![]() Chapter TwoA Chapter by HeavenAs soon as I could I walked into second period, and I sat all the way in the back.
A guy I didn't know sat next to me, after smiling at me kindly. I smiled back as he sat.
"Hey," He says, "I'm Ryan."
"Kyle." I say.
"Hey, aren't you Matt's new friend? The one with the Porche?"
I laugh quietly, "Yep. But is that really what people are saying about me?"
Ryan shakes his head, "Not exactly. Their's some people saying your a transfer student from England, and that Matt is just showing you around. Others are saying... Different things."
I laugh, "Yeah, and you know who I bet set those rumors in place?"
Ryan laughs, "I have a pretty good idea."
We both smile at eachother, and say, "Katie."
We finish the statement just as the queen b*tch herself walked in with the rest of the airheads in the cheerleading uniforms.
"Hey! Kyle!" Katie says.
I roll my eyes at Ryan, and turn with a smile on my face, "Hey Katie."
She sits next to me, "So, Kyle, how about we hang out sometime?"
"Oh, I dunno. Your cousion seemed kinda mad about us hanging out earlier." I say, with a teasing grin on my face.
Katie laughs, "Oh, I know. He gets pretty angry whenever I talk to his chick friends. He's kind've a b*sturd when he's mad."
I laugh, "I wouldn't know. He hasn't got angry around me yet."
She smiles, then leans in and whispers, "I'd be careful if I were you. He's claims things as his property like an animal. Kinda like a dog."
I laugh loudly, "As long as he doesn't pee on me, I think I'll be able to handle him."
Katie laughs, "Don't worry. We house trained him."
We both laugh, and I look back at Ryan.
"Hey, what time does school end?" I say.
He smiles, "About 2:40, why?"
I look at Katie, who's looking at Ryan adoringly.
"Who are you?" She says, batting her eyelashes.
Looking back at him, his face get pink as he say's, "Ryan."
"How come I don't know you?" She says, making a pout with her lips.
Ryan shrugs, "I don't know you very well either. Only that your Matt's cousion."
Katie scrunches up her nose, "Well that kinda sucks. Why don't we get to know eachother better?"
Ryan smiles, and leans over his desk, "Because I'm gay."
Katie's jaw drops, and I snort as I try to hold back my laughter.
She huffs, and turns her attention back to me, and see's I'm trying not to laugh, which turns her face red, as she face's away from me.
I look at Ryan, and hold up my hand, which he high-fives.
I make kissy faces at him, and he rolls his eyes.
I think I just found my new best friend.
Me and Ryan ended up having third, fourth and sixth period together. I had only first period with Matt, and then my free period with him too. I had First and thrrd period with Katie.
When lunch came around, I didn't eat because I was still full from the McDonalds, so me and Ryan hung out.
"So your telling me that Matt and you went to McDonalds and got so full that you can't eat lunch?" He asks.
I laugh, "Yep!"
We were sitting in his pick up truck, with the music playing.
He smiles, "Your so goofy!" He punches me in the arm.
I laugh, and punch him back. He laughs.
"So," I say, "Got any siblings?"
He laughs, and we spend all lunch period just talking about our lives. I don't know why, but I felt completly comfortable with Ryan. Like I could tell him anything at all, and he would give his opionion, but not cripisize me for mine, or make fun of me in anyway. And he didn't. He just sat there while I rambled on about my mom and dad, and all the stuff I used to do with them.
I listened while he told me about his older sister, who was taking care of him because his mom and dad had been murdered in a car crash. He worked as a mechanic in the auto shop in town.
We laughed and goofed off, intill we heard the bell.
We walked back into the building, side by side, and believe me, we got some weird looks, I mean, I'd look at us too.
I was 5'4", with dark brown hair thet reached just past my shoulders. I had some junk in the trunk, and was a 34C, which is bad enough. But I also stood out with the way I was dressed. Dark jeans, and a Sixx: AM band tee. I wore boots that covered up the bottom of my jeans, because they were tucked in.
Ryan was about 6'0", with blonde hair that he kept spiky on the top of his head with gel. He had bright green eyes, and he was an olive color. With that, he also had pretty big muscles, and he wore baggy jeans, with a plain black tee shirt, and a leather jacket over it. He had black sneakers on his feet.
We looked like we were the perfect couple. I guess when they say all the good ones were eaither taken or gay, they weren't kidding.
Me and Ryan hung out the rest of the day, and I didn't see Matt or Katie at all the rest of the day.
At the end of the day, Ryan folowed me to my house.
I walked in, "Hey! Aunt Kelley, I brought a friend over!"
She walked out of the kitchen, "Oh yay. I would love to meet he--" She stops when she see's Ryan, and quickly corrects herself, "Him."
"Aunt Kelley, this is Ryan. He's in most of my classes." I say, smiling.
She laughs, and holds out her hand, "Its nice to meet you, Ryan."
Ryan grabs her hand and shakes, "Its nice to meet you too. I love your shirt, though." He looks at her frilly flower pattern shirt, that I have to admit, looks damn good on her.
She laughs, then says, "Kyle, can I talk to you quickly, please?"
I nod, "Sure, Ryan, make yourself at home."
He nods, and sits on the couch.
Aunt Kelley grabs my wrist and tugs me into the kitchen.
"Why did you bring a boy over on your first day of school, Kyle?!" She yells/whispers.
"Because I wanted to, and he's really cool. You would like him, Aunt Kelley." I say in my normal tone of voice.
"I don't like any boy that you come into contact with!" Still yelling/whispering.
"Aunt Kelley, he's gay." I say. "I'm not gonna get into any trouble, believe me."
She stops completly, and then says, "He's gay?"
I nod.
"He's... Gay?"
I nod again.
"Are you sure?"
I roll my eyes, and nod again, "I'm positive."
She sighs in relief, and says, in anormal tone of voice, "Well, ask him if he wants to stay for dinner. I'm sure Greg would love to meet him."
I laugh, and walk out of the kitchen, ploping next to Ryan, who was petting my german shapherd, Baby.
"So, she says you can stay for dinner, if you want." I say. I lean over and whisper into his ear, "But I can't say she's the best of cook."
He laughs loudly, "Oh, I think I can manage. Thanks."
We hang out for a while, and Aunt Kelley seems to really be liking Ryan.
I soon hear Uncle Greg's car pull up, and Baby go's running, barking, for the door.
"Hey, girl." I hear Uncle Greg's deep rumble come from the door way. "Why so excited?"
"You know that dog like's you more than anybody. Well, maybe not Kyle. She apsoloutly love's Kyle." Aunt Kelley says, getting up and walking towards the door, meeting him there, and giving him a kiss.
I cover Ryan's eyes, and he cover's mine.
I erupt in giggle's while Ryan chuckles.
"Oh, hello." Uncle Greg says, walking towards Ryan, "You must be one of Kyle's new friends."
Ryan gets up, and shakes Uncle Greg's hand, "Yes, its a pleasure to meet you, sir."
Uncle Greg give's Ryan a kind smile, then looks at me, his face hardening, intill Aunt Kelley quickly whispers something into his ear. His face softens, and he smiles at me.
"Hey, sport." He says, holding out his arms for a hug.
I roll my eyes, and get up to hug him.
I swear to God, they treated me like a boy, intill I actully brought a boy over, then treated me like a girl, then back to a boy.
"So, Ryan. Will you be staying for dinner?" Uncle Greg's asks, and Ryan nods politly.
"Well, dinners ready." Aunt Kelley. "We're having meatloaf with mashed potato's, and sweet peas."
"Did you remember to actully put sugar in the sweet peas? Because they never put enough." I say, kind've sarcasticly.
"Yes I remembered!" Aunt Kelley says, red in the face.
Me and Uncle Greg laugh, and all four of us walk into the kitchen, and have dinner.
And, get this, it atully tasted good! © 2012 HeavenAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on June 6, 2012 Last Updated on June 6, 2012 |