![]() Dreams Really Do Come True!A Chapter by ***Anime lover**
Breath Yuru, Yuru told him self, his hands were sweating like crazy as he prepared for his addition on stage.
"Mr. Yuru Sakamoto", called a man from stage. Yuru walked on stage as the judges looked at him. "He's got a good style", said a pale women with blue eyes, as she flashed a white smile. "I agree he could be prefect for the band", said a man with caramel skin as he looked down at his sheet. "Hold on Bob lets not get to cared away we've gotta see if the kid can sing first, said a pale man with a face that made him look like an tired mean old man Yuru tried to black out their voice's until they gave him the head's up to starting, he then took a deep breath then started to sing When You Get home Your So Dead by Monday Parade. The lyrics flowed out of Yuru pink lips as if it was like water.When he fished he couldn't tell whether the judges liked his performance or not because they had no sign of emotion on their faces. "Thank you very much Mr. Yuru Sakamoto for your time we will post the addition results in a few minutes", said the women. Yuru walked out of the room and ran to a near by bathroom, when he reached the bathroom he started to throw up chucks of left over lasagna that his mother burnt. Yuru than stood up flushed the toilet and went to the bathroom mirror where he looked at him self, his chopped short layered blond with a dash of black hair stayed in place of his head. He wore black nerd glasses with a black hat, he had five priceings, four on his ears where small sliver ear rings where and one on his lip. Yuru then wiped his mouth and popped a piece of Juicy Fruit gum into his mouth, then he looked in the mirror to make sure his clothes still liked fresh, he had a cartoon shirt with black ripped jeans and black and white converse shoes on. After he saw he still looked okay he walked outside to see everyone crowned around a build board . When he walked by he saw a lot of people with disappointed faces, he then braced him self but filled his mind with positive thoughts. When he saw the build board he gaped and ran out of the studio. "Mom guess what", he said happily waiting for her to ask. "What happened hon", said his mom. "I got it I'm in the band", said Yuru while dancing around. "O honey I'm so proud of you , we've really gotta celebrate when you get home", his mom. Yuru soon got off his phone and started to walk home down the gray sidewalk as he passed colorful buildings, When he got home his mom and him had a big feast and enjoyed the rest of their evening. Yuru had woken up early to go to the studio, he brushed his teeth and hair , then he threw on gray jeans and a white shirt with white nerd glasses and of course gray converse. When Yuru walked into the studio and went to the meeting room he saw four other people. One got up and greeted Yuru politely as the others stayed silently to them self's. A man with long black hair and caramel skin then walked through the door and everyone greeted him with a hand shake. "Hello gentlemen, My name is Eric and I will be your manager", said the man as he bowed in a strange manner to the boys. "Now let me make sure everyone's here", said the man with a friendly smile. "Shuta", said Eric. A boy with brown bed hair with green eyes wearing a red jacket and black jeans that looked way to big for him raised his hand. "Okay , Akai",said Eric. As a boy with dark red hair with hazel eyes's waved his hand, he wore all black . "Okay , now Kaede and Rin, said Eric. Next two twins stood up both were pale with brown hair ,Kaede had a blue eye and hazel eye while Rin eyes where both blue, both had different styles,Kaede look was more of a boy next door image and Rin's was just let loss. "Okay last but not least Yuru' said Eric, with a wink. Yuru stood up quietly and sat down fast. He then learned that Shuta was keyboarder, Aki was bass, Rin was drums, Kaede was the lead guitar player and Yuru was the bands singer for the group , he also learn their name was going to be Love Is War. "O yeah I forgot from now on all of you will be living to gather in our studio dorms, and don't be worry you all will still be able to attend school",said Eric as his smile disappeared , it sent chills down Yuru's spine. The boys then found their dorm, it was small on the out side but inside it was huge with two story's, four master bed rooms and one large dinning room , living room and one kitchen, everyone than ran to claim their room's. Yuru ran fast up stairs tripping over steps and running into walls as he ran to the room far to the right. He had the room with a bay window by a light brown wooden desk. He then fell back on brand new bed as he flipped his cell phone open to call his mom. After he fished talking to his mother he sat up and sighed, he then jumped as he heard a knock on his door , then a face appeared in his door frame, it was the boy with brownish hair. "Ummm yeah", said Yuru. Akia ,Kaede and Rin came in and introduced them self's properly next, after that they all just deiced to hang out in Yuru's room. Akia laid down on his bed licking his lollipop" Look at this chick here she so hot man I'm telling you", he said. Kaede shook his head and threw the magazine to the far corner of the room "racket", said Kaede. Rin was on the computer on Google to do his home work as he played The truth game with Yuru and Shuta. The boys laughed and talked until nine o clock, they then went to their own rooms and fell asleep © 2012 ***Anime lover** |
Added on October 26, 2012 Last Updated on November 22, 2012 Author