![]() ProlougeA Chapter by Heaven
~Ten Years Ago~
"Mommie! Mommie!" I say over and over again, running through the house with the drawing I just drew her in my little hands. "Look what I made you!"
I found her in my room, cleaning up my toys. She picks up my My Little Mermaid barbie doll, and puts it in my toy box.
"What is it hun?" She says, squating down to my level.
"Look what I made you, Mommie!" I say.
She takes the drawing, and laughs as she looks at it, "Is this me?"
I nod, "Yep! But you better run and hide Mommie, or the guards will get you!"
She laughs and studies the picture again.
In the picture, Mommie was running with her friends away from the bad guys, and she was laughing, but she also was worried about her friend. Her friend had red curly hair, that was frizzy, and she had bright green eyes. She had been shot in the leg by a guard.
Normally, when you hear the word 'guard', you think of a person guarding something. Like a castle, or a jail. Well, 'guard' in this case, protected the Book.
The Book was filled with secrets of some of the most powerful magic-weilder in time. Every generation, two magic-weilders are born, with have the power of Merlin, the most powerful magic-weilder ever. They will get the half the power each, and it will always be a girl and a boy. A witch and a worlock. The Book will find them, and bring them together, and supposidly, the two are soulmates, and will be married.
My mother wasn't suprised when I told her all of this, and I was happy. When I told my Daddy, he looked at me strangly, and then brought me to the docter, who gave me a bunch of tests, and the docter told Daddy that every book I ever read, movie I ever seen, or anything I ever heard, I had put it all together, and created a world that I believed to be true.
I stomped the docters foot, and called him one of the dirty words I'd heard Daddy shout when he got angry.
"This is very good, Kyle. So am I still the witch?" She says.
I nod, "Yep! And Daddy's the warlock, you two are soulmates!" I laugh happily, and race out the room with Mommie laughing behind me.
Two hours later, I've had my bath, and its bed time.
After Daddy kisses me goodnight, he leaves for the bathroom, and Mommie come's.
"Goodnight, Kyle." She kisses my forehead, "I love you."
"I love you too Mommie!" I say happily and sleepily.
I look behind her, and my eyes go wide.
A man is coming out of the shadow's.
"Mommie! Run!" I say, getting up.
"Kyle, whats wrong? Sweetie, sit down. Calm down!" She starts panicing.
The man shot out of the shadow's, and all I could see next, was the knife, and Mommie's blood.
~Present Day~
"Kyle! Wake up!" Aunt Kelley says. "First day of the new school! Don't be late!"
With that, I can hear her footsteps retreating frommy door.
I roll my eyes and get up.
My mother had been murdered right before my eyes when I was six years old, and apparently the man who had killed my mother also murdered my father, because they found him cut up the exact same way.
Ever since then, I've been living with my Aunt, and she moved us to Wyoming, and I'm starting a new school.
Its not that I hated the idea of a new school, but I didn't neciassarily want to go.
Grabbing some clothes, I walk into my bathroom, and take a quick shower.
After, I go through my closet, and pick out an outfit; throwing that on over my bra and panties.
I blow dry my hair, and I hear Aunt Kelley's car leave.
Walking out the door, I grab my keys, and jump into my Porche Aunt Kelley had bought me for my sixteenth birthday tomorrow.
When I pull into the parking lot for the school, everyone turns and looks at my car. They all whisper to their friends while looking at my car.
The thing is, the windows are so dark, they wouldn't be abel to see me.
I pull up next to a Harley, and turn off the car. A couple of guys were crowded around the guy on the bike.
I turn off the car, grab my bag, and get out. I lock ht ecar behind me, and begin to walk towards the front doors with everyone's eyes on me.
"Hey!" A voice says, and I turn around to see the guy that was on the bike walking towards me.
"Yeah?" I say.
He walks up up to me, and says, "Nice car."
"Thanks." I say with a smile.
He smiles back at me, and walks next to me as I walk into the building.
"I'm Matt, by the way. You must be new, because I've never seen you before."
"How do you know you've never seen me before, Matt?"
"Because I'd never forget you." He winks at me.
I smile, and when we make it to the office, I say, "Well, Matt, you can call me Kyle. Everyone else does."
He laughs, "Thats kind've a guys name, y'know."
I smile, "Oh, I know. Considering I don't like my real name, I go by Kyle."
He smiles, "Okay, cool. Then I guess I'll see yah 'round, Kyle."
I nod, "See yah."
I walk into the office. © 2012 Heaven |
Added on June 5, 2012 Last Updated on June 5, 2012 Author