The emotion here is pretty strong. You use words sparingly- which gives it power- almost like you are angry, hurt, and choking on your words. I also am caught by the lines "It can, But only if there's an effort, An effort to make it stop." Tough thought to handle the idea that we and others are not willing to put in effort to change or help make change.
Only other thing I saw was: "I'm use to hurting,
I'm use to crying," "used" should be your word in these two lines. Keep writing -nice stuff here.
The emotion here is pretty strong. You use words sparingly- which gives it power- almost like you are angry, hurt, and choking on your words. I also am caught by the lines "It can, But only if there's an effort, An effort to make it stop." Tough thought to handle the idea that we and others are not willing to put in effort to change or help make change.
Only other thing I saw was: "I'm use to hurting,
I'm use to crying," "used" should be your word in these two lines. Keep writing -nice stuff here.
I'm from St.Charles Minnesota, currently live in Rochester, Minnesota. I love writing. I write about anything that comes to mind. Writing helps me express my feelings, whether it's happy, sad, love, e.. more..