Just One Night

Just One Night

A Poem by Heather D

This is about my date with my good friend Jessey. We spent one night together before he went back to Germany with the Army.


One person who's always been there is a friend of mine,

Just friends or are we more, there's always been a fine line.

We've played this game since middle school, when we were only 13 years old.

And though we've always like each other we never actually told.


He joined the army senior year, after graduation was sent to Germany.

We've kept in touch since then, and he's admitted his feelings for me.

He was home on leave for just two weeks, so we set up a date.

We know our time together is short, it's long overdue, I can hardly wait.


When I open up the door, he sees me and he smiles.

It's been so long since I've seen him, he's traveled so many miles.

We get in his truck and go to dinner at a place that we both like,

Where the subject of the importance of spaghetti spoons starts up a playful fight.


We go to a movie, a comedy, and laugh the entire time.

When he stands up, he leans down and kisses me, it feels right, his lips on mine.

It's gotten late, we don't want to part, so we try to think of something to do.

So we go to Wal-Mart, buy a batman kite, for us it's something new.


We go to the playground and jump the fence, laughing all the while.

It's midnight and so windy, my hair's in my face and I just smile.

We assemble the kite, he gets it to fly, but only for a moment does it stay in the air,

Cuz while it's up, he pulls me close for a kiss, and it falls from way up there.


He looks so handsome in the moonbeams, the way his cheekbones are hit by the light.

He gives me the string and watches in awe as I keep Batman in flight.

The wind gets too strong and the kite comes down, so we go to the jungle gym.

He plays on the monkey bars while I sit and study him.


It's freezing cold and the icy wind blows my hair in my face.

There's nowhere else I'd rather be then here with him in this time and place.

We sit and talk for a while, our boots hanging off the jungle gym.

We laugh and enjoy our night together, though we know it will soon come to an end.


He mentions his tattoos, and we talk about each and every one.

He rolls up the sleeve of his plaid flannel shirt to show me what he's done.

He reveals his forearm, and I can feel the warmth of his skin,

As I trace my fingers over the intricate lines of ink, every twist and bend.


After a while I lay back and close my eyes, enjoy feeling him so near to me.

Then all I know is his lips on mine, he pulls our bodies close as can be.

So we kiss as we lay on the jungle gym, our bodies tightly entertwined.

I never want him to go back to Germany and leave me so far behind.


He holds me tight and keeps me warm, fights off the December chill.

I know soon he'll have to take me home, but silently pray he never will.

© 2011 Heather D

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I was captivated by every word....So romantic, so passionate, so sweet. Such an excellent display of love and devotion, and a marvellous account of long young love... No technical issues, the poem flowed marvellously and its aremarkable write, One of my favorites

Posted 13 Years Ago

Towards the end, this poem becomes quite sexual and more passionate. Quite a good poem, although it may have been better to divide this piece into seperate verses? The wording and rhyme pattern, both seem to be fine. Whilst reading, I felt that this poem had an everyday or conventional atmosphere to it. Nothing odd, or difficult to understand in this scenario - as it is portrayed by the writer. Thankyou!

Posted 13 Years Ago

good flow and nice rhyming scheme..

Posted 13 Years Ago

A very nice poem Heather. The story was easy and slow. Good friends are needed in a life. I like the buying of the kite and the time at the park. I learn many years later those moments when life was simple and wonderful are what we hold most precious. A excellent poem. Thank you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I love the passion and heartfelt quality to this love, that emnotion that they have to go is always unsettling and makes us feel alone!
Great poem love xx

Posted 13 Years Ago

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15 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on January 20, 2011
Last Updated on February 28, 2011

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