![]() Chapter 2A Chapter by Plagued MonumentallyChapter 2: Waking up seems to be the hardest part for me when it comes to a Monday’s. It reminded me that the weekend was over and I had to start a new week with new problems and encounters. I wasn’t much of a people person, I liked to watch life from the sidelines... most of the time. I woke up to a loud alarm clock that was beeping continuously, I slammed my hand down on the OFF button and relaxed in bed as I tried to wake up. I really hated getting up out of my warm and comfy bed, but I guess going to school and getting good marks would pay off eventually. I walked to the bathroom but all I could hear was the faint noise of Caleb snoring. I knew that I had the house to myself for awhile until he got up. When I approached the bathroom, the first thing I noticed was what I mess I looked. I dragged a solid brown brush through my matted brown hair, thinking of how today would turn out. Once I finished putting my hair up into a high bun, and my usual make up, I was already running up the stairs to make it in time for the bus. Its always the same everyday, the same routine, get up the same time every morning. We always take life for granted sometimes, we don’t appreciate all the small things. When I finished getting my jacket and boots on, I cleared all my thoughts and stuck my headphones in and blasted up my music as I walked towards bus stop in the freezing cold. The end of January was creeping up slowly, and it seemed to get colder and colder as the days passed. I took a quick glance and who was standing behind me, because I could feel someones eyes staring.When I turned around, I was standing face to face with a young guy around around 15-19 with gorgeous frosty blue eyes. He didn’t looked empty when I looked into his eyes, just lost. It was like he was waiting for an opportunity at the bus stop, hoping to get on the bus and find something or someone he’d been searching for. The boy was tall, about a full foot taller than me, he had chocolate brown hair. He also had pink full lips, the ones you’d see on models, but they were beginning to turn blue because of the weather. I must of been starring at him too long because he shifted uncomfortably and dropped his gaze from me to the busy street ahead of us. I turned back around and looked down at my feet, waiting for the bus to come. * * * I got to school 10 minutes before the bell rang. I stormed into the doors of the Richardson High, and they abruptly closed behind me. My eyes wandered to Caleb who was sitting on the bench beside the doors. His black hair was getting long, he really needed a haircut. There was dark circles plastered under his eyes, and the black sweater he was wearing just made the circles worse. I walked up to him and soon enough he saw me, I loved being greeted by Caleb in the morning. Caleb got up and said, “Fancy seeing you here darling.” He gave me a big hug like he usually does every morning. Today I could hear his faint Australian accent that he tries desperately to disguise. Caleb was a really attractive guy, his eyes sang a song that nobody else but me could hear. “It is school after all. And if we don’t hurry to my locker, we might miss first period.”I turned around and walked down the hallway to my locker, knowing that Caleb was trailing behind. When we reached my locker, I could smell his favorite cologne that he usually wears. Even though I wasn’t fond of the smell, I learned to get used to it. “By the way Kat, can I borrow you’re history notes from yesterday? I wasn’t paying attention, mostly because Mike wouldn’t stop talking.”Mike was a guy in our history class that flirted with me often. He was also Caleb's really good guy friend, well as close as two guys can be. Over the weekend I didn’t really get to talk to Caleb much, he was away at his sisters wedding. Although it was only a couple of days, I missed the nickname Caleb had given me when we first met. Its a short version of Katrina, which happens to be my name. “Sure, its no surprise that you were goofing off in class anyways.” I quickly grabbed my stuff from my locker and walked with Caleb to our first class.He seemed to ignore my dry sense of humor and then said, “I would of drove you to school but I had to come to school early today because the principle wanted me to help him with a couple things.” He always got into so much details over the tiniest things. “You do owe me a ride home after school today. Anyways, how was your sisters wedding?” I gave him a light punch in the arm. Me and Caleb always walked side by side together to our classes, mostly because we both have the same classes and have nobody else to walk with. He chuckled and then opened the door for me and waited for me to walk in before he followed behind, “Of course. I wouldn’t want it any other way. And it was terrific! It was really beautiful. Wedding bells, doves, beautiful scenery.” Caleb loved Weddings, to him it showed that there was love everywhere. I took my seat at the back of the class and Caleb took his at the front. A hand rested on my shoulder, “Boo.” A guy said softly. I jumped a little out of my seat, almost toppling over. I turned around to see that Mike was standing there, with a grin on his face. He took a seat beside me, and I turned myself so I was facing him. “Ha, I see you’re still you’re usual jumpy self.” Mike smiled at me, his perfectly straight teeth as white as ever. If you really look closely at him you’ll see all the little beautiful features in his face. His eyes were forest green, and he had tanned smooth skin.“Yeah, well, I don’t like being scared. You of all people should know that.” “Oh, right. Remind me never to pull that kind of prank again.” He said, running long index finger over the indent my punch made during the Halloween prank he attempted to pull on me last year. Mike and I have been flirting with each other ever since I met him. He makes me smile whenever I had my really bad days, something Caleb and him have in common. He sits by me in history, because we both enjoy each others company. I didn’t have many friends that were girls. The only real girl friend I have is Caleb sister, I text her frequently and we hang out whenever we get the chance. “I’ll make a note of that,” I smiled, “So how was you’re weekend?” He grinned, he clearly hand a good weekend. “Pretty good. Why? Did you miss me?” I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. “Only as much as you missed me.” I retorted. Mrs. Norris walked in and positioned herself in front of the classroom, where she wanted all ears and eyes on her. I looked over at her, and listened while she started rambling on about toady's history assignment. But for some reason, I could still feel the gaze of Mike lingering on me. When lunch arrived, I thought it would never come. I moved along the lunch line, hoping Caleb saved me a seat. I looked at the wide selection of food, I took an apple, fruit salad, a tuna sandwich and a juice box. When I paid for it, I looked out at half the schools population, seeing different groups of people eating, talking and laughing with each other. Near the window, I saw Caleb and Mike talking about something that didn’t seem all that interesting because the grins on their face were dull. When I approached they both averted their gaze to me. I sat down on the opposite side of the two guys. “I hope you don’t have any plans tonight Kat.” Caleb said out of the blue when I was just about to take a bite of my apple. I sat my apple down and looked at him, “I don’t think so. . .” I looked at both guys that were sitting in front on me, on the other side of the table, “Why?” Caleb just gave a gentle shrug and said, “Mikes coming over, and I was wondering if it was okay with you,” he gave me that smile that was hard to turn down. Then Caleb took a bite of his salad. I didn’t mind Mike coming to our place, he doesn’t bug me when hes over.“I guess. As long as you guys don’t make out with each other,” I giggled. Caleb’s intention towards Mike was only a friend matter. I always made jokes like that, mostly because Caleb made a mistake of kissing Mike last year, and I’ve never let that go. Mike started to laugh nervously, then stopped when he saw the look on Caleb's face. He just gave me a sly grin and said, “I promise,” then winked at me before turning to Caleb to finish the rest of their conversation. Lunch wasn’t all that fun, but then again, it never usually was. I couldn't wait till the end of the day, mostly because hanging out with Mike and Caleb was better than doing homework. I finished my lunch in peace while I listened into their conversation, picking up the latest gossip that Caleb seemed to be rambling on about. I got up and threw out the remains and put the tray on top of the garbage. When I came back, they didn’t seem to notice I was ever gone. It seemed like their conversation was far more interesting. I probably glanced at the clock more than 15 times during the last period of the day. I just wanted this dreadful day to end. Inside the classroom it was so clammy and smelled like B.O, I really couldn't stand being stuck in this room any longer. Just when I thought the bell was never going to ring, it did. I didn’t mind the loud noise this time, I was just happy it rang so the long dreadful day would end. As I was packing up my stuff and about to head out the door, someone softly said my name. I whirled around and noticed it was Mike, I smiled almost immediately. “Hey, Mike.” I stood there, dumbfounded, not knowing what he wanted.“I was wondering if I could talk to you before we walked out to meet Caleb.” He looked really nervous, which was odd considering he never was nervous around me. Then I realized that was not a good sign. “Is everything okay?” I wondered, watching the last person leave the classroom and me and Mike were alone.“There isn’t any way to tell you this.. So I’m just going to come out and say it.” Mike closed the door and turned back to me. He cleared his throat and I waited in anticipation for him to continue. “I.. Well I think that I’m in love with you.” His cheeks flushed a light pink that wasn’t so noticeable. I honestly didn’t know what to say to that. Sure, it came across my mind a couple times that I might have feelings for Mike, but it never once crossed my mind that he would be in love with me. I smiled uncomfortably and said, “I never knew that’s how you felt about me.” I swallowed, buying me time so I could think of what to say next. My uncomfortable smile turned into a frown, “I thought I was nothing more than an occasional flirting session and a person you sat next to in history.” My heart started to race, when I looked into his eyes, they just looked sad and confused. “You know you mean more than that to me Kati.” He sighed and then put his hand around the right side of my face, moving his thumb up and down my jawline. “You’re beautiful and talented. You’re independent and strong. . . which intimidates me sometimes.” He bit down on his lip, and I appreciated it that he was so brave to tell him his true feelings.“I-” I was suddenly interrupted when soft, moist lips found their way to mine. He kissed me like I’ve never seen him kiss another girl before. He has dated over half of the prettiest girls in school, and I couldn't help but wonder why he was kissing me. I didn’t look a thing like those girls, but maybe that was the point. Maybe I was safe to him, maybe he wanted change. I kissed him back, with the same force he had given me. Then I pulled away noticing that we were late to meet Caleb. “I think we should get going.” My response was really quiet so I didn’t know if it was audible. I turned around and headed towards my locker, hoping he’d make out what I said. I wasn’t too sure if Mike was following behind me, and I was too focused trying to look straight ahead. When I reached my locker I stuffed my books into my locker and got out my jacket and folded it around my arm. I grabbed my bag and just then Mike came and rested his shoulder on the locker that was beside mine. “You won’t be able to avoid talking to me forever, I hope you know that.” He smiled and stood up straight again, heading towards the school doors. I didn’t know what to say, but then again I would be able to think of something on the ride home with Caleb and Mike.When he was out of sight, I said softly to myself, “but I can try.” I got my stuff out and slammed the locker shut and locked it up. I walked to the front doors. I inhaled deeply, trying to release most of my petty worries. When I reached the doors to leave the school, I opened them looked out to see Mike already riding shotgun, and Caleb laughing. I wasn’t too sure what they were talking about, but I didn’t have the patience to find out. I just waved to Caleb and got in the back of the car, not wanting to discuss anything. I wasn’t sure if Mike told Caleb or not, but we would have to tell him sooner or later. The ride home wasn’t so bad. I just listened in on Mike and Caleb’s conversation like I did during lunch. I spent most of the ride home looking outside the window, seeing children laughing and playing with their friends. When we arrived to our destination, I got out and closed the car door as made my way to meet Caleb on the other side. I walked alongside Caleb to the front step where he opened the door for us. I walked in first, then Mike and then Caleb followed. “You know, something just doesn’t seem right.” Caleb said, observing me and Mikes body language. I realized that I hardly looked at him the whole ride here. Its not that I didn’t want him to know, I just had no intention of telling him yet. I just shrugged and said, “And why is that Caleb?” “Usually you two would be flirting by now, but all you’re doing is ignoring each other. Did I miss something while last block?” I had to admit, he was a really good at observing body language. Or maybe it was completely obvious that I was mad at Mike. “I kissed Katrina.” I guess we were going to discuss this sooner rather than later. I blushed after he said that, and I knew he would say it eventually before I beat him to it. He wouldn’t ever keep anything from Caleb unless it was completely necessary. When I looked at Caleb's face, I noticed that he was as shocked as I was that Mike said what he said. “Whoa. That's. . . Wow.” Caleb didn’t know what to say, and I didn’t blame him. I felt the same way as Caleb did when Mike kissed me.“It just kind of happened.” I looked around the house nervously, trying not to make it even more awkward than it already was. “But I think I’m just going to go take a nap or something. School totally drained me out.” My voice wasn’t all the convincing because Caleb squinted too see if I was actually telling the truth. “You sure?” Caleb asked. He knew that I just wanted to avoid the whole situation I was in, so he let it slide. When I looked towards Mike, he looked at me for a couple seconds then looked over at Caleb. I guess Mike was just unsure what to say. “Alright well. I’ll be on my way then.” I turned around and hurried to my room, and closed my door after I was inside of it. When I closed it, I felt a sudden rush of relief. Closing the door made me felt like I put a shield around me so I wasn’t so embarrassed. I really did not know what I would do about the kiss, and I don’t think there is anything we can do about it. It just happened, like I said before, and we can’t take it back. After an hour or so, I heard some mumbling outside of my room and then silence. I knew that either Caleb or Mike was coming to check on me. When I heard a knock on my door, I wiped my tears and tried to get a hold of myself so I could say a couple words without making Mike suspicious. “Who is it?” I asked, my bottom lip quivered.“Its Mike, open up Kati.” I turned the handle of my bedroom doorknob and opened it, looking at him with my tear filled eyes. He noticed something was wrong because he stepped in and closed the door behind me. “I’m so sorry.” He said, and I knew that he meant it. “Its fine.” But my voice wasn’t too convincing because he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me and holding me against him. He smelled like fresh air, which was exactly what I needed. I wrapped my arms around him like he did to me and he held me tighter. “If I would of known you’d be so upset, I would not of done what I did.” He seemed so concerned over something that seemed so small. It was just a kiss, I told myself. But I could not help but wonder if it meant something more than that. But still, I loved the feel of his arms around me, I’ve always felt really safe in his arms. “I’m not mad or upset with you anymore, I’m just confused.” I didn’t quite know about what, and I hoped that he didn’t ask me that question because I was sure that there was no answer. I sighed and slipped out of Mikes arms to go to my bed. “Come sit.” I said, patting the space beside me. As Mike walked over to my bed he said, “Caleb went out to get a couple things, he said he’d be back in a half an hour.” He smiled and sat on the other side of the bed. “Whats he getting?” I raised one of my eyebrows, I didn’t even hear the front door close. Caleb knows whenever I’m upset I love Slurpee's, but I wasn’t so sure that's what he went out to get. “He didn’t say, all he said was ‘I’m going out to get a few things. Be back in 30 or so minutes.’ And then he left. So I came in here to make sure you were alright.” “So that leaves us alone then?” I gave him a playful wink, not expecting or wanting anything to happen until this problem blows over. “Yeah, I guess, for a little while.” He did not flirt back which I took that as a sign he was confused just as much as I was. I wanted to tell him it was alright, but nothing I could say would make him less confused at this moment. “Mike, I just wanted you to know that its not that I didn’t enjoy the kiss. Its just that I was not expecting it..” I didn’t know why I was rambling on about this. But I just needed him to know what I was thinking, and I wanted to figure out what he was thinking too. “I know. Its okay Kati, it really is.” He said, glancing my direction. “I think I just need to think about things for awhile. I just need to be alone.” I didn’t want him to leave, mostly because I enjoyed his company. But I think I just needed some time for myself, and think about the decisions I was going to make. “Alright, I get it, I’ll go.” He said, joking around with me. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Okay?” I got off of my big comfy bed and walked slowly towards the door and opened it for him. After a couple seconds, he got up and stood in front of me. “Oh, you’ll definitely see me tomorrow.” He kissed me on the forehead and left my room, and he closed the door on his way out. Suddenly my bedroom felt cold and empty. A couple minutes later the door opened, and I knew that Mike was leaving. I wondered if I ruined the night for both him and Caleb. Soon enough, Caleb returned from wherever he headed off to. “Honey I’m home!” He called out, and I ran out of my room to meet him. “Well its about time. Mike left by the way, I had to think things through and so did he.” I looked down at his hands that held a Slurpee, two bags of chips and DVD. “You always seem to know what I want.” I said, smiling at him. “I thought we could watch a movie or something. And yeah, I saw Mike leave just before I came in.” He always knew how to make me feel better. Even if it was just the simplest things he would do, it would make me feel happy. I loved the way Caleb treated me so much better than everyone else.“That sounds perfect. What did you have in mind?” I asked, curious as to what kind of movie he bought. “You always said you wanted to see Inception, so I saw it and immediately thought of you.” He moved around me to put the stuff on the counter. He handed me my Slurpee, I took one sip of it and felt better within seconds. I grabbed the DVD that was laying on the counter and put it into the DVD player. “You coming?” I asked hearing noises from the kitchen. While I waited for him, I watched a few of the movie trailers before it came to the start up menu. “Yeah I’m coming,” he said bringing out two bowls of chips, one for him and one for me. He handed me one and sat the other bowl on the coffee table right in front of the couch. “This is nice. I always love having movie nights with you. Even when it just sort of happens.” I smiled and rested my head on his thigh, and my legs hanging on the side of the couch. The room smelled of salt and vinegar chips and happiness. Caleb truly knew how to make me happy, and he was the only person I could count on. I relaxed as the movie started to play, and we both started to eat. © 2011 Plagued MonumentallyReviews
4 Reviews Added on August 8, 2011 Last Updated on August 8, 2011 Author![]() Plagued MonumentallyMSAboutSo it's been a couple years since I've been on this site, and lots has changed. Most of my writing is between two to three years difference to the stuff I'm writing now. Please pay attention to the di.. more..Writing
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