bleated, not unlike the desperate cries of a sick and dying goat that had given
birth to stillborn twins. The weather was as undecided as a woman
betrothed by station and awaiting the first glimpse of her prince fair…or not.
I sharpened my blade and packed my mount in earnest, kissing the forehead of my
loved ones and bedding my mistress to infuse hard memory in her breast, so
softer hands did not find their way to my rightful salvation prior to my
Springtime was the time of blood letting and scraping of bone. A time to refill
coffers and take provisions that would allow summer work to take purchase and
provide again for the bleak winter months when the cold handcuffed working men
and women from plowing , planting and sowing. The Gods would provide, but not
for a man who was not willing to put chivalry and empathy in a sack and store
it until he took as many heads as necessary to collect that which he needed to
provide for his family and his village. Death was as necessary as any of the
harbingers of spring. Blood was but preserve to be spread evenly and thickly,
to be eaten with morning toast and a generous portion of salt pork. If his
hands slipped, or his mind hesitated but once at the thought of sparing even
one of Gods gifts he could forget the mantle of being a free and prosperous
people. The first soul taken would be blessed and not unlike a kiss from
the Goddess herself.
Springtime was the time of blood letting and scraping of bone.
I'm not sure if I could get Your main thought here, but gladly I will share my own thoughts into Your piece.
normally April and Spring are times for rebirth and renewal, here You've showed us another side of the story, a side made by human's hands and greed, where this time is for reviving the human spirit, instead of spreading warmth and love, he spreads death, death of nature by hunting down animals, when nature is blooming, another part of her is bleeding, April is like a fever into these hunters, heating up their thirst for blood.
distinguish is Your thought, we don't read about April the way You've written it.
Why have you not written a book? I am so impressed with the ease and natural way of your presence ...you are so spiritually connected to life and the pursuit of it. Im just flopping around here like a fish, but you...you have fed the hungry and are back at it. Stupendous!
I’m not sure I follow your message or find the deeper meaning, but there are stunning examples of word crafting thru-out. I love it when any prose opens with a unique & vivid chunk of imagery, which you’ve done by crafting the first sentence with a brilliant comparison. Also that line about cold handcuffing farmers – such a perfect metaphor. Finally the line about blood being preserve on toast – I so envy your imagination bursting with such ideas! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Man up indeed. You manage to describe a hard and tough life in a time when human life was not sacred. Other rules apply here. Blessings are hard to come by.
Impressive writing. Is this the start of a larger piece ?
Wow how feeling it is....just so hard to believe that a people could even live like that. We are so spoiled in a generation like ours. It sure brings you back and even puts you in that situation. Very well written. Bravo!
Amazing use of words and thoughts.
" The first soul taken would be blessed and not unlike a kiss from the Goddess herself."
Myth and nature. My favorite subjects. Had both. Perfect ending for the outstanding poetry.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Three in one day...lol. thanks so much, I really appreciate it!
Like to hang out with other writers and see what's what. Have met a lot of good people on this and other sites through the years. Decided to come back and do a little posting and reading. Hit me up i.. more..