Our Bravest Face

Our Bravest Face

A Poem by Crowley

From a prompt of the picture up there. The picture is called Morning by Clarence White - 1906.


We saw the glade, we strolled the hollow, at five o’clock I brushed your hair

You sent shivers up my spine and talked of the milk white skin of my thigh

And we laughed about the Mister and seriousness of political love and polemic lust

And how difficult it is to listen to the worlds conventions and not lose hope


Companion loved, companion lost

You were rolled in oats and honey 

And I whinnied and pranced about

The connection the slimmest and strongest filament 

Umbilical nourishment and telepathic rapture

You left me without a shore


We ate the berries, we bathed in lavender, at five o’clock you brushed my hair

You told me you were moving on, we cried pools of memories into your lap

And we laughed about the Mister and the seriousness or mortal thought and heavens trap 

And how difficult the night would be without the crickets


Companion loved, companion lost

I was awkward, lithe and funny

And you laughed and rolled about

The connection being severed by a razors edge

What will I do without my sunshine

I left you without a moor

© 2019 Crowley

Author's Note

Happy Sunday!!! Almost time for Karaoke!!!

My Review

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What an extraordinary piece of writing., a relationship so deep, so intimate.. two minds, two bodies close as close can be. There are vibrant canvasses and yet, soft shadows of... something unspoken. Right up tp those final lines there is intensity and humour; then comes a fading out.. a sadness.. almost too hard to bear,. The last two lines say more than..

Posted 1 Year Ago

Picture prompts are fun to do; I have done many on other sites; this is well- written and sad as memories are all she has left; "companion loved, companion lost" used twice in your poem; there are some very deep, compelling notions, and softly spoken words....emotionally penned.
Best, B,

Posted 1 Year Ago

You got all that from a picture prompt? Impressive.
This one made me miss myspace(for young peeps, it was Facebook before Facebook bent it over and made it its litch b**ch)
I really do look back with fondness at all the writing sites on their, especially the ones that done daily prompts like picture challenges and err, other things.
Maybe it was just simpler times, but I don't remember any pointless ads or pointless poetry trolls on there. Sigh!
Now I'm gonna try a write based on that pic to se how it goes. I'm a little rusty, so I'm pretty sure yours will get the gold star and teachers pet of the week, but here goes...
Nope, nada! 😊
Its harder than it looks.
I remember it being easier, but most have forgot the rules, other than look at pic and write what you feel.
I wonder if there's a class called prompts for beginners I can join. When I'm all growled up of course.
Again C, I am impressed! 😊

Posted 1 Year Ago

touching words along with the pic. the repetition of "brushing hair" is reinforcing. deep write with quiet yet strong emotion. being left "without a moor" hurts. a heartfelt piece ... :)

Posted 1 Year Ago

The love and strength and passion that went into this- it's absolutely incredible, a strong, intense poem and you can feel the love seeping out. I agree with Coyote Poetry, this is absolutely pure, loving poetry. You give off the emotions in each word, you can feel the bittersweetness and the longing, the intention behind the whole thing, and when you put all this together, it's this huge, masterpiece of a story, written as a poem. Not to mention, it's incredibly inspiring and made me want to write. Thank you so much for sharing this, and I absolutely will be reading more!

Posted 3 Years Ago


3 Years Ago

Dang...thanks for the awesome review, its probably my second favorite piece that Ive posted on this .. read more
This is poetry Crowley. You made me believe and understand every word.
"Companion loved, companion lost
You were rolled in oats and honey
And I whinnied and pranced about
The connection the slimmest and strongest filament
Umbilical nourishment and telepathic rapture
You left me without a shore"
The above lines. I could write a epic tale from. When someone escape our life we needed. Become like a river flowing away from you and you cannot catch. Thank you for sharing the outstanding poetry.

Posted 3 Years Ago


3 Years Ago

This is one of my favorites, I think that women had only each other for much of their existence in t.. read more
Coyote Poetry

3 Years Ago

I agree my friend. Sister and best friends. They stay friends always. You are welcome my friend.
if I had the money I would send you an advance check for 10k to make you write a book! your poetic voice lends itself so well to dialogue I wonder if you realize how you jump instantly into the character within the first stanza of your poems?

Posted 3 Years Ago

This has a very lyrical lilt about it and one can almost touch the corners of the fragile, fading relationship, an outsider, looking in. I enjoyed the read.

Posted 3 Years Ago

I love that picture by Clarence White. Your words evoke an entire novel. You should write that novel.

Posted 3 Years Ago

This was a very special connection! I felt the emotion from the special imagery and the words conveying the loss of that special someone. The regret is felt in the severance wherein one is left without their moor and the other without their sunshine. Yet what has to be done has to be done.

Posted 4 Years Ago

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21 Reviews
Added on July 8, 2018
Last Updated on November 3, 2019



Phoenix, AZ

Like to hang out with other writers and see what's what. Have met a lot of good people on this and other sites through the years. Decided to come back and do a little posting and reading. Hit me up i.. more..

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