Star Wars the Last Jedi

Star Wars the Last Jedi

A Story by Jared Nolis

A review of a movie that left a disturbance in the Force... and not the good kind...


The Assassination of Star Wars- a Rian Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy tale

First off the opinion within this paper, article thesis may at times sound judgmental and include poor language, also given it’s length and inclusion of much material might have mistakes as I am not perfect- I have edited replies and a few essays combined into one extensive paper.  Throughout my paper I try to present ideas, concepts and foundational material to support my perspective- not to sway others opinions of the film just explain what I think and feel about it. If you find yourself in the category of liking the last jedi I would suggest you may not wish to read further, also for those who have not watched the movie yet there are spoilers ahead you have been warned.  However, if you found yourself not liking the last jedi I hope that this paper helps you soothe the wound the star wars franchise suffered at the hands of Johnson and Kennedy. In addition, some of my comments might come across as being judgemental towards other star wars fans; let me be perfectly clear- this stems from my desire to have all fans appreciate the vision George Lucas gave us many years ago- I might dislike various movies but in the end it’s because I have a significant reverence towards the original trilogy.  To me good art like heritage and lineage is important, the more I think about the more star wars has become entwined in culture and society- good art is worth protecting and saving- so this is why I write this article and put my thoughts and feelings to paper.

So, this started for me months ago when I was curious about the quality of the last jedi; bare in mind this is before I actually watched it.  Being a fan of the original trilogy and someone who thought the prequels could have been better I was curious about what was going to happen next after the Force Awakens.  For the record I tolerated the copy and paste Force Awakens plot; however, given that the director did insert some differences and created bridges to the next movie I thought it was poor but could improve if the bridges to the next movie were fleshed out well.  I especially liked the sequence when Rey touches Anakin’s lightsaber- showing us the weapons journey from the prequels through the original trilogy to now the new trilogy was a nice touch I liked this very much despite Rey getting an heirloom that belongs to the Skywalker family.  Overall I was disappointed with the Force Awakens, I enjoyed the prequels more because they weren’t copies of other films- I did have some questions about who, why, what and when but those questions can be fleshed out at a different time- we after all here to talk about the last jedi and not the Force Awakens.  

In the beginning my perspective of the last jedi could be summed up by being curious; I was curious to see how the second segment in the new trilogy was fashioned- what bridges would be made from the first movie to the next and how the new director would approach a project of only being able to write on part of the ongoing story.  Naturally I read numerous reviews by critics; this elevated my interest as I also read some audience members and their personal reaction to the film after watching. What struck me as a bit odd was the huge discrepancy between the audience’s reaction to the film and the critics; over the years I’ve learned to take critics opinion with a grain of salt but also with audiences reaction because from time to time each group misjudges a good movie.  I think I saw a few minutes of a review of the film on youtube, in which the commentator concisely dissected the movie piece by piece-- the content gave me the impression that the last jedi was trash- literally, utterly and completely trash- if my memory serves me correctly the video was by Mauler and then another rant video by The Amazing Lucas on youtube. Despite these warning I chose to watch the film regardless as I wanted to make my own judgment and critique the movie for better or worse.  It was hard to me to believe a star wars movie could or would get taken hostage by political agenda but I’ll delve into that subject a bit later. I waited a few weeks after the movie had been released to go watch it, I even intentionally watched it as undesired time as to allow less distractions with a lesser audience- I as recall it was in the evening on a weekday Thursday. I could tell something was bit off even as the opening sequence came and went; something in the back of mind didn’t like what it saw, in the opening crawl after reading it I felt a little confused- how did the 1st Order rebound so quickly from losing the Starkiller base?  From the opening sequence it felt odd-- this nagging feeling persisted as I watched the movie so I think after Po was demeaned for questioning Holdo’s orders and staged a pathetic attempt at mutiny I started taking notes about the film on my cell phone. Bare in mind I watched all the prequels in the theater and the special edition of the original trilogy, despite all those films I had never thought nor wished to take notes on a movie until now. At this moment I thought this might be a bumpy ride, I had no idea what I was getting into.

Thankfully, I think there was only six to eight other people in the theater and I asked them if taking notes on the film would be okay with them, I did turn down my light on my phone.  Some of them didn’t care, even one couple “go ahead, this movie is F&$%ing garbage! Why on earth would you want to recall this biased, sexist BS!!??” After that the couple proceeded to walk out of the theater the whole time commenting crudely on what a letdown the film had been.  I ignored them as at the time didn’t agree with their assessment of the film- well not yet but we’ll return to this concept later.

After Luke Skywalker made his appearance I knew something was fundamentally wrong with the movie- when Luke throws Anakin’s lightsaber over his shoulder like it wasn’t something of value, that he didn’t care and storms off- that moment is when I started to realize the truth about this movie.  It felt more like shock, like when one jumps off a peer in the middle of winter- the shock your body goes through because of the extreme cold- watching this scene unfold the way it did felt like this. What did I just watch? I thought to myself as I jotted some more notes; why would Luke Skywalker just toss a lightsaber over his shoulder?  I reflected on George Lucas’s inspiration from the mythos, bushido code, chivalry (Arthurian legend), honor and dueling- but more importantly how warriors conduct themselves and in the high regard they hold and treat their weapons- even at times how they regard their enemies. The lightsaber which is iconic as Luke Skywalker represents not only an ideology of justice and protecting the peace but also a symbolic of lineage and heritage that one generation passes to the next.  I consider this not only a tragic mistake of the director but also a crime against the ethos and core of what the jedi represents. In the original trilogy Obi-Wan Kenobi gives Luke Skywalker his father’s lightsaber, this creates greater connection to the Force but it also gives better insight into Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, the past, Luke’s heritage and even as a foreshadowing for his destiny. If a weapon of the father is important enough to save for decades and then be given to a son it has value.  The image and character that was known as Luke Skywalker is replaced by someone else, as Luke would have either accepted the weapon or respectfully declined to take weapon. A samurai approaches this concept the same way, if a one warrior walks up to another and hands them their father’s katana- they would accept the blade being offered or decline- either way the response would be respectful of the weapon and he or she who wielded the weapon. In the original trilogy Obi-Wan Kenobi gives Luke Skywalker his father’s lightsaber, this creates greater connection to the Force but it also gives better insight into Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, the past, Luke’s heritage and even as a foreshadowing for his destiny.  If a weapon of the father is important enough to save for decades and then be given to a son it has has value. The image and character that was known as Luke Skywalker is replaced by someone else, as Luke would have either accepted the weapon or respectfully declined to take weapon. A samurai approaches this concept the same way, if a one warrior walks up to another and hands them their father’s katana- they would accept the blade being offered or decline- either way the response would be respectful of the weapon and he or she who wielded the weapon. One of the glaring undertones of the Last Jedi is disrespect towards the past, towards heritage and lineage.

It’s like the movie was saying in to the old fans of the OT and perhaps a lesser extent the prequels- hurry up and die you old b******s so we can make a new era of star wars for the younger generation- we don’t like your kind or your ideals aren’t welcome in our fandom… Let that concept sink in for a bit, but before I get too far away from this notion let me remind those at lucas film with this- what demographic and age group bought your merchandise, multiple tickets, your lightsabers and your stuff?? That would be men from ages 16- 40, so off the bat this new era of star wars is wrong- it’s bad business to alienate your previous fanbase- but if the new toys are any indication of the age I would say Disney has targeted girls/teenagers from 8-16, porgs, Rey and all the merchandise directed at girls and teens.  That’s a big double fingered salute to the old fans who: go to your conventions, who buy multiple tickets, who buy your merchandise etc. But moving on, where were we as yes destroying the past. I think there is enough evidence that directly implicates Ruin Johnson and Kennedy to having having a biased, especially towards male fans. Kylo Ren’s line: “Let the past die, kill it if you have to. That’s the only way to become what you were meant to be”. When I heard this line I jotted it down, it felt a bit odd coming from a person now in charge of the 1st Order- why would Kylo Ren say something so direct, so specific? I reflected on this moment and Deadpool came to mind when he breaks the fourth wall often- it felt as if Ruined Johnson was saying F%$& you to the OT fans- and the Last Jedi was the ultimate troll job.   I get that these new movies are supposed to be for a different generation but come on man you could at least given some class and dignity towards the heroes of the original trilogy rather than giving us a line like this- really? This is what the director thinks of star wars fans- “let the past die, kill it if you have to”. So, in other words lucas film feels justified in ending the existence of star wars, in regards to the OT the EU and possibly the prequels- to burn the past in in order to pave way for the future… for the new era of Disney owned star wars…

Star Wars never was about modern politics (some people were argue about this- Vietnam inspired Lucas to create the Rebellion and this makes the United States the Galactic Empire- I won’t contest this viewpoint however I will say that if politics inspired Lucas he didn’t allow this one subject or content to override the main plot and story-- which is what happens in the last jedi.  The plot is hijacked by the social justice warrior agenda- I suppose anyone could dispute this point however given the research and observation of the last jedi it is a bit hard to disprove- after all Kennedy wearing a t-shirt titled ‘The Force is female’ when the Force never had a gender to begin with makes wonder- is Kathleen Kennedy’s personal biased and agendas infiltrated lucasfilm and the star wars franchise?  I will address this issue a bit later as well...), sure we had the Rebellion and Empire but we also have to remember this is in a galaxy far far away a long long time ago. After the awful presidential political election going to the movies is a kind of escapism- I do not wish to be reminded about all the trash in the media. Moving on, the other glaring issue in the last jedi is males and men get treated with disdain is exceptional disrespect but sadly Luke Skywalker gets the brunt of such sexism and hatred.  Finn gets to look like a buffoon, Poo gets to look like a poor leader as he disrespects women in command over him, General Hus looks like a moron, other 1st Order commanders look like yelling idiots- which I think they are white which is a bit disturbing, Snoke gets betrayed and punked harder than Darth Maul (no back story as the audience tries to grasp what heck was the point, emo man child Kylo Ren is hot and cold - one moment he’s angry wrecking stuff the next he’s conflicted and can’t kill his mom- so what is it? This leaves Luke Skywalker whose character gets s**t on the most- gone was the once noble Jedi knight who joined the rebellion after his aunt and uncle were murdered, who rushed off to save his friend into the trap set by Vader, who lost an arm, who still hopes and believes he can redeem his father from the dark side- this person- this hero is gone- all we get to see is Jake Skywalker who acts: depressed, washed up, weak, unmasculine, has to get lectured by Rey many decades and of less skill and wisdom, who refuses to help his friends, who decided it was okay to murder his nephew in his sleep, who has given up all hope. So, I get it that this story is about a new generation but come on really- all women are driven, all women follow orders, all women do the right thing while the male counterparts: fail, challenge command, try to desert, get demoted etc.  



I recall taking several days to process the last jedi even before I went over my notes; I think it was only when I looked over my notes did I start to see the patterns and the layers that hide underneath this excellent special effects and sound.  My opinion changed about this film, possessing an analytical mind I like to understand the reasons and intentions why a film, book or play is written, made and produced. I recalled how bad and depressed I felt as entered into the presence of a Dementor from the Harry Potter series- as the movie had literally sucked the very life from me- draining my image, legacy and appreciation of the star wars franchise, hope and heroes who I had admired for now decades.  

Treading Upon The Ethos of Star Wars- of Good and Evil- light/darkness and the destruction of masculinty

In reflecting of being a star wars fan I can recall fond memories of playing with vintage star wars toys, playing the star wars ccg card game in middle school and high school and trying to relive the nostalgia of a story that captivated an audiences for decades.  I think Star Wars means different things to each fan, but one of the core ethos of the Star Wars franchise is: adventure, seeking out something more, to find one’s meaning/calling and purpose in life, redemption, hope, internal/external conflict, good versus evil, choices, darkness versus light, family dynamics and relationships.  George Lucas eloquently created a story- not so much science fiction but rather a fairy tale in space- I suppose if one wishes to get technical about the genre it is a few entwined into one. Much in similar fashion of the trinity that makes a truine GOD, the FATHER, the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT; this blending and understanding how to make a powerful story sets the original trilogy apart from other stories.  Lucas was inspired and understood after leaving film school how to create an authentic story that utilized and was inspired by classical/timeless themes- its is why his original trilogy should be considered a masterpiece- not just literature wise but also in regards to being a film. Luke Skywalker goes through what many scholars, writers, directors and screen wrights as a perfect heroic journey, the reason why I touch on this concept it is essential classical storytelling style of George Lucas (well the original trilogy not so much the prequels).  One of the greatest issues and complaints with the last jedi is how they water down good versus evil, light versus darkness, painting once noble, heroic characters into pathetic, depressed, grumpy failures- this is easily apparent when one observes one of the greatest assassinations visited upon a heroic male protagonist- the Luke Skywalker we as fans grew to know and admire is transformed, abused and then murdered before our eyes- but I will touch on this subject at a later time.

Watering down of heroes and villains is the essence of the anti hero movement, culture is heavily influenced by entertainment- this is why closely observing tv, video games, social media and other aspects of society have led me to acknowledge that many in society don’t want to be lectured about what is morally right or wrong- perhaps I am wrong about this but legalizing same sex marriage in a country that a majority of the citizens are opposed to such a notion while only a minority makes the laws further illustrates and supports my point about the decline of morality and societies not wanting to be reminded of their transgressions- their sins....  Furthermore, take for example the Punisher comics or movies or Heroes show with the villain Sylar. In punisher regardless of medium we see Frank Castle’s family get murdered and Castle gets wounded- he has to work to return to the person he once was as he actively seeks revenge- not justice on those responsible - Frank Castle is an anti-hero, nor is he a villain- he intentions at the core are motivated by loss and strong sense of personal justice- where he goes awry is that rather than like let’s say Superman who desires to bring criminals to justice Castle just wants to get his revenge. Next this brings us to Sylar, when I first watched the Heroes show I admit I dug the shows premise; however, as the seasons dragged on Sylar’s character over time evolved into this character I began to detested and loathed- in the early seasons I liked Sylar as he was a cold blooded killer hell bent on obtaining more and more power by harvesting powers from heroes/mutants he had recently killed.  Like Darth Vader you knew his motivations, you knew his was void of anything remotely good and decent- but then things changed. Sylar had an encounter with a both who had a troubled past and he felt bad for him.  To me this was beginning of the end for the show, when you make a character change or evolve stick with the change or evolution- don’t change every few episodes like I’m good- nope I’m going to be bad again and again over and over again. Why did I bother mentioning Sylar and Frank Castle- well the concept of anti-hero comes to mind and that Rey, Kylo, Rose, Luke all go through this kind of character whiplash- one moment they are happy, the next they are sad, then their angry, determined, confused, unbalanced, bold and the list of emotional roller coaster goes up and down up and down.  Each might touch on the decline of society more however let’s stay focused shall we- I saw how the director chose to use Rey and Kylo to create friction and tension but as the last jedi unfolded I was left with pondering- why in the world would Rey think in one instance that Kylo is a monster and then in another meeting warms up to him- I mean if you want a protagonist to be so hot or cold in how they react to a person in all logic should be considered an enemy? It becomes more a plot of 50 shades of grey rather than the concrete light versus darkness-- good versus evil. Despite George Lucas wanting religion to get bound up in the ethos of Star Wars it did- from the release of A New Hope we get a clear image of what the evil Galactic Empire is capable of and what does to oppress the galaxy- Darth Vader is about as clear as a villain as you can get, from the get go he commands respect and captivates fear- this makes Princess Leia standing up to him impressive.  But it’s as if Rian Johnson has never watched a Star Wars film; he chose to water Kylo Ren’s character down so much, moving his scar, making him indecisive, emo, man child-- it makes me wonder what kind of woman would be attracted to such a person. There is no alpha male even among the villains- the lack of sheer powerful and masculinity is something that betrays the director and producers intentionality for the film- where are all the real men? Next I will briefly discuss who we once knew as Luke Skywalker- that person was in the original trilogy: adventurous, brave, cared enough about his friends to cut short his training with Yoda and because of this lost his hand to Vader, desired to redeem his father rather than kill him even though Vader had helped the Empire and the Emperor commit genocide, went to rescue Han after we was frozen in carbonite, compassionate, merciful, thoughtful, cared enough to tell Leia the truth about their heritage- their father to protect her, his motivations were always clear, the audience knew who he was by how he would act and speak.  To this end Luke Skywalker was replaced with Jake Skywalker- there was nothing left of the old heroic hero now who is: washed up, sad, depressed, a failure, attempted to murder Ben Solo causing him to turn to the darkside and follow in Darth Vader’s footsteps( really??), I know the last jedi is a rip off of Empire and Return but making Jake into the same failure as Obi-Wan is stupid and lame- it forces the audience to think Luke would didn’t learn from anything that Obi-Wan and Yoda taught him-- I‘m sure Luke would have been careful to be mindful to fail as much as both his masters did, but no Jake gets put on a Island on a far far away planet so he can stay there out of the conflict like a coward eating fish and drinking green soy sea cow milk. I will revisit this crime against literature, against storytelling- supplanting audience expectations is one thing but destroying one of if not the greater heroes of the fantasy genre of the last four decades is not just a bad business decision it reveals this movies intentions- it’s biased towards masculine, heroic male protagonists- such insult to the fans is not easily forgotten or forgiven.  Because of Ruined Johnson creative direction his actions have caused a wound to not only the fan base but also to the image and ethos the star wars franchise used to represent- now it represents something much worse… Social justice warriors have infiltrated Lucasfilm- until they are removed they are going to continue to make these kind of biased, slanted movies which convey men in a poor negative light- but more on the social justice warrior agenda.


I think pondering where are all the real men question leads in nicely to the next topic continuity; perhaps not in regards to time although I will touch base on this a bit later but this is one of greatest failures of this film.  To be honest I have read some of the interviews and heard some of the explanation by Ruined Johnson- his opinions are just excuses for the lack of poor writing, poorer character development and creating a plot that seems like it’s a troll who wanted to stick it to fans boys.  But enough on my observation of the idiot who directed what passes for a movie these days. Continuity is something extremely important, extremely important when it comes to world building, ethos, myth and storytelling. In stark contrast to the last jedi the original trilogy does a great job (there are a few exceptions) with creating a story and keeping: world building , Force powers, character motivation, myth, technology, adhering to the rules that bind the galaxy together.  To clarify so that some SJW pawn doesn’t take what I’m saying out of context- I mean that when you write a story that has many books or movies you stay consistent- deviating from pre established rules, world building, Force powers, technology, what you can and can’t do really pisses the audience off- it alienates fans and causes the kind of backlash we see in the exit polls. The last jedi breaks the world building rules so many times I think I started not to care but for the sake of argument I’ll just bring up one or two- as this paper, thought concept is already getting longer than I anticipated on.  The first problem we see with the introduction of the movie; the iconic crawl of words leaves the audience with many questions which are not limited to: If Starkiller base was destroyed why on earth is the 1st Order winning- losing something larger than the Death Star and significantly more personnel would be cause for a major set back? (conveniently this issue is not brought up for the rest of the film- again a major plot hole and continuity issue that will haunt this film) What is the Republic doing? Is the 1st Order as big as the Empire? The other side of this coin is the resistance- where is the rebellion in all of this?  Did the rebellion get wiped out by the Empire- the 1st Order? Why are these new films showcasing the resistance? If you already ripped off A New Hope and bits of Empire Strikes Back why not just keep the rebels/rebellion? Ah, this leads me to breaking the rules subject number one (bear in mind this cluster of movie has multiple failures from a plot perspective and I intend to only cover the larger or major ones)- Leia poppins in space. Okay, so I think I’ve read most of the canon and non canon books, comics etc. As recall there is only three characters who survived for brief amounts of time those are: Ploo Koon, Galen Marek and Luke Skywalker.  I don’t care about where the Force power came from or who made it up, if a non trained Force user can wield a power more powerful than Yoda, Palpatine or even Luke this power breaks the continuity of the film- it goes against the preset rules which govern the galaxy. I suppose I would continue discourse on this moronic scene more but why waste breath on something so ridiculous, so stupid- the greatest irony is the moron director killed the alive actor and kept alive the actress who has passed- what are you going to do in the next film? Wasting a possible ruiniting of Luke and Leia on screen would have been powerful- and if anything this mistake and missed opportunity will haunt Ruin for the rest of his career- well until Disney fires him and his biased boss Kennedy.  But on to the next big blunder of the last jedi- so in previous books and films rules concerning hyperdrive or hyperspace travel has been established- it takes a nav computer to ensure you don’t run into a star or planet. The last jedi breaks these rules and ruins continuity when they uses a starship as a weapon- when purple haired lady who demeans Poo sends the ship into the 1st Order fleet- why would the Rebels in A New Hope attack the Death Star when they could simply use one ship to hyper jump and destroy the battle station with a few ships? I feel like a teacher telling pre-school students about rules on the playground- okay Mr. Johnson did you ever watch the original trilogy? Or read any star wars books? Did you ever watch the prequels- what kind of drugs were you on when you wrote this script? The line from Tom Cruise from Tropical Thunder comes to mind- ‘a nutless monkey could do your job’... Its okay if you invent or create new Force powers or technology in a pre build universe, you might be able to bend some of these rules but not ignore or break them entirely- but rather than adhere to current pre establish rules you just took a dump on the floor and smeared it on the canvass, taking a step back you thought… ‘what a masterpiece I’ve created’... ‘Man, what is that god awful smell?’...  Continuity gets s**t on as you create a story that ignores and or disregards everything that has made before.

Now for those who wanted me to address time, I think when posted at least part of this paper a few people asked why I didn’t bring this topic up; honestly given all the flaws and beyond stupidity that makes up this poo doo of a film I thought it was mute point- but because several people asked here it is.  So, Fin, Rose, Leia, Po and Holdo perspective feels like real time, there storylines are time intensive; the entire subplot couldn’t have taken more than a few days. While in sharp contrast Ren, Rey, Luke feels much slower; the main plot and sub plot occur at the same time- from my count there are only three sunsets in the film.  I might be wrong but it feels like the entire movie encompasses a few days; it would be very difficult to any audience to justify either sub or main plot to take so little time.

Plot writing for Ruined Johnson 101-

-buildups with no payoffs

-subverting/alienating your audience

Well let’s see here, you replace Luke with Rey so naturally the story if going to be geared towards women (teenagers) not men, I see a flaw with this as statistically men attend the star wars conventions, buy more movie tickets, buy more merchandise in greater numbers than women do- so off the get go your pushing your once strong fan base/consumers away.  A business model at the very least- and yes I am aware that Mr. Johnson is not in charge of making decisions- that would be Kathleen Kennedy. Okay Mr. Johnson so when one sits down to create a story the most logical thing to do is think about who the target audience is- given how poorly this movie was written it makes me wonder what inspired you to make this film. Let’s talk about ‘creative direction’ later- given that so many director have been fired for ‘creative differences’.  Let see where we that gets us yet, given that Kylo Ren with his shirt off my logical deduction is that it was made for a target audience of girls and teenagers between the age of 8 and 16. Scene for scene there are more women in this movie than any other star wars movie- the scenes with General Hux, the command bridge of the resistance flagship and pretty much the entire movie- just look in the background- is there more men or women. (Attention SJW pawns: To also clarify I’m not sexist; I happen to really enjoy Wonder Woman, Rippley in the Aliens movies, Ahsoka, Mara Jade, Sabine and Hera.   I enjoy these female characters because from my perspective they are well written and well developed- they act in a manner that is dignified and admirable- there gender has no influence of my opinion of them. To me there is toxic feminism or in the case of the last jedi the social justice warrior agenda.) The fundamental flaw with changing your target audience is you alienate men and women because of the age demographic- men hate the last jedi because men get s**t on the entire movie; women equally dislike the women because men are portrayed as- weak, unmasculine, failed, cowards who ooze liquid, get demoted, drink green sea cow milk and even when there trying to be heroic get interupted by the most annoying star wars character ever- thank you Rose Tico!! You have supplanted the mighty Jar Jar as the worst developed and most annoying character in the star wars universe.      

To sum up the list of build ups with no pay off here’s a list not complete but enough of the major points:  From the beginning crawl as the movie begins we encounter a significant problem; so after the Force Awakens the 1st Order has been dealt a decisive blow as the Starkiller base had been destroyed will much personnel and equipment blown up along with it- so how is the 1st Order able to quickly recover from such a loss- even in between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back there is a time lapse and even more time from A New Hope and Return of the Jedi so when a second Death Star is made and takes years we can understand this… but here there’s no explanation no reason for the 1st Order to recover so quickly.  Secondly, if the 1st Order wiped out multiple worlds you would expect recruitment for the resistance to ski rocket overnight with people who had lost family members on those planets- like such an atrocity would galvanize the universe against the 1st Order- but this is ignored and never brought up again- but mark my words like many things in this stupid moronic film it will bit the story in the but later. Build up with no payoff = stupid. So, if you start your film on a bad foot with continuity your going to have a tough time rectifying this later on. We get a version of ‘can you hear me know’ and your mom joke as Po mocks Hux to stall for time- this leads into my next build up with no payoff so I’ll just let that explain why everything in this cringe worthy scene is wrong-- humor is fine when it’s not at the expense of any given character- but that is the kind of humor we get again and again.  So, in the first movie Po is a great pilot, courageous even when Kylo is torturing him; but in this movie he refuses Leia’s direct order- which leads me to the next stpid plot hole and thus gives more support that the resistance bombers were made to fail. Why wouldn’t the resistance use B-Wings or even fracking Y-Wings; both are faster, more shielded and better weapons than those fragile bombers. Po is made to look incompetent intentionally- the bombers are made to fail so that Po can be demeaned and belittled because he is a man… Build ups with no payoffs= lame. Next is General Hux- supposed to be the new era Grand Moff Tarkin who even has the respect of Kylo Ren but he gets slapped around like a rag doll both demeaning Snoke and Hux- Snoke would have killed him for his insolence rather than make him a laughing stock in the presence of his other officers (what’s the payoff for the audience here? You make a person in one movie to be cunning and vile and then in the next movie you make him a chump- build ups with no payoffs = crap)  Moving on we get to see Fin wake up, they use him trying to get out of his medical bed- ah cringe worthy humor again- but wait there’s more- after stumbling around there’s no explaining how he is now okay after getting his back sliced by Ren… Let this sink in for a bit… Build ups and no payoff. Next we see Jake Skywalker where the last film left off, Rey hands the exiled jedi master Anakin’s lightsaber as we wait in anticipation… And then boom he fracking throws the lightsaber over his shoulder like he doesn’t give a s**t… all the buildups from the Force Awakens, the dream/vision Rey has about the weapons journey, the different planets, the lineage, the meaning and weight of history of this elegant weapon gets turned into a cringe worthy joke… buildup with no payoff. Ruined Johnson have you ever read about the samurai, the bushido code, about knights, about chivalry- does lineage and heritage mean so little to you?? Hopefully whoever reads this is starting to see a pattern, a biased slant against heritage, against family dynamics, against the original trilogy fan base.     

Character development and character de-construction

Subverting expectations- trolling of fans theories-

Why did Luke go to the Island to die and leave a map to where he went?? Plot hole...

Maz- Why does she narrate while sounding like a badass with a blaster??  

Snoke getting killed build up without pay off

Kylo becoming the main villain?

Dragging through the mud, raping and murdering of a hero

-legacy, character, ethos, iconic person who was, is and will always be Luke Skywalker

Rey/Chewy- Luke learns Han is dead…

Luke milking sea cow


Forced gender Diversity- Rose Tico… Need I say more...

Racial representation

Feminist propaganda

(examples- assigning a gender to the Force and to droids)

Healthy feminism versus radical third wave feminism

Storytelling- biased vs unbiased

In closing I believe before you can destroy a hero you have to destroy their legacy, their name, their reputation, their character and the ethos they represent and stand for.  Someone at Disney absolutely hates the notion, idea, image of Luke Skywalker-- they hated him so much they wanted to drag him through the mud in a sadistic manner, to torture and hurt the fans willfully as they strip away the good and redeeming qualities he represents and embodies.  So, Rian/Kathleen proceeded to rape and murder what we know to be Luke Skywalker- they did this and then even Rian trolled some of the heartbroken fans (really that is so pathetic, what kind of human being does that? That's sounds like bully rapist material to me right??)- he even closed his twitter account like a coward so people couldn't complain about his raping and murdering of the beloved characters.  Rian professes to be a fan of Star Wars but I think this is impossible- a fan would try to treat the OT with respect and dignity but instead we the true fans got to see the OT trilogy characters raped again again, male white heroes and villains are turned into bitter, washed up failures, pathetic fools, arrogant, disobedient, good for nothing; while women are elevated to status so high they might as well be on par with God- who can do no wrong- ah yes turned into a bunch of mary sues.  

But Luke Skywalker's character was destroyed because of his desire to see the best in others; the manner in which he pursues to rescue his friends on Death Star, Bespin, Jabba's Palace, Endor and even to redeem his estranged father by surrendering- seeking compassion and redemption are qualities that Jesus Christ best embodied when He walked the earth.  Luke Skywalker had many flaws and strengths in his character but I think the selflessness and compassion/mercy it was what created him enemies within the ranks of Disney; Luke Skywalker represented something good and someone hated this image, this beacon of hope, the idea that a hero can seek the good in others even his or her enemies- to love and seek the redemption of another- this is why Luke's character, reputation, legacy and ethos was meant to suffer- to be sullied- to be destroyed.  For the simple or weak minded they will simply watch this movie and be entertained; however, for those that seek a deeper meaning will find that the more they dig the more the corpses lie beneath the surface of this heavily agenda bloated film. This film on many occasions is demonstrates it's definitive hatred towards while males, if you are white and male you must be: weak, hopeless, cowardly, evil, confused, broken, reckless, disobedient, pathetic, moronic, stupid, fearful, prideful, ashamed, disgusting, not to be trusted, emo, washed up, to be disliked, to be hated, to not be loved, not worthy-- while at the same time reinforces the idea that if your a woman you are: strong, independent, driven, in charge, courageous, noble, good, faithful, smart, wise, confident, bold, compassionate, worthy, loved, to be admired and respected.   

The last jedi is more about the political agenda and character assassination rather than actually moving the plot along in a concise way or even attempting to develop any of the characters for us- they thought it would be better to de-construct the original trilogy and the prequels rather than writing a story that moved things forward.  Rian Johnson demonstrated to the world what a mindless hack of a writer and director he is; Kathleen Kennedy demonstrated that she would rather push her political, social, feminist, justice warrior bullshit rather than protect the integrity of the Star Wars franchise. Both are responsible and on the hook for the movie being a complete and utter failure; there is a reason no novel was written to go along with this movie- the book would have been a greater monstrosity.  For those who love and like this movie I have this simple message for you; I pity those who cannot see this film for what it truly is. The watering down of heroes, villains, plot, heritage, aliens, character development shows me that Disney cares more about profits, it cares more about quantity versus quality- it makes me like the prequels all of them as it makes them look like masterpieces in comparison.

Though episodes I-III had there faults and shortcomings they still felt attached to the original trilogy, its ethos, heritage, legacy- but this movie, this thing, this abomination is what Mark Anthony must have seen when he gazed upon Caesar dead and bloody corpse- echoes of senator's  Padme's words brush across thine ears; "this is how democracy dies, to thunderous applause". This is how the Star Wars franchise dies... to thunderous applause... thunderous applause of the weak minded who like Dante's allegory of the Cave cannot see the light of what the last jedi really is-- for the light is to bright for them to stand it so they return to the darkness of their caves for their eyes cannot stand the light.

I thought to add this- it was a response to a SJW who attacked my opinion and tried to discredit and mocked me

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Here let’s start with the definition: A Mary Sue is an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character. Often, this character is recognized as an author insert or wish fulfillment. They can usually perform better at tasks than should be possible given the amount of training or experience.  (pulled from google) So, Rey is fictional character with seemingly perfect and is idealized, she can perform tasks better than others despite lack of experience and training-- wait, I forgot- it can be easily argued as well that Rey is Kennedy’s wish fulfillment for the new era of the star wars franchise.  Let’s also not debate that Kathleen Kennedy is exceptionally sexist; anyone who has the nerve to wear a t-shirt with “the Force is female” might have a certain specific agenda against/towards men and masculinity. If your going to try and argue that Kennedy doesn’t have a biased opinion on men or agenda then I think your argument and perspective loses all credibility as I have read numerous articles and seen interviews with her either hinting at or directing confirming such biased and agenda.  Then you mention that Rey doesn’t need to learn all the skills, powers etc because doing is not important to telling the story and that the audience just needs to accept that has these powers, skills and abilities. I don’t how to explain better, if a character simply has gifts, powers and abilities isn’t it only natural for the audience to question why does this character have such powers? Rey’s abilities, skills, ability to use the Force are never really fleshed out- this by default leaves the audience with questions and unfortunately also with plot holes.  Again, you can contest such observations and perspective; however, I’m sure reading over numerous reviews, articles and watching a plethora of videos online that one of the greatest flaws in the last jedi is poor writing and poor character development- which is but not limited to Rey’s Force powers, her lineage, her motivations, internal vs external struggles etc.

I find Rey’s character uncompelling, she is supposed to represent the new era of star wars but her character lacks depth, value, significance, meaning; what makes matters worse is that she doesn’t follow a path remoletely close to the heroic journey- this in itself causes issues as the main protagonist rather than achieve skills or go through trials that test them starts the beginning of the series in god mode- or like if you set a video game on easy mode- I suppose either description is applicable in this case.  Bringing up that people including Abrams and Kasdan used Luke as “superficial” template more or less doesn’t help support your perspective when I mentioned that Rey like the TFA is a rip off of Luke’s character; this reinforces the concept that Rey is severely underwritten character. I’ll have to disagree with you that the new series is “smartly” trying to move the series forward, rather than copy ANH or ESB they could have created something original right? We have never seen a dark side student train in the ways of the Force; I think that could have been an excellent glimpse into how the dark side

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employs the master and student, pupil relationship.  I’m going to disagree with not showing how the jedi train, there are numerous yet different ways to accomplish showing how a jedi trains- to me it’s just lazy writing getting in the way of telling a more dynamic story that’s all.  Training in the ways of the Force is not only a pillar of the heroic journey it’s also helps establish and give a character a foundation to stand upon- something that is not given to Rey- which from my perspective makes her a more one dimensional character.  Let’s see, what do I consider good writing, okay- well. Here is my list but not limited to: the Bible, C.S. Lewis, Tolkien- Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings, A.W. Tozer, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, William Shakespeare- Hamlet-Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, The Art of War by Sun Tzu, Star Wars- the original trilogy- George Lucas, The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli are just a few I would conder good pieces of literature.  The reference to Plato’s allegory of a Cave still stands- I’ve never said I was going to liked or kind. I will point out that your using crass language and cussing doesn’t add well to how you are perceived. Again you try to put words in my mouth, stick to your opinion, thoughts and feelings please- I have the right to speak without your foot being pressed onto my throat; also please don’t assume I am or not anything.  You pass judgment on me like I’m some idiot who knows nothing of which I speak of- I have valid points and my opinion does matter. In my defense I thought my articulation of what Rey vs what Luke is and is not is quite sound- if you don’t like what I have to say feel free to go troll somewhere else. Making fun of others is a type of bullying, let me remind you that one of the very reasons why fans are here commenting on videos such as these is to express our disdain for Johnson/Kennedy’s direction and ideology they are forcing upon the series.  Regardless of how well you present your case, opinion or perspective it is ultimately going to be met with opposition because your point of view is the minority here- most people don’t like the last jedi- it’s why we watch the videos- also we are here because Geeks and Gamers tells it how it is- he doesn’t sugar coat it- nor does he promote what is PC.

Go ahead and keep your perspective, I honestly don’t care how much training, education, or your background- all those things matter very little when you bring them to a debate.  To me it’s like a cop out; here look at my accomplishments, look at me aren’t I so grand- I simply don’t care. Go wave your accolades somewhere else; furthermore, I never assume anyone here is uneducated or has multiple degrees.  My jest with Plato’s Allegory of a Cave was simply to see how you would respond; dignified or undignified-- so, thank you for clearing up that for me. Your character resulted quickly to insults rather than concise correspondence. Rhetorical devices are the writers jedi mind tricks so to speak, if you didn’t pick up on them from time to time throughout my posts that is not my fault.  Again

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you try to put words in my mouth, I don’t think I ever said I am much more educated and successful as a writer, author or fill in the blank- than you or anyone else.  I don’t care if your a professional or not, I’ve spent time around professionals and those who are not yet aspiring to be- I’ve found correspondence with both equally informative as to me education is nice but so is experience.  Here we go again, trying to insert skill or accomplishments is irrelevant to our discussion or debate; please stay on the subject- which is why the last jedi is a terrible movie, why Rey is underdeveloped character and the SJW rubbish that has infiltrated the franchise.  

You forget that the T-16 was very similar to an X-wing, this is supported so Luke has the capacity, experience and the skill to pilot an X-wing.  In contrast however, Rey does not have the experience, training or skill being stranded on a planet- how or when did she learn to fly starships? Also, I’ve have read for fun which I might suggest you do as well the script for Empire Strikes Back; in addition, to various commentary about the time frame in question.  Such things help clear up the passage of time, I think I as I recall the training on Dagobah took 6-10 weeks (For fun I’ll look into this as well and see about the exact time just the sake of argument). Tearing down things for scap and fixing things are totally different, I myself have worked on cars in and out of junkyards- it’s easy to pull things apart- the hard part is putting them back together- knowing how they work and function goes far beyond merely stripping something down for parts.       

Look if you can’t even acknowledging that there’s blatant biased rampant throughout the last jedi then I don’t know what to say; aside for perhaps my nod to Plato has more and more credence as the further along we go on this.  Moving on, to the subject on social justice warrior agenda that is blatant throughout both films but much much worse in the last jedi; as the last jedi unfolds the audience is struck no impaled with the sentiment that men are: stupid, weak, cowardly, traitors, reckless, moronic, have issues with authority, don’t follow orders/chain of command, attempted murderers, faithless, hopeless, unmasculine-- in contrast women are displayed as: confident, strong, driven, independent, smart, capable, cunning, brave, skilled, faithful, positive and determined.  So, you said that no where in this trilogy she belittles men; okay wow, what about Luke?? In the bushido code the student is forbidden to strike his or her master- Rey strikes Luke- this scene is just one of the many profound disrespectful sentiments that litters the film. For the sake of time I won’t go into all the arguments- scuh discord would take time and I have other more important matters in which to engage with. Okay, in the very beginning of the last jedi we see Po fly out to distract the 1st Order Fleet; again we get some cringe worthy humor here as Po and Hux are reduced to can you hear me know/you mom joke;

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humor is great when is not at the expense of any given character- but that is the kind of humor were given- it’s poor quality and of even poorer taste.  It undermines not only Po, his intelligence but is even more so destructive to Hux’s reputation- here was a commander who had the respect of Ren- who was modeled after Grand Moff Tarkin- a cunning and skillful tactician who even Darth Vader respected and obeyed- let that sink it a bit please… So, General Hux being moronic and stupid reinforces the notion that men are stupid idiots.  Also, the bombers in the movie were made to fail- they were made to fail because the director wanted Po to get chastised by Leia and Holdo; thus reinforcing that men are reckless and stupid and women should be the ones to lead and their authority should not be questioned. Are you tracking so far? Cool, let’s move on. The next thing that demeans men is when Fin wakes up from the medical table and starts to wander around half naked oozing liquid- so please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong but how is this image remotely in any way shape or form respectful of men or of Fin’s character??  The simply answer it’s not, the scene is intended to demean his character, to use him as some kind of comedic relief to the intensity of what is going on around them. The other nice little slight Po gets hit with is when his ship is destroyed- his character isn’t able to rectify his failures from the bombers- he loses one of his greatest contributions- his ability to pilot. This only is more compounded when he confronts Holdo, she talks down to him and mocks him- “I know your type”... everything after that line is bullshit because anyone whose been in the military knows there is a way to talk to those under your command and there’s a way not to speak to- Holdo chooses the worst possible way to address him and his actions- this sinks to a new low when she refuses to share her plans with him.  So, let’s check this for moment, if we are Holdo and we know what kind of person Po is: we have to ask ourselves is Po going to okay with being left in the dark when everyone’s lives are at risk or is he going to do something about it to ensure the safety of all the crew? When I say this movie is disrespectful towards men I meant it- the whole interaction with Po and Holdo is a setup- it’s a trap!- Po is meant to fail with bombers and he intended to fail at accepting the orders of Holdo- correct to character Po stages a crappy mutiny which fails and Leia wakes up to zap him. This entire sequence is stupid and blatant hate towards male authority- they even find a way to screw Admiral Ackbar out of a command apperrence as he got sucked into space how convenient- the male commanding officer is dead… I wonder who is going to take command, I know the purple haired lady who demeans and talks down to Po yeah! Again saying I’m whining about SJW ideas and agenda’s doesn’t bode well for your arguments- I guess I could continue to how men are treated and portrayed in the film; itemizing each offense but why take the time to do that when all your going to do is mock and label me-

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right go ahead I’ve heard it before and I’ll hear it again- your opinion is why I voice mine.         

In regards to feminism and the social justice warrior agenda easily observed throughout the last jedi- I think it is a systemic problem now; until Lucasfilm gets rid of Rian and Kennedy more films will continue to suffer the same fate as Alderaan I fear.  

Kathleen Kennedy hates Han, Chewbacca and most of all Luke Skywalker-- she hates them because their male.  Kathleen hates men, but I'm trying to figure out what she hates more- men or God? Before you can kill a hero you must destroy a heroes name; so Kennedy set JJ up to keep the OT characters apart- furthering cementing the concept the traditional relationships fail- the marriage between Han and Leia.  But why stop there shall we? Kennedy hated Luke so much- not just because he was white, not just because he was looked up to by many generations of men, but because he represented hope, selfless service, compassion, mercy on ones enemies, courage, dedication, honor and protecting his family and friends from the destruction of tyranny.  But how do you destroy a character of rich development, who has struggled, who has failed, who has evolved and changed over time, who people care about, who people invest in. You put on an island and make him a failure, who has lost all hope, who tried to murder one of his students, who is beaten down, depressed, shadow shell of his former self, who is weak, who milks space cows, who lacks conviction, who has abandoned his family and friends to tyranny of another galactic power- stripped of his legacy, his ethos, his reputation, his character then only then can you kill of a hero such as this and some, perhaps many fans don't care.  But the greatest travesty here is that Luke symbolized a redemptive hope, a Christ-like person so to speak- not that Luke is all powerful but also that he was very human, flawed, imperfect, who failed, who struggled- yet even amidst these troubles he had hope- he persevered. One of the defining characteristics of Luke is that he sought to redeem Darth Vader, something that most good stories have is a redemption/redemptive theme- it pulls at our heart strings because we as human beings long to have our relationship with God restored whether we consciously know this or not. The fall of Anakin Skywalker to the darkside creates a powerful connection to the audience as there are many of us who have at least one person we know who needs to be redeemed in one way or another.  But when Luke refuses to kill his father despite using the darkside to beat Vader it shows us that even person who has committed countless crimes is against the galaxy still is deserving an opportunity at mercy and grace- unmerited as Vader truly deserves justice. Sigh, but despite all these powerful storytelling plot and richness of character development Rian/Johnson wanted to soil, rape and then murder the image, legacy, character and person that was/is/ will be Luke Skywalker. Rather than having the Luke we knew who was: heroic, brave, skilled,

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dedicated, noble, compassionate, forgiving, selfless, protects family and friends, seeks justice- but the new movie paints Luke in new terrible light- weak, pathetic, faithless, a failure, attempted murder, washed up, depressed, waiting to die, space cow drinking, non masculine, no heroic, timid pansy.  But hey we can have a Rey who is woman who; doesn't need to train, who is good at everything, knows how to pilot despite never being a pilot, knows how to wield a lightsaber and duel despite never actually training at all, speaks droid, speaks wookie, can beat space monsters, uses mind tricks, bests Ren who was trained by Luke and Snoke, can kill several emperor like guards without using the force, who always make good choices, who is brave, loyal, honorable- perfect she might as well be Jesus Christ- and yes the perfect marry sue- completely amazing utterly and completely boring and lame.  Rey has no character development because she never struggles, she always wins, she has no heritage, no lineage, no logical reason she is so powerful she just simply is- why as fans should we care about a character who has no depth, no layers, nothing to prop her up except her power?? All of the new Disney movies have SWJ agenda all over them, if your male you should by default hate all of these movies as it panders not just to feminism but to the social justice warrior nonsense that has no place in star wars movies- well at least it shouldn't. All of Disney movies to date are like the double finger salute to men, males but especially to white males- o my goodness how they treat General Hux and Po in the last jedi is bullshit- Hux how somehow has the respect of Ren- to mirror Tarkin and Vader's relationship is reduced to a winy, comedic cheap gimmick- what the hell is the point of this pansy of a weak character- but it's cool I guess because he's white right?  Po gets about the same treatment, getting chastised by purple haired lady who demeans him for asking questions- are you fracking kidding me- if someone gives orders that don't make sense it is only natural to question them especially if people's lives are at stake but no- purple hair chick talks him down and reinforces the concept that males are reckless who can't take orders, and need to take orders and obey confident- smart women?? What?? Are you freaking shitting me?? All men are trashed in the last jedi, Fin, Po, Luke, Hux, first order commanders, master hacker- if you don't believe me watch it and pay attention. This movie says f you to all men- so I think it's only naturally that we all men boycott Disney and all their products from now on- let their profits suffer.

© 2019 Jared Nolis

Author's Note

Jared Nolis
There are some grammar errors in this version- I had a more polished and updated version but I think the content was too much for a few SJW...

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Added on January 18, 2019
Last Updated on January 18, 2019
Tags: star wars, sci-fi, review, movie