![]() Chapter OneA Chapter by Heaven"Miss Colemen," the princibal says, standing up, "Please follow me to your first period."
I turn and follow him out the door.
As soon as we make it to my first period, he opens the door, and steps in with me in toe behind him.
"Class, this is your new student, Miss Kyle Colemen." The princibal says.
"Is your name really Kyle?" A blonde chick in a cheerleading uniform asks me.
"Nope." I say, "Thats just what I prefer to be called, thank you."
She rolls her eyes, "Your such a freak."
"I could say the same thing about you." I say, smiling sweetly at her.
The class starts laughing and her face turns red as she glare's at me.
I really hate snobs.
The princibal leaves without a word, which I though was a little strange, and the teacher told me to go sit behind some guy named Brian.
"Brian, raise your hand." She says.
A guy from in the back raises his hand, and I relise he was one of the guys that was around Matt's bike this morning.
I walk over and smilee at him. When I walk past him, guess who's feet was in my chair while he was snoring away in his desk.
I sigh, and push his feet out my chair, and he falls out his desk with a thump.
Everyone laughs as he shoots up and glares at the person who made him fall: me.
His face immediatly brakes out into a smile, and he says, "Kyle! Whats up?"
"Your feet were in my chair. Keep them out, and no snoring or drooling." I say, with a smile on my face.
"Whatever." He says, laughing.
He sits back down, and I sit down in my chair quietly, only to find everyone's eyes focused on me again.
I smile, and the teacher starts up class again, and the attention is away from me.
A note lands on my desk, and I open it up.
You seem to be used to the whole attention thing.
I turn and look at Matt, who winks at me.
I smile, and turn back.
Not really. I just find it funny.
I toss it back, and its back on my desk in less than 10 seconds.
Because they obviously have nothing better to do with their live's, so I don't mind them focusing on me.
Thats funny. You seem pretty confadent.
Only when I'm right.
Its takes him a little longer to reply this time.
Brian just texted me and told me you had a fall out with my cousion. She's the blonde chick in the front.
Yeah. She seems nice.
Oh yeah, she's real nice.
"Miss Colemen and Mister Davis, please stop passing notes. Save the flirting for after my class." The teacher says.
"Yes ma'am." Matt says.
I turn around and look at him with my eyebrow raised, and he winks at me again.
That must be like his thing or something. Either that, or he has a twitch.
I turn back around, and the teacher is back to teaching.
As soon as class is over, I leave and begin to walk down the hall.
The blonde chick from earlier walks up to me, and says, "Hey. Kyle, right?"
I nod, "Yeah, and you are...?"
"Matt's cousion. I'm Katie." She says, smiling.
"And why are you talking to me after just calling me a freak?" I say.
"Well, I'm sorry about that. And, any friend of my cousions' is a friend of mine. So, Kyle, wanna hang out some time?"
"Katie!" A deep voice says, and we both turn to see Matt coming towards us, looking very angry. "What are you doing?"
Katie smiles at him, "Just chatting with Kyle. We were making plans to hang out sometime, right Kyle?"
I smile and nod, then when she turns back to Matt, I mouth, Help me.
He smile's at me, then looks at Katie, "Go away Katie."
She scowls at him, and turns on her heel. She wave's to me sweetly, and walks down the hall.
"I see she tried to butter you up." Matt said, "Don't let her. She's bad news."
"And you aren't?" I say, smiling.
He laughs, "I guess your right. But, I'm not as bad as her."
I smile and let out a small laugh.
"Hey, do you have a free period?" He asks.
I shrug, and take out my classes list. He take's it from me, and looks.
"Yep, next period. So do I." He smile at me, and hands it back, "Wanna go to the McDonalds across the street?"
My stomach growls, and I remember I didn't have breakfast.
He laughs, "I'll take that as a yes." We walk towards the main doors.
"Lets take my car." I say.
He smiles and holds the school door open for me, "Cool. Can I drive?"
I shake my head, "Not a chance."
"Damn." He says.
I laugh, and we walk out into the parking lot.
~About 10 Mintues Later~
After our food come's, Matt starts a random coversation about car's and bike. Then, all of a sudden, says, "So why'd you move here anyway?"
"My guardian got a new job, and we had to move here." I say, taking a sip of my drink.
"Why don't you just say your Mom or Dad?" He says, looking confused with a half eaten cheeseburger in his hand.
"Because they were both murdered when I was younger." I say, "I watched my mother be murdered right in fron to of me by some guy. He looked like he came from the shadow's, but he really came from the window."
I freeze.
Why did I just tell a guy that I just met that?! Seriously, I know I'm not an idiot, but thats pretty stupid and lame!! Great, now he's looking at me weirdly.
"Sorry, I don't usially tell people that right away." I say, with a slight smile on my face.
He shakes his head, "No, its fine. I just... Just by looking at you, you'd guess you grew up with a almost perfect life."
I shake my head, "Yeah, okay."
I laugh, and he smiles.
We finish eating, and just sit there and talk intill its time to leave.
When it is time to leave, we do. © 2012 HeavenReviews
2 Reviews Added on June 5, 2012 Last Updated on June 5, 2012 |