

A Poem by heavvur

the bad things make the good things sweeter. don't jinx it now.


sometimes i dream

it's always of you

always will be

anyway, i dream--

of you..and me

i dream of what we could be

i dream of bad rhymes

and laced crooked fingers

i dream of bumping noses,

hitting teeth, and saying sorry

too much. i dream of making

mistakes with you. i dream of

exploring elevator shafts,

janitors' closets, and the

basement of the church. i

dream of photobooth pictures

and we look really ugly.

i dream of crying in your arms

and all you do is hold me.

i think of crummy valentines
and bad fights. i dream of

forgetting to call and

remembering too late. i

dream of find you alone,

holding your hand,

looking you in the eyes and

knowing that that's where

i belong. i dream of the bad

stuff because it makes the

good things that much sweeter.


i dream of good things too...

but i don't want to jinx it.

one day, my dreams will

come true.


it's my new mantra.

© 2010 heavvur

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i love this.
you really did a great job. i love that you don't make relationships seem like it's all sweet kisses and hugs and lovey dovey words.
you did an immaculate job.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Beautifully simple and touching.
Great job.

Posted 14 Years Ago

That is true, all of the bad things that might happen or have happened makes you treasure the good times. You hold them closer to your heart. Love it!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on January 26, 2010
Last Updated on January 26, 2010




let's see. i'm insane. :) i write poetry. i'm a musician, an actress, a dancer. i love jesus. my poetry is all inspired by actual events. i love the writing styles of emily dickinson and sylvia pl.. more..

safe. safe.

A Poem by heavvur