Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Jade Black

Chapter one:


Do you believe in fate?  Well, I didn’t either until the day I was taken. 

You may think this sounds strange but once you hear my story, you might just change your mind. It all starts here. 


April 30, 2017

            My usual walk home from work is anything but eventful. I pass the apartments on 2nd Street, that I swear I have never seen anyone walk in or out of. There’s the old Catholic School that gives me the creeps, a McDonalds, of course, and the big drug store that just opened last year that everyone band wagon shops at.  On that day though, something was different. I felt it, sort of like how you can feel someone staring at you from behind.

            As it turns out, that’s exactly what it was.  I heard him before I saw him. I felt his cold hands clamp down over my mouth as he told me not to make a scene.  His voice was oddly soothing, not what you would expect from someone who made a living from stalking unsuspecting women. Sit was so soothing in fact, that I didn’t make a sound. I followed his instructions to a tee.  Turn around, slowly, act like you know exactly who I am, and follow me back to my car.  Those words live like an echo in the back of my mind. 

            We walked silently back to his car, a black Mercedes with windows tinted so dark it looked as if someone had lined them with garbage bags.  He reached for the handle of the passenger side door and I couldn’t help but notice two things about his hands.  One, there was not a single visible inch of skin not covered with tattoos, and two, the scars.  It was almost as if he had tried to cover them up with the ink, but no matter what the scars showed through.  Some were long and straight, like red ribbons around his forearms. But there were also some jagged, white lightening like gashes.  Even his hands were cover with a mixture of the two markings. I almost vocalized my thoughts, but then I felt myself being pushed into the seat while the door slammed behind me. 

            The inside of the car was immaculate.  Not a single crumb, fast food wrapper or even CD.  I startled as he yanked open the driver side door and slid into the seat.  I heard him let out a deep sigh, but not one that sounded relieved.  It sounded more like a sputter of breath, like he was on verge of tears.  For the first time I chanced a look at his face.  I couldn’t have been more surprised.  He was extremely handsome, in a rugged, rough and tumble kind of way.  He was definitely muscular, not from a gym, but from pure hard work.  His neck, like his arms was covered in an array of artwork.  His facial structure resembled that of a God, a concrete jaw, strong cheek bones, and emerald green eyes, set deep into his skull.  His hair was inky black and softly tousled, almost as if he had just woken up. I woke from my trance when he started the engine and peeled out of the lot we were parked in. 

            I don’t know how long we drove for but it was long enough for me to lose track of how many turns we made and what the street names were that we passed.  So much for an escape plan, I though.  We drove though a broad metal gate into a long driveway of a house that looked like a prison, square in shape with a flat concrete roof and a large wrought iron fence surrounding it.  As soon as we passed through the gate it slammed shut behind us.  In that instance my heart dropped.  When we finally got to the end of the driveway he put the car in park, but we didn’t get out.  He slammed his fist into the steering wheel and let out a roaring scream, and I jumped nearly out of the seat.  I felt the color drain out of my face and my skin turn to ice.  He finally spoke, “This isn’t me... I promise you that. I’m gonna fix this.”  This confused me because he could just let me go and that would solve this whole problem.

            I don’t know where I got the courage from but I heard myself speaking to him, like I wasn’t even in my own body.  “Why don’t you just let me go? I would never tell a soul. We could both just walk away like we never even met.”  He let out a nervous laugh, “This is bigger than you could ever imagine.  He makes us choose our victims ourselves.  It’s all just a game to him.”

“Who?!” I ask with my fake confidence.

“Someone you will soon meet and then wish you never had.  He is the most hateful man I have ever crossed paths with, and women are at the top of his list.”

Tears immediately sprung from my eyes, and I watched his face contort into a pained expression.  He looked away for a second before getting out of the car and coming around to my side to let me out.  He opened the door hurriedly and I felt his arms slide underneath my legs and around my back as he lifted me out of the car.  He was so gentle; this man couldn’t possibly be evil. Could he? He walked me up the rock strewn stairs and through the front door where I was greeted with pitch blackness and a smell I could only associate with rotting flesh. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness and the small bit of light shined through the boarded up windows I saw the blood, dry and smeared across almost the entirety if the room.  I tried to hold it in but to no avail, I vomited over his shoulder onto the disgusting tile floor.  This caused more tears, tears of embarrassment this time though.  “S**t” he said, “He could be here any second, I can’t let him see that.”  He immediately set me down onto a stained mattress, pulled his shirt over his head and started to sloppily wipe my mess off the floor with is. 


“Im sorry…” I managed to stammer.

He turned and looked over his shoulder at me with a weak smile and said “Trust me, I have seen worse.”

There was glint of kindness behind the pain I saw in his eyes.  This only lasted for a second though, as it was interrupted by the door smashing open and a man the size of a grizzly bear stepped through the doorway.  In the dim lighting I could see his piercing glare scan me from top to bottom.

I never thought I was anything spectacular to look at.  I had white blonde hair that hung down my back, blue eyes that I always considered dull compared to others, and asymmetrical features.  Sure, I had the figure most girls worked hard for, but it never made me feel beautiful.  Sitting there on the bed, in front of this man with his blood chilling stare though, I felt like a slab of meat.  I dropped my eyes from his, and swept them over to the spot where mystery man had just sprung up from cleaning my puke.

Bear man followed my eyes and smirked when he saw that mystery man was shirtless.  “Already trying to get a bite of the pie I see? Didn’t want to wait for me?”

“N-n-n-no sir” he choked out, “I was jus-“

“I’m just bustin’ your balls! Why are you always so serious? We’re having fun here together aren’t we?”

He laughed nervously again, “Oh yea, of course.”

Grizzly man motioned for him to come over to him.  I watched his stiff steps as he made his way carefully around the vomit and across the room.  Grizzly man leaned in close and whispered something in his ear for what seemed like an eternity. When he turned back around towards me he could barely look me in the eye.  Grizzly man turned and left the room, but I hardly noticed because mystery man was walking towards me with a look on his face that I could not shake.

He slowly climbed onto the mattress with me and I moved ever so slightly backwards, not knowing what to expect next.  He leaned his face so close to my neck I could almost feel our skin connecting, and whispered “I’ll be as gentle as possible ok? Just please don’t fight me or else he will make me do unthinkable things… and… he will be watching too…” I jerked my head back, but he caught the back of it with his hand and hissed through his teeth “Please don’t, I promise you I will explain all of this later.”  The next hour will forever be engraved into my brain for multiple reasons.


I sat stone still as he gently lifted my shirt over my head and draped it over the side of the mattress.  Tears pricked at the backs of my eyes but I squeezed my eyes shut and held them in.  I wanted to follow his instructions, I wanted to believe that he was really good and that grizzly man was forcing him to do this.  He slowly but firmly laid me back onto the bed and knelt over me with my legs between his.  He traced his hands down my body and stopped just above the waist of my pants.  He closed his eyes for a split second and I felt him slide my pants and thong down just above my knees.  He gently pinned my hands down above my head and pushed himself into me.  I gasped for breath as he slowly slid in and out of me.  As he continued I felt the urge to open my eyes.  When I finally did his eyes were locked on mine, but his gaze was soft and sweet.  My urge to touch him was too great, I broke the grip he had on my hands and ran my hands up his back, feeling his muscles instantly contract at the touch of my skin. His expression changed to one of confusion and then relief.  Instantly I felt him become more comfortable, it was almost pleasurable. 

Grizzly man burst into the room, obviously angry.  He grabbed mystery man by the neck and threw him against the wall, ripping him out of me with too much force.  I screamed and immediately doubled up in pain.  I felt grizzly man get onto the bed and I braced myself for everything I knew was coming.  He bent me over in front of him, forcing my face into the mattress.  The smell of blood instantly flooded my nose and I knew there was no way out of this.  There was no way to hold back the tears this time as he shoved himself inside me.  The next few minutes were filled horrifying.  I screamed and pleaded with him to stop for what felt like hours.  Finally, he finished and walked out of the house without a word.  Mystery man and I stayed silent and still until we heard him drive away.

As soon as we knew he was gone, mystery man ran to my side.  “Don’t move! You’re bleeding really badly.”  He pulled a towel out of crate in the corner of the room and wrapped it tightly around my waist.  He sat down next to me, and against all my better judgment I pulled myself onto his lap.  For a moment he did nothing, but then I felt him lightly run his fingers through my hair.  Almost inaudibly he said “You will never know how sorry I am for what just happened…” I looked up at him and for some reason my heart was filled with hope.  I pulled his face down into mine and kissed him, softly at first but with increasing passion.

After a few minutes we broke apart and I couldn’t help but smile.  My smile must have been contagious because I saw one creep onto his face. 




“Sooo, what’s your name?”

We both start laughing uncontrollably.

Smiling he said “Camden, and yours?”

“Aurora” I said smiling.

We talked for hours.  I learned that Camden had a 5 year old daughter named Abby, her mother actually died during child birth so raised her all on his own.  He was 22, and his favorite color was green.  I also learned that grizzly man’s name is actually Dorian, and he met Camden at a bar the year before.  The two immediately hit it off, or so he thought. They became friends and then roommates.  About 5 months earlier Dorian got close enough to Abby to convince her to come with him one night and Camden hadn’t seen her since.  Dorian had him in a, so called binding contract, promising to release Abby if he just followed some simple instructions.  These “instructions” quickly turned into a sadistic relationship.  Camden is now forced to pick out girls he thinks are attractive and bring them to Dorian for his human trafficking ring. 

After a while we were both obviously tired.  Camden spread out over the mattress trying to cover up the fresh blood and whatever other fluids had been spilled.  I laid down on top of him enjoying the warmth of his body as he wrapped his arms around me. As I drifted off to sleep I vowed to help him end this disgusting cycle, and I felt what I thought might be love for him.






© 2018 Jade Black

Author's Note

Jade Black
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Added on June 1, 2018
Last Updated on June 1, 2018
Tags: thriller, romance, sex


Jade Black
Jade Black

Absaroka County, WY

Just a young girl trying to navigate my way through life and heartbreaks.. Thank you for taking the time to read my posts. more..

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A Book by Jade Black

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A Story by Jade Black