![]() Part 1- Through Alex's EyesA Chapter by Her Love![]() Unfinished![]() Alex's POV *I reach my hand out and touch her arm, rubbing softly up and down. She rolls over in bed, giving me her sweet, sleepy smile.* Chloe: Heyyy Alex: Good morning beautiful! *God, I want to wake up next to her every day for the rest of my life*
Chloe: I wouldn't call it sleeping, a certain someone was breathing pretty heavy ALL night! Alex: Hey! I don’t snore! *pulls the blankets over my face, pretending to be hurt* Chloe: awwww, I was just pwaying!!! *she pulls her head under there with me and gives me the puppy dog eyes and pouty lip* Alex: leave me alone!! * I roll over with my back to her* Chloe: okay fine, but guess who I’m not driving to school then. Alex: S**T! I totally forgot about school! We have like 15 minutes! GET UP!! *I throw the blankets off of us and jump out of bed* I brush my hair and teeth as Chloe scrambles around trying to get dressed. She takes off her shirt and pants and changes into a cute black skirt and a white tank. I sit on the bed and try to sneak a few peaks at her gorgeous, toned body. Chloe: Why aren't you changing too? Alex: I'm just going to wear what I wore last night. Its only a few hours dirty, besides, I forgot to bring clothes. Chloe: You always do *she says jokingly as she grabs her backpack* *A smile spreads across my face; I love the way she jokes* Alex: Har Har! Cleanliness is next to Holiness. Its not my fault I’ve never been to church. Chloe: Come on smelly or we're going to be late to Mr. Clean's class. I grab my bag too and follow after her. The way she walks is so mesmerizing, I love walking behind her. Alex: Last one to our car has to call him that! Chloe: OUR car? *I dash in front of her, turning to give her a big smile as I keep running. She starts too and we race through the house* Chloe drives us to school as we jam out and sing to Bohemian Rhapsody. It always finishes just as we're pulling up to the school. She parks the car and we grab our bags and start walking towards the big doors. Just as I step through, I hear a familiar voice behind me. James: BOO!! Alex: Jamie!! I swear to god if you do that one more time, your a*s is mine! Alex: Yup, but only in your dreams. *I punch him softly in the arm* James: owww! you're so mean! why am I even friends with you? Alex: BEST friends, and its because I am just so charming. *Chloe clears her throat, feeling totally left out of the conversation* Alex: But you know your my bestest friend *I grabbed her chin and wrinkled my nose* James:ooo, now Chloe, you grab her a*s. And Alex, lean in a little for the- That would be my dream come true. Me and Chloe, sharing a passionate kiss. At least then I’d be able to see if my feelings are real, or just a high school crush. I guess I must have zoned out for a while thinking about this because when I realized I was lost in thought, both James and Chloe were staring at me. Chloe: Helloooo? Alexxx? *James waves his hand in front of my face* I feel my face turning red and I don’t know what to say. Alex: Um..uh..Shouldn't we be getting to class?
Chloe and James head off to class, but I stop by my locker to pick up my Biology book. I grab my book and turn around to see Hannah. Alex: HANNAH!!! *I run towards her and wrap my arms around her, dropping my books and all* Hannah:*giggling* Hey Alex!! Long time no see! Alex: Did you just move back? Hannah: Yea, my family didn't like it in New York. Too big town for us. Alex: I am SO glad you're back. Why didn't you tell me? Hannah: And miss surprising you? HA! *I give her another squeeze* Alex: Today already rocks, even for a Monday! Hannah: Heck yea! I have to go talk to the Principal and see what my classes are. Alex: Alright, I gotta run too, but I’ll catch you at lunch!! Hannah: Okay! Talk to you soon! Just then, the tardy bell rings and I run to my science class. Mr. Burtch is just now shutting the door and I was able to catch him before he closed it all the way. Alex: Wait wait!! I'm here! Mr. B: Ah. Miss Keiler, so nice of you to join us. Alex: I'm so sorry Mr. Burtch, I couldn't get my locker open. Mr. B: Just take your seat Alexandra. I can tell this is going to be a long week. I sit down in my usual seat, at the back of the class room. James was on my left and Chloe was on my right. *James leans over to me* James: Your locker didn't really get stuck, did it? Alex: dang you caught me! Nope! But guess who I saw! James: God? Alex: Who? We let a laugh slip and Mr. Burtch turns around and gives us a stern look. I rip a piece of paper out of my note book and start to write on it. I pass the note to James. He would reply and we talked this way for a few minutes. The note read:
Alex: Hannah! James: OMG! are you kidding me? Alex: No way! She is back! I am so happy! James: She was gone for only two months right? Alex: yea! Don’t tell Chloe yet, I want to. You remember what happened with them before Hannah left. James: ooo cat fight :P James and I exchange smiles. I can't believe Hannah is back! She moved away at the beginning of this school year. She's only been gone for two months but its felt like forever. Just as I was in the middle of my thoughts, Mr. Butch assigned some work for us to do, so we all opened our books and began to answer the questions. I wouldn't say I’m good in science, but i'm not too bad either. I glanced over at Chloe, she had her text book out and was working too. I can tell she was a bit confused because she was nearly erasing a hole in her paper. Alex: psst *I nudged her elbow* Chloe: What? Alex: You love meee * i handed her my paper with answers on it* Chloe: I can always count on you! * she takes my paper and looks at it for a second, getting an even more confused face than earlier. She holds it up for me to see* Alex: oh crap *it was the note me and James were writing on* Mr. B: What was that Miss Keiler? Alex: uh...*i can't think of anything to say, i just sit there. I feel like his eyes are burning holes into me* James: Sorry Mr. Butch! I accidentally smashed her finger, it was my fault. Mr. B just shrugs his shoulders and goes back to grading tests. Thank God for James!! If only he could get me out of this situation with Chloe. We sit through the rest of class in silence. Every time i tried to get her to talk to me, she'd just ignore me. Its the worst feeling in the world to have the one person you love with all your heart, even if she doesn't know it, pretend you don’t even exist. To keep my mind off of Chloe, i decided to focus it on Mr. Burtch. She was right, he does resemble a less built Mr. Clean. He wore a white T shirt every single day almost and his head was bald, smooth, and shiny. I wonder if he uses Pine sol for cologne. *RING!* Yes! only 6 more classes to go! I turned to talk to Chloe, but she was already heading out the door. James: What’s up with her Al? Alex: She found out that Hannah is back. *i turn to look at him and he had a huge smile on his face* Stop smiling, perv. There will be NO cat fight. You know Hannah wouldn't fight a soul. James: What about Chloe? Alex: she'd tear her limb from limb James: Tell your two girls to kiss and make up Alex, or there might be some problems for you. Alex: once again, in your dreams Jamie! * I punch his arm in the same spot as earlier.* The next three class periods i spent thinking about Chloe and Hannah. I want to figure out how to make them get along. Last year in 9th grade i met Hannah. She had just switch schools, and we instantly clicked together. Chloe, who has been my best friend(and secret crush) for as long as i can remember, became jealous of Hannah. I think she was afraid that i was going to drop her for my new friend. UGH! Sometimes i want to grab Chloe and tell her i could never dream of leaving her. I have to admit though, I kind of liked seeing them fight over me. Sometimes I’d imagine Chloe's jealousy was more than just a "She's MY friend" feeling. A girl can dream too, can't she?
Kid: Hey, its lunch time. *He then turns around and leaves..* I look around and everyone else is already gone. i then glance up at the clock. It was 5 after 12:00. How did i miss the bell? Alex: Damn it! I hate being at the end of the lunch line. *i quickly try to grab all my stuff so i can go to the cafeteria, but just then i trip on the leg of a chair and my opened bag falls to the ground.* Alex: UGH! *I start to reach down to grab it but another hand already beats me there.* What the..? No one else was in here the last time i checked. * I look up to see who it is* Alex: Chl-Chloe..*my heart nearly explodes out of my chest.* Chloe: Hey Alex, we need to talk huh? *I start to open my mouth, but before any words can come out, i just wrapped my arms around her*
Alex: That’s three hours too long! *I hug her tighter for a moment longer, and then i pull back* Chloe, what happened this morning? *She sighs and sits down at one of the desks, she's looking down stays in silence for longer than i can bear* Alex: Its okay babe, just tell me, please! * I pull another chair up close to hers and sit down in it* Chloe: Alright, but i'm going to sound so selfish. *A smile flashed onto my face, but i took it away before she could see* I just got use to having you all to myself again. Alex: What? *I giggled at the part about a guy. I only did that to try to make her jealous, it just never worked.* Alex: Chloe, that will never ever change. YOU will always be my first call! *I try to hold her hands but she pulls them away* Chloe: But it did change! Remember when your grandpa was in the hospital? You called Hannah! And last year, at the Spring Dance, why did you ask Hannah to go with you instead of me? Neither of us had dates, I would have gone with you too Al. Alex: Please Chloe, just listen to me. Last year, with my grandpa, i started to call you. Then i remember you were on a date with some guy. I knew that as soon as the date was over you would call me and that you would come up to the hospital to be with me. I just didn't want to ruin your date. She finally looks up at me and i saw tears in her eyes. One starts to fall but i reach up and wipe it away before it even hits her cheek. God, she's even beautiful when she's crying. Alex: And for the dance, i didn't think you'd want to go with me. I was sure you were waiting for someone else to ask. Chloe, listen, there will never ever be another you for me. You are so much more than just a best friend to me. *I lean over and wrap my arms around her. She hugs me back just as tight.* Chloe: You are like a sister to me too Alex. *My world shatters at the word 'sister.' I just poured my heart out to her, and she does even know.* *Chloe glances back up at the clock* Chloe: Ugh! We only have 15 minutes to eat! Come on, lets hurry. Alex: Oh yea, alright. *I try to put on my best smile, I can't show her that i'm hurt. We start to walk out of the room, but then she stops and grabs my hand.* Chloe: We're good now right? Chloe: Great! Lets go find James and chow down! Alex: I'm right behind you!
I follow Chloe into the cafeteria, and i immediately spot Hannah and Jamie already sitting down together and eating. Chloe: If you grab our drinks and silverware, I’ll get our plates. It'll be faster that way. Alex: Sounds great! What do you want to drink? Chloe: You know me better than to ask!! Alex: Hey, i was just giving you the option to change. But i guess you like being predictable. *She gives me a "I'm going to get you" glare, but a smile breaks it.* Chloe: Just hurry!! I'm starving! Alex: Alright, alright. *I watch her walk off to the food line. She turns around and waves at me to go get the drinks. A goofy smile spreads across my face.* The soda machine is outside, so i start making my way over there. Alex: Two Dr. Peppers, that will cost $1.50. *I pull my wallet out of my back pocket and look inside. I find only one lonely dollar bill* Ugh! I'll just get her a soda. *I grab the can and take my 25¢ change and join Hannah and James at the table.* Hannah: Where have you been? Lunch is already almost over! Alex: Me and Chloe got caught up talking in my Art class. James: Where is she then? Alex: She's getting our- Chloe: She's right here! *Chloe walks up behind me, holding two trays of spaghetti. Her unexpected voice sent butterflies throughout my body.* Hannah: Hey Chloe, long time no see. *Chloe just smiles at her, and sits down next to me. It was obvious that she was trying to act civil for my benefit* James: Me and Han were just talking about what she's been up to since she left. I told her life would be no fun without us. We catch up and talk about everything that’s been new lately. Chloe sits in silence, chomping on her food. I want them to get along and i think some out-of-school time would help a lot. Alex: Hey guys, we should celebrate Hannah coming back! How days Kay's at 7:00 sound? James: Awesome!! Hannah: Wait! Who's Kay? *James and I exchange smiles.* Alex and James: You'll see! *I turn to Chloe* Alex: Are you in Chlo? *I try pleading with my eyes.* Chloe: Sure, sounds fun. *She says this completely unenthusiastically. I could tell she was still jealous. I can only wish tonight will help.* I stare at her blankly, not even looking away for a second. Chloe: Whatttt? *I keep staring, without saying a word.* Alrightt! *She leans into me and whispers* You better love me for this. *Then turns to the rest of our group* Hannah and Alex, Do you two want to meet at my house and we can drive over there together and meet James? Hannah: Sounds great Chloe!! Alex: Thank you Chlo *I nudge her under the table and send her a wink.* So its settled! Kay's,7:00, just us four. James: Five, including "Kay" *He tries to hold back his laughter* Alex: Oh, that’s right, Just us five! *Me, Chloe, and James share a secret smile* Hannah: Actually guys, it'll be five plus one. Alex: Plus one? I didn't know my Hannah had a plus one! *I scoot closer to her* Tell Me!! Hannah: Its not like that at all Alex!! You'll see!! Alex: Alright Miss Mysterious! So I’ll see you all to-
Alex: Oh My God, i barely ate anything! Chloe: Or drank! Here, take this with you. *Chloe holds out her half full Dr. Pepper to me* I saw you didn't get yourself anything, so i saved you some of mine.*I just stand there, my face feels like its on fire and i can't even move* Come on Al, take it. Its not like i'm proposing to you. James: That would be- Alex and Chloe: Shut it! *We both hit his arm* I reach my hand out and take the can from her. There is way more than half in here, she is so sweet. Alex: Th-thank you Chloe. *I feel my face turning more red every second.* Hannah: You two are so cute. *She gathered up her tray and trash. Before going to throw her things away, she looked up at me and winked.* Ya'll would be an even cuter couple! What was that? It was almost like...almost like she was hinting to something. There is NO way she knows about my crush on Chloe!! I haven't told anyone! I am just way too paranoid; it probably meant absolutely nothing. Chloe: Very funny Hannah. *The sarcasm in her voice was very obvious. Its times like this that reminds me, I will never have a chance with her.* We'll just see how cute you and your plus one will look tonight! Hannah: Its not like that!! You'll see tonight! *Hannah looks from Chloe to me, and the corners of her mouth rise into a mischievous smile* I gotta run. They are having me fill out tons of papers before they'll give me classes. I should start tomorrow. Alex: Alright girly, we'll see you tonight at Chloe's. Hannah: Later guys! Alex, James, and Chloe: Byeee! I stare after Hannah as she is walking away. As much as I want to, i can not shake the thought of her wink hinting to something from my head. She would say something if she knew, right? James: Alex, come on. We're going to be late to class. Alex: Oh yea. Chloe: I'll see ya'll in 7th. © 2008 Her LoveReviews
4 Reviews Added on May 20, 2008 AuthorHer LoveDallas, TXAboutUpdating my "About Me": Texas Lesbo who dabbles in a little bit of everything. Favorite book: God-Shaped Hole (READ IT: You will either fall in love with every word, or hate it to its core because i.. more..Writing