 Ford Ranger. Lyem had a navy blue 2007 Honda Accord that he probably just bought a couple months ago. When he unlocked my door, I got in and made myself comfortable then closed the door.
My cellphone was digging into my thigh, and then I remembered I had to call Mike. I took it out of my pocket and called Mike. Like before he picked up on the third ring, “Hello?” He said, his voice sounding relaxed and welcoming.
“Hey. I’m on my way back from the hospital.” I tried staying as calm as possible.
“Tell me all about it when you get home.” Mike said, and somehow I felt like he already knew what happened.
I hung up and kept the cellphone in my hand just in case, then directing my gaze over at Lyem.
“I’m gonna miss her.” I said to Lyem.
“I am too. But every thing's going to be okay Kitty.” He said and tried to make it sound reassuring.
I nodded agreeably and said, “I hope so.”
I slept the whole ride home, and before I knew it I was already in the parking lot of the apartment. I opened my eyes when Lyem was backing up into an open space in the parking lot.
Once he stopped, he looked over at me, “You have some drool.” He said, then chuckled.
I wiped the drool off with the end of my jacket, and I felt my cheeks heat up. I unlocked the passenger door and got out of it, then closed it, “Do you wanna spend the night on the futon?” I asked him.
He smiled and considered it for a moment then said, “Sure.”
“Great.” I said, trying to hide the huge smile from him.
Lyem and I tried to see which way was faster, the elevator to my apartment or the stairs. I took the stairs and he took the elevator. The stairs was the fastest way to get to my apartment.
I gave him a smug look before I knocked on the door. I didn’t bring my keys because I knew either Caleb or Mike would be there by the time I got home from the hospital.
Caleb answered and brought me into a hug the moment he saw me, “I’m so glad you’re back.” Then he pulled away and backed up so we could get through he door.
“Hi Lyem.” Caleb greeted him after we were done taking off our shoes and coats.
“Hey.” He said looking at Caleb then back at me.
“Caleb, is it okay if Lyem stays the night?” I already knew the answer, but I thought I’d ask anyways.
“Of course.” He answered.
I looked around the apartment for Mike and found him laying down on my bed. I smiled and walked over to my bed, sitting on it so I could kiss Mike’s forehead.
He opened his eyes and when he saw me, he smiled.
“Hey, sleepy-head. I said pleasantly.
Mike kissed me, pulled away and then sat up so he was resting on his elbows, “I missed you.” He said quietly. The curtains in my room weren’t closed, so the moonlight reflected on his eyes. I could tell that his eyes were saying that he was worried about me too.
“I missed you too.” I said truthfully. I crawled onto the bed and snuggled beside Mike. He put an arm around me.
“How did it go at the hospital?” He said while running his fingers up and down my arm, automatically giving me goosebumps.
I felt tears forming in my eyes, “She...” I took a big breath and then finished my sentence, “She... didn’t make it.”
I heard a gasp slip out of Mike’s mouth, “Kati, I’m so sorry.” He said in a low whisper.
I turned my body so that my face was facing him, then I reached up so I could kiss him. He probably felt very uncomfortable because he pulled away, laying on his back then bringing me on top of him.
I rounded my back so that my lips could touch his, they were moist and soft just like the first time he kissed me. He put one hand on my lower back and I put one hand on on the left side of his cheek. I moved so that I was laying on top of him. Our bodies were against each others, so that no gaps separated each other, then we kissed with more speed and force. All I could think of was how perfect this was, and how I didn’t want to be kissing anyone but Mike. I moved my hands up his shirt, letting my hands rest on his toned stomach. Shortly after he moved his hands from my lower back up my shirt and took it off.
I was surprised that I didn’t even hesitate when he started, I didn’t mind at all. I found the end of his shirt and started to pull it over his head, and when it was off I threw it on the floor. I went back to kiss his lips hungrily, then his tongue found his way into my mouth. Mikes hands were fidgeting with the button on my pants, but then I pulled away.
“What?” He said, panting.
I was trying to catch my breath too, but then I rolled off of him and onto the empty space beside him. “I can’t do this. Not with my brother 10 feet away, and Caleb sleeping in the other room. And plus, this isn’t who I am.” I paused and turned my head to see his facial expression, but he wasn’t upset or sad.
“Its alright Kati, I can wait.” He smiled and turned his head so he was facing me too.
I smiled and said, “Thank you.” I got up and out of the bed and tried to find my shirt. Once I did I put it on and said, “I’ll be right back.” I opened my bedroom door and saw that Lyem was watching T.V and Caleb was probably in his bedroom sleeping... Or at least trying to.
“Can’t sleep?” Lyem asked me. I heard a hint of teasing in his voice. It was like he could tell what me and Mike were doing.
“No. I guess not. Coffee?” I offered him, trying to change the subject so it wasn’t so embarrassing and awkward.
“Sure.” Lyem answered and returned his gaze to the television.
I made two cups of coffee and poured milk and a boatload of sugar into mine “What do you want in yours?” I asked Lyem, because I haven’t ever seen him drink coffee.
“Milk and two tablespoons of sugar please.” He said not taking his eyes off the television.
After I finished making his, I brought it over and handed it to him. He took a sip and then smiled, indicating it tasted good.
“So you and Mike were having quite the reunion.” Lyem said and I blushed.
“I guess so.” I answered, looking at him.
“Hey, I’m not judging.” He said chuckling.
“Don’t patronize me.” I joked, but he took it more serious than I intended it to.
“Have you been dating anyone recently?” I wondered, but truth is I was actually interested.
“Yes, I am.” He answered, and then a smile lit up his face- he was pretty into this girl.
I kept pushing, because I wanted to know more. “What’s her name?”
“Saria Baker.” He answered with a controllable smile.
“How long have you been dating her?” I asked, and I felt like I was in a detective movie.
He rolled his eyes, “Are you a detective now?” He said, it was like he was reading my mind.
“I guess so,” I giggled, “So are you going to tell me how long you two have been dating?” I urged.
“A year and 2 months in March.” He said with confidence.
Inside I felt jealous, not of him or her, but how their love seemed to be indestructible, “Cute.”
“I’m going to ask her to marry me.” He blurted out.
I gasped and then looked at him, wide eyed, “Are you serious?” I said, perplexed.
“Yes.” He chuckled.
“I wanna meet her. If you’re going to be marrying her, I’ll have to see if shes worthy of you’re love.” I joked.
“Worthy of my love, hey? Sounds pretty intense.” He joked back.
“Is she pretty?”
“Beyond beautiful.” He answered.

© 2011 Plagued Monumentally

My Review

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I am glad her mother died because I have a feeling it brings on something huge right after her death!

Posted 13 Years Ago

whoa that dream came like out of no where lol but now its getting me said that it was a werewolf/vampire/romance story.SO BRING ON THE WEREWOLFNESS

Posted 13 Years Ago


Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on August 8, 2011
Last Updated on August 8, 2011


Plagued Monumentally
Plagued Monumentally


So it's been a couple years since I've been on this site, and lots has changed. Most of my writing is between two to three years difference to the stuff I'm writing now. Please pay attention to the di.. more..


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