Just a few thoughts...always in my humble opinion, never fact.
A writer is not a dog walker. A writer’s job is not to grab
the reader by the hand and lead them to the land of epiphany, prophecy or even
a satisfactory ending. Those are things that will be left to the heart and mind
of the reader. A writer’s job is to stand at the far side of the forest and
entice the reader in whispers and clicks, shouts and insults and the occasional
come-hither whistle. The writer will mark the path with sapphires, Easter eggs and at
times steaming piles of dog s**t that beg the reader to move forward and see
what lay on the other side.The moment
the writer abandons the honesty they owe to their characters, their beliefs and their readers, is the moment that the reader will turn back in search for familiar
ground. They may walk another path where the writer has paid homage to craft and can
convince the reader that they too can identify with the things that make us
human and inseparable, cunning and cruel, lusty and loving, fearless and
frightened. When we realize that the reader has almost no responsibility in
this process other than to return again to words and thoughts they find
fulfilling, the sooner we can realize as writers, that life does imitate art and
that hard work and honesty are the lynchpins to whatever success means to you.
Holly, my beautiful Border Collie/ Springer Spaniel cross is forever stopping and carrying out doggie investigations when I take her for a walk; sensing and analysing the scents and sounds that she takes such delight in interpreting. Metaphorically speaking, the reader will do the same; and whether sapphires or dog poo, 'tis where the words take one, that matters.
Love poetry, but often wished I could write stories; too much of a grasshopper mind unfortunately. :))
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
I’ve been writing quite a lot of those I love short shorts. Thank you for sticking up for me!!! I .. read moreI’ve been writing quite a lot of those I love short shorts. Thank you for sticking up for me!!! I appreciate it. Been quite a while that I have been kicked in the balls like that. Pretty deflating. I know it wasn’t my best but....anywho it’s why I love you!!!!
I like the references to guiding the reader through processes understanding that the message sometimes hold meanings not quite understood or taken in a different way as well. Still the story or message needs to be shared and experienced,the thoughts sitting on our shoulders, whispering in our ears saying.....SHARE ME. Loved this!!
never are the words truly more have been more spoken in such a way. I am printing these out and hanging this on my wall. so might read them often. nicely done.
I'm with you all the way. It is the writers job to stir the imagination and invite the reader to walk with us and hopefully: think, feel and share a moment in time.
I like the metaphors you use in this piece . . . calling from the other side of the forest. I guess I would agree with you on your thoughts. If a reader liked every writer's work, he/she would go nuts trying to read everything. No. We're tuned to certain voices, certain styles, certain subjects. In a way this makes every writer and reader unique. Thanks for your thoughts.
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Thank you for reading my whimsy. Always appreciate when you come by!!
6 Years Ago
Oops! Put my reply in Sam's block!!! Too much of a hurry!! Regards.
Yep, that's pretty much how it is. Some will follow us into the world of our making and some won't. Always, I'm very thankful for those who do. Sort of like fishing, I think.
Perfect. Although I think we show the various paths associated with our and our readers supposed experience. I think those who are starting this voyage should read and internalise this superb advice. And perhaps some of us old hacks could do with paying heed. But other than that as I say...
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Thanks!!! Sorry so late in responding!! been off the grid for a bit.
I tried giving up, but the dog wouldn't let me... she seems to enjoy me testing stanza's and paragraphs out on her before posting.... a brilliant post we got here Crowley.... chock full of truths if ya know where to look for em... and true... am off now Brulee needs her run through the woods....... N
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Thanks for the read, sorry so long to respond, been it a bit of a writing funk.
This is brilliant & much needed for some of the fledgling writers on this website. My pet peeve is inspirational writing with an approach that seems to say "you should blah-blah-blah" . . . this would be the dog walker I avoid as a reader. Nobody likes being told how they should live. Better to tell a story that inspires someone to evolve in a gradual & organic way. To me, the most important thing is self-honesty . . . makes writing authentic & appealing. Teensy bump: You have one super long complex sentence, the one before the last sentence . . . and the last sentence is long & complex, too. So this clusterfuck is a little hard to plow thru, even tho I totally resonate with every thought you share! If your long sentences are intentional, ignore this . . . (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
PS -- LOVE the "walk the dog" analogy & I LOVE your sentiments about honesty!
6 Years Ago
There...I do think I fixed it, and you were absolutely spot on. When I get on my verbose high horse,.. read moreThere...I do think I fixed it, and you were absolutely spot on. When I get on my verbose high horse, I tend to do that. Thanks for the read, its something I believe. When you are honest in character, dialogue and placement then plotting usually can take care of itself. Love you!!!!
Love your thoughts and opinions... always. It is a powerful journey, taking lost words in our minds and creating worlds for others to wander through. Reading your words I found myself smiling, nodding, laughing, and realizing that there is much more to come from you, my friend. Let your whispers rise above the wooded landscapes all around.
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
I'll try, the magic has been a bit dry as of late but I'll keep trying!! Thanks Craig!! Hey where do.. read moreI'll try, the magic has been a bit dry as of late but I'll keep trying!! Thanks Craig!! Hey where do you live?
6 Years Ago
May the words flow again soon for you, my friend! I'm just down here in Arkansas, near Eureka Spring.. read moreMay the words flow again soon for you, my friend! I'm just down here in Arkansas, near Eureka Springs. :)
Like to hang out with other writers and see what's what. Have met a lot of good people on this and other sites through the years. Decided to come back and do a little posting and reading. Hit me up i.. more..