![]() Chapter FourA Chapter by HeavenFor the second time, when I wake up, I feel normal again. I don't know what happened, but I don't remember anything.
I groan, and sit up.
My curtains were open, and sunlight spilled into my room. I looked around, and sucked in a breath. Everything seemed to be glowing, kind've. Some pulsated, as if it had a heartbeat.
I get up, and slowly walk down the hall, with my hands skimming te walls.
As I walk into the kitchen, I saw Matt, Ryan, Katie, Aunt Kelley, and Uncle Greg all in the kitchen, laughing.
I suck in another breath as I watch them, and watched-- amazed.
They were all pulsating, but Matt, Katie, and Ryan were glowing brighter than Aunt Kelley and Uncle Greg.
Katie turns and see's me, and she smiles slightly, "Its amazing, isn't it?"
They all look at me.
Ryan laughs, "Your eyes are huge, Kyle."
"Well, wouldn't your be if you were able to see the Life Force this late." Matt tells Ryan.
Ryan laughs, and nods.
I walk over to those three, and Katie laughs.
"What?" She says.
I gasp, and poke her in the eye.
"Ow!" She says, "Please tell me you were still in the trance, because if you weren't--"
"You'll what?" Matt says, begining to look angry again, "Beat her up? Please, she'd kick you *ss."
They begin to bicker back and forth, and as Ryan and my Aunt and Uncle try to stop them, that shadow from earlier shows up.
"Thank you for helping that animal." It says.
"I helped it?"
"Yes, you cleansed it. Thank you, Princess. You are truly your other child."
I laugh, "Thank you!"
"Kyle?" A voice asks, "Why are you talking to that shadow?"
"Because its talking to her." Another voice says, "They talk to me, too."
"Well, your one of the Half's." Another voice says.
It take's me a mintue to decipher, them. The first voice was Katie, the seond was Matt, the third, Ryan.
I laugh, "I remember that story."
"Huh?" The three of them ask at the same time.
"Kyle, you remember that story you and your mom made up when you were six?" Aunt Kelley asks, her eyes huge.
Uncle Greg snorts, "Even I remember it, Kelley. Its not something you forget."
I smile, and Matt asks, "Well, ar eyou gonna tell us the story, or not?"
A few mintue's later we're all in the living room, and I think I've got my witts back, so I was red in the face. I can't believe I acted like that.
Ryan was patting me on the back, while Katie reassured me. Matt was killing himself laughing, as was Uncle Greg. Aunt Kelley was threatening to hit them upside the head.
"So, the story?" Ryan asks, when everything has calmed down.
"Oh, yeah." I say, and sit down.
After collecting my thoughts, I begin.
"Once a long long time ago, Merlin was the most powerful warlock. He was kind, but could be fierce if need be. Everyone likd and worshiped Merlin. But, on one day, a darkness began to showsigns of appearing. It tried to murder Merlin, and absorb his powers. He defeated it, but only at the cost of his life. On his death bed, he said, 'I will come back but not as I am. Not as one. My power will be split into two, and a man and woman will have my powers. They, if they may act as one, shall lead the next generation of witches and warlocks. They will and are Soulmates.' And so, it has happened. The darkness has yet to arrive once again, but in this generaion, it shall rise, and the two Halfs must act as one, and become the most powerful beings in the universe." I smile slightly as I finish the story.
Its quiet for amintue, before Katie says, "Kyle, what was your mom's madien name?"
"Uhhh..." I say, "I don't know. She never told me."
"Serena Stown." Aunt Kelley says, "And her father was Karyl Colemen."
All three of our guests eyes widen, and they all look at me, while saying, "So she's the One."
"Huh?" I say, "What are ya'll talking about?"
"Kyle," Matt says, getting up, and croucing infront of me, "You the other Half. Your the witch with Merlin's powers, and I'm the warlock."
"H-hold up." I say, my eyes growing wider. "So th-that mean your m-my...?"
"Soulmate." Katie says, a smile teasing at her lips, "Matt and you are Soulmates, Kyle."
I look at Kyle, who's staring into my eyes, then at Katie, who smiling, at Ryan, who's got a huge grin on his face. When I look at Aunt Kelley, she's got tears in her eyes, and she's smiling, Uncle Greg is grinning proudly.
"Kyle?" Matt says. His voice is getting so far away. "Kyle!"
I black out...
Again. © 2012 Heaven |
2 Reviews Added on June 7, 2012 Last Updated on June 7, 2012 |