![]() SamiaA Poem by Plagued Monumentally![]() This is explaining a part of me. Mostly one of my personalities. -- Pronounced "sam-eye-uh"![]() samia, samia, the listener from above the only one of us that's capable of love my sweet angel of innocence and perception you're lovely mind is made up of greed and self-deception the lovely wife of Acaeus, who is stubborn and your lovely spiritual daughter who was left unborn my sweet little angel of contemplation why do you have to fool those with manipulation? blonde shimmery locks that fall around your face and those gray-blue eyes that will always be hard to replace your porcelain skin that's noticeable at dark and your thin lips that create such a spark samia, samia, the listener from above the only person that we are allowed to think of
© 2011 Plagued MonumentallyReviews
12 Reviews Added on July 27, 2011 Last Updated on August 7, 2011 Author![]() Plagued MonumentallyMSAboutSo it's been a couple years since I've been on this site, and lots has changed. Most of my writing is between two to three years difference to the stuff I'm writing now. Please pay attention to the di.. more..Writing
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