It took information, it always takes information. Rising like
the water in a dammed lake during spring run-off. Her choices were to ignore or consider. That’s it. She could let the swirling information
change her or not change her. She could
hold on tight, treading against the onslaught of new ideas, or flow and float
and compare. When context and perception, perceived truth and faith, all coalesced
in a building miasma of decadent possibilities, she could hold firm or take the
thread and pull. When that damn starts to crumble, and the possibilities burst
forth, she could start a process that would likely never end. An open mind gives
birth to a freedom and resolve that winds its way through the cracks and crevices
of a universe that asks of us only one question..."What do you believe in?
“If we presume that the boundary of the universe is a kind of surrounding wall,
then we think like ancestors who thought there's abyss at the edge of flat earth.”
― Toba Beta, Betelgeuse Incident: Insiden Bait Al-Jauza
My Review
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Information doesn’t trickle or flow, it’s a deluge. Almost an onslaught. The choices are mind boggling. As for the universe, I try to imagine its boundlessness and yet there has to be some place I have to stop. I have trouble fathoming it’s limitlessness. A very interesting write-up!
' An open mind gives birth to a freedom and resolve that winds its way through the cracks and crevices of a universe that asks of us only one question..."What do you believe in?'
In this your voice shouts quietly... you sit forward and invite people to listen. I have.. and need admit to the following: Til recently I thought i watched the world,believed in many parts of its machinations and part of its communities. Til recently thought i knew what pain and fear mean, what made people react to whatever was thrown their way.. But I know nothing, nothing at all. At certain times, however the heart and brain, what one cannot at least partially see, cannot be accepted.. what then the edge of.. ? Fear does cruel things and rebounds in so many ways, tis hard to believe in anything specific because the odds have been juggled.
This post is both counsellor and prosecutor for me, Crowley, will come back time again and try to reshape my thinking. Take care, keep safe.
Wow, been a while since I read you and as always, a great piece of prose that delivers me into a different realm :) Philosophy is abound within this, awesome :)
you know Crowley I can't help but think after having just reread this of how much you should be writing a book in this voice of yours
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Thanks man!! I have started many. I have a poetry book on Amazon, wish I could pull it back and rewo.. read moreThanks man!! I have started many. I have a poetry book on Amazon, wish I could pull it back and rework it, too many mistakes. Want to do a book of short stories or short shorts, may do that next.
This poem reminded me of a classic Will Rogers quote: “There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.” I read a bit of that challenge in this poem.
I grew up in small, rural town in the Midwest. I had no minorities in my high school, and I never talked to a person with different skin or a different culture until I went to college. Most of the women I knew worked in the home (not professions outside). Then, I went graduate school and started with the federal government. What a change in 25 years! And, it was mostly because I was willing to listen and entertain the thoughts of others, though I didn't accept all of them. It was about growth, and that's what I take from you poem. We must be open to new influences. A valuable message for any time.
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
You hit it pretty well. I grew up like you on a small farm in a not so diverse neighborhood. The mil.. read moreYou hit it pretty well. I grew up like you on a small farm in a not so diverse neighborhood. The military changed all that and started a ball rolling for me that never stopped. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to consider other information, other points of view. If you don’t, I don’t think the world can be half as amazing as it is.
This feels like a barely-veiled attempt to criticize those who seemingly follow blindly, since this is the real crux of what's gone wrong in this country, in my humble opinion. Sure, we have rotten leaders sprinkled generously along our path, but in the end, it's still "we the people" even when it doesn't feel like it. So in your euphemistic load of you-know-what, I can almost feel you railing at the sheep who browse on total nonsense, rigid in their determination to follow this course, sometimes it seems, to the destruction of us all. Anyhow, I give you credit for at least trying to be tactful about it, which is a darn sight further than I'm able to go! This isn't a slam of your writing. I'm actually admiring your double-edged persuasion quite a bit! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Lol...I do love your straight to the point style my love. This in my mind though has nothing to to w.. read moreLol...I do love your straight to the point style my love. This in my mind though has nothing to to with judgment of anything going on and is more a comment on how we can do three things with information that we encounter, let it change us completely, let it change us a little, or none at all. But unless it is considered none of these things. An happen except the none, and in that case it weakens our status quo. It took me a long time to learn to at least think about options in productive way, but when I did watch out. As a youngster much of my belief system revolves around what is been told by others, of course, no experience. But when I started considering things on my own...what a change. This about that feeling of freedom for me. To hell with everyone else. Thanks Margie!!! Luv ya!
4 Years Ago
Sorry about all that typos, fingers are plump little sausages today!
I believe in everything and nothing at all...perception is so limitless! Missed these short but sweets!
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
as the Genesis song "Lonely man in the shadows" expressed...
"He sees everything and nothing .. read moreas the Genesis song "Lonely man in the shadows" expressed...
"He sees everything and nothing at all"
When we expand our minds to the endless possibilities of our universe, I tend to think we are still sitting on the edge of flat earth while we contemplate
Like to hang out with other writers and see what's what. Have met a lot of good people on this and other sites through the years. Decided to come back and do a little posting and reading. Hit me up i.. more..