Stage Fright

Stage Fright

A Poem by Crowley

I want a taste

Threatened with immediate rejection

A flick of the eyes, I was never a very good reader

But I could cringe with the best of them

A stroke of the pen could bring them to their knees

But, speaking aloud, all I get is burnt coffee questioning


Those faces terrify

I knock complacently at first

Then my knock turns to a faint tapping

The knocking, still there, unhinged knees of course

Waiting is not my thing, unless it means forever

I turn just as the door opens, do I dare look back


Awkward is congenital

I am not light on my feet

But dancing comes with the territory

It’s easier to dance than to speak

A mouth full of marbles and a thick tongue

“I was wandering if you were a bit thinner tonight?”


She stared 

Daggers made from scorched Folgers

Was I ever able to breathe, I forgot how

Her eyes never wavered, those lips…

My swaying could not be considered dancing

“I would love to get a bit of dinner tonight.”

© 2023 Crowley

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Oh this is nice.. a dance of strangers trying to find their place and the apprehension is palpable. Good work.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thank you!!!
Perhaps reading poetry in public is second only to singing before a mic when you know you're tone deaf! Is it because poetry is a 'mind and heart' thing, whereas dancing and singing are motions via one part of the body and by choice? In all honesty i can't imagine you being shy about anything, especially connected to music. Yes, yes, there are people who dread the thought of mic or even a mirror. Trial and error is the quote of the day for many, me spite of am dram. but in that the character portrayed takes over. Great words, and, inspiring because they make the mind tick. Thank you.

Posted 1 Year Ago

This was most definitely me at 14 or was it 40. The years ten to blur when you’re getting younger every passing day.


Posted 1 Year Ago

Its easier never to try than to risk rejection. Especially when one isn't too well equipped with words. It could be any situation, a prospective love, a job or an audition. I relate only too well to the terrifying faces and my knees all over the place, in fact, the guy in question on the other side of the desk even asked me kindly to stop shaking. Mine was so heavy, it was almost akin to a dance. Some great imagery here, "A mouth full of marbles and a thick tongue", I usually say the most miserably wrong things too, when I'm nervous. Loved the conclusion, I saw a happy ending there. Quite in contrast to mine. I never got the job. Loved the poem and where it took me.

Posted 1 Year Ago

In my job I am reasonably well versed in making presentations to a roomful of company directors, but when it gets personal, it's not the same is it.

A while back now, and after being persuaded by a good friend that my poetry was worthwhile, I went to an open mic poetry reading night and I can tell you now that your 'mouth full of marbles and a thick tongue,' pale in comparison to the burning embarrassment that came over me as I faced my audience.

Fancy a dinner date? I promise to do my best to be untonguetied. Is that a real word? :))


Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Wierdky this is so not me. I am the first to to strike up a conversation regardless of time or plac.. read more
Great title Crowley.

“A mouth full of marbles and a thick tongue”

That line is amazing. Really sums up how difficult it is to find conversation:)

I sense the nerves here. You know, nothing ventured nothing gained. Be brave. Keep swaying in time to the music. Dinner might be on the cards.

That fear of rejection gets to so many of us regardless of gender.

Loved the read.


Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Ahh rejection, so awkward. Thanks Chris, good to see you!
"burnt coffee questioning" love that.
Oh, that fear, that trembling when attempting to ask someone out...
that fear of rejection...of "scorched Folgers"

Running away often feels safest, but OH what we might miss...

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Running is the safest...but then where does that get us... I'm pretty sure your charm works wonders .. read more
Ah, the old step on my old size 9's! Or trip over your own and faceplany in front of an audience that always see it. Just hope no one was pointing their phone your way when it happened or your embarrassment will soon be trending.
I am known to be a bit clumsified myself, leading to many looks that look like they're trying to turn their faces inside out, or as I call it "getting the question mark eyebrows"
That coffee burn smell never leaves the nostrils. Well not for me anyway, but that might be more to do with that waitress freaking out when I meant to ask where the loo was and instead asked her to show me where she pee's. I was quite grateful it was old and cold though, a bit like myself! 😊

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Lol, I usually tap dance my way out of the awkwardness by becoming totally unbearable. Thanks Lorry,.. read more
This was a delightful with an understood feeling of empathy for the protagonist with two left feet. I used to be a pretty fair dancer though. I practiced with this little gal named Susan often in her room. We were great friends. Not boyfriend/girlfriend but friends. I always called her my little sister. We fell asleep on the couch together one night and her mom came in from a party about three in the AM, a little tipsy. She saw her daughter in the arms of some guy on the couch and went off, started screaming and asking who the hell I thought I was in her house. Then I turned over and said Jerri, what the hell is wrong with you? She heaved a sigh and all the fight just drained from her, She said, I'm sorry, Fabian, go back to sleep. I didn't know it was you. I had that kind of trust from her. And it was merited. Susan sometimes introduced me to girls and I got her a date with one of my friends but we never dated each other. But I loved her and she loved me. It's good when the whole sexual tension thing doesn't exist in relationships between the sexes. But it's very rare. But Susan and I did a rendition of Paradise by the Dashboard Lights by Meatloaf together with her getting right up in my face when it got to "Stop right there!" Good memories. The title was reminiscent of the song by The Band and Rick Danko singing lead. I've never thought Rick could sing that well but I've always enjoyed listening to him try. (laughing) The song, Stage Fright was meant for him. It was written by Robbie Robertson of The Band. It was brilliant of Robbie to let Rick take the lead vocals on that song. I loved the "exchange" or interaction in this piece as well as much of the wording " burnt coffee questioning" was totally believable and I could picture the scene unfolding in my head. Great stuff.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Those are the best kind of friends to have in my opinion. Ive always preferred the company of women .. read more
The title really brings your point to the fore; none of us is perfect, we can’t be, we all have flaws; I know I do, and I accept them… you bring this point to life in your poem…some people are good readers, some are good speakers, some are good dancers or singers, or writers, but it is rare that one person could do all of these well….so you say that public speaking is very difficult for the person in this poem and thus has stage fright , I would too…but that doesn’t mean you can’t love or write poetry!
I like this poem, an important matter in the fore…
Nice work!
Best, B

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thank you Betty!!!
Betty Hermelee

1 Year Ago

you're very Welcome Crowley!
Best, B

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10 Reviews
Added on April 22, 2023
Last Updated on April 22, 2023



Phoenix, AZ

Like to hang out with other writers and see what's what. Have met a lot of good people on this and other sites through the years. Decided to come back and do a little posting and reading. Hit me up i.. more..

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