![]() It Rains for PeterA Story by HayPix6It's a Saturday night in our small town in New York. The sky is clear, there is a warm summer breeze, and you can see every star for miles. Lying under the stars on my blanket like I always do on Saturday nights, I see a shooting star blaze across the sky and immediately think of my dad. He loved to study astronomy. It was his passion ever since my parents met. He would never stop talking about stars -- how they were formed, what the constellations represented, stuff like that. Every night at dinner, he would quiz me and Matthew, my twin brother, till we knew everything there was to know about stars. And before he died from cancer last year, when me and Matt were only six-years-old, he told us that whenever we see a shooting star shoot across the sky, he is always right there with us. Seeing that shooting star tonight, I could almost feel his hand in mine. Almost like he was really sitting next to me... "Makenna?" my mother yelled from the deck, "Maggie is on the phone." "Coming!" I hollered back before standing up and jogging to the house. Maggie Collins is my only friend in this amazing little town. She has been ever since Preschool. Her short red hair complimented her dark green eyes and her freckled face could always make my day. "Hey, Maggie," I said once I got the receiver from the counter where my mom set it. "Hey, can we come to your house and watch the stars with you tonight?" she asked. She would do that sometimes -- come over and look up at the stars with me. And occasionally, she would bring Peter. Peter is Maggie's brother. He was older than us by a year. And I have to say, he is pretty attractive. His dark brown hair has a touch of red in it. His eyes are a pale blue and his smile is breath-taking. But he barely talks. Actually, I've never heard him talk. Not to Maggie, his parents, or anyone. He has this vibe to him that usually tends to make people stay away from him. "Sure," I replied. "That would be great!" I like to see him every now and then. Makes me smile. "Cool!" Then she paused, "For some reason he really wanted to come today." "Oh really?" I asked, smiling to myself. "Okay. Well, we will be over in a bit. See you then!" She didn't even give me a chance to say goodbye, so I just hung up the phone and headed back out to look at the sky. "What did Maggie want?" my mom asked from the living room. I made my way to where she was sitting. "Oh, she's going to come over tonight and look at the stars with me. Peter will be here, too." "Oh, that's nice," my mother cooed. "Will you need any snacks? Drinks?" "I don't think so," I replied. "But if we do, I'll come get them. Thanks though, mom." She smiled before turning back to her book. So with that, I turned around and headed back to my spot. While I waited, I thought about Peter. I don't know why, but I couldn't wait until he and Maggie got here. He was so mysterious and cute that I want to get to know him better... "Knock-knock." Maggie's voice made me jump. "Geeze, you scared me, Maggie," I laughed. I walked toward her and hugged her. That's when I realized Peter standing behind her, hands in his pockets, looking up at the sky. For some odd reason, it looked like he was trying not to look at me. "Hey, Maggie!" I said, pulling away from her. "Hi, Peter," I said more shyly. He kind of glanced at me from the corner of his eye, took his hand out of his pocket, and waved at me before looking away again. "Hey, Mack! Any pretty stars tonight?" Maggie asked, looking up at the sky. I followed her gaze and smiled. "I think they all are." "Me, too." This voice surprised me because this was not Maggie. It was a low, husky voice that was too old to be my brother. I looked toward Peter. He had his head down but I could tell his eyes were wide in surprise like mine and Maggie's. "Did you just talk Peter!? Let alone that, did you say 'pretty'?" Maggie asked. He shrugged his shoulders and looked away. "He didn't really say pretty. He said he agreed that they were pretty," I pointed out. I looked at Peter and, even though he was looking away from me, I could see that he was smiling his adorable smile. Him and his dimples... "Well, anyway," Maggie said, breaking my view of Peter who was just starting to look at me from under his eyelashes. "What now?" "Lets go to my favorite spot," I said, trying not to look at him again. This was getting weird. He is acting stranger than usual. "Okay. Come on Peter," Maggie said, even though he was already following me to my spot near our oak trees where my red blanket lay. When we got there, I sat down and then they both sat to my right. Peter furthest away, of course. "So, anything really pretty or interesting, guys?" Maggie asked, looking up. When she said this, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Peter look at me . But once he noticed that I saw him, he look away quickly. "I think so," I replied to Maggie's question before also looking up to look for my star. It's name is Matar which means "rain" in Arabic. "I remember how my dad always told me the story about how before I was born, there was that extreme drought in Bedfore." I knew that I always told this story, but it was my favorite to tell. "Kind of like the one happening right now?" Maggie interrupted. "I mean, we haven't had rain since..." Even though she stopped mid-sentence, I knew that she was going to say since my father's funeral. It wasn't a big secret. It was the truth. "Anyway, the minute I was born, the exact moment I was born, the sky outside became dark and the biggest rain this town had ever seen since it was founded occurred. Six and a half inches of rain that day. And before he died when my brother and I were six, he showed me the star and I even received a legal document that stated that star was mine." That document was now framed and hung on my wall next to a family photo. "Whoops," Maggie shouted, making me jump. I hadn't known I was crying till the tear that was playing at the edge of my eye dropped to the blanket. "Sorry, Mak, but I forgot something in the car. I will be back in five minutes. Swear." After she'd left, I looked over at Peter only to discover he was looking at me, too. He looked away slower than the last time. I smiled and looked away quickly, casually drying the tear that was at the edge of my eye lid. I looked at him again and this time, he didn't look away. His blue eyes made my heart speed up slightly. Then his eyebrows scrunched together and he asked, "Hey, are you okay, Makenna?" It wasn't the fact that he was actually talking, but that he actually sounded concerned that made me smile through the tears. "Oh, I'm fine," I answered, my voice shaking a bit. "Are you sure?" he asked, reaching a hand out to me as if to comfort me, but changing his mind at the last second. "I guess. I should really stop looking at that star," I laughed with no real emotion while shaking my head. "What star is it?" he asked, looking at me and then to the sky, an emotion on his face that I couldn't name. "That one over to the west," I said, my voice embarrassingly breaking at the end. "Oh, I'm sorry, Makenna. Do you need anything? A hug maybe?" he smiled, taking my breath away. "What did I miss, you two?" Maggie asked as she walked up to where we were, holding a jacket. I hadn't noticed that Peter and I were so close. We both scooted away and she sat in the middle of us. "Well that was weird," she muttered to herself. We didn't really talk the rest of the time except for the occasional 'Look at that one,' and couple of gasps from me and Maggie when the occasional shooting star came. But Peter was silent. I caught him glancing at me a couple times. It was like the little conversation we had just had hadn't even occur. "Well, we better get back. It's getting pretty late," Maggie said around midnight. "Don't you agree, Pete?" He shrugged in reply then looked at me. He had the I-really-don't-want-to-leave-but-I-know-we-have-to look on his face. And to tell the truth, I didn't want him to leave, either. "Well, I guess I will call you later?" Maggie asked and then got up and started walking. I nodded before getting up and following her. Peter hurried in front of me. He was looking pissed off and walking in an angry manner. What's wrong with him? This worried me... "See you guys!" I said when they got to the street. Right then, Peter turned to Maggie, said something, and then turned back to me. He still looked angry. Now, I was kinda frightened. What did I do? He got in front of me and then turned, the anger on his face scarier up close. "Look," he said, the anger hinting in his voice, "I've been holding this in for so long, I'm about to cry in anticipation." While he paused, my heart was beating so fast, I bet he could hear it. I felt like comforting him because he did look like he was going to cry. His eyes were red and watery looking and his cute chin was quivering. "What is it Peter?" I asked worried, and laying a hand on his shoulder. He looked at my hand and calmed down a bit. After he took a deep breath, he looked right into my eyes. "Okay, I have had a major crush on you and it's burning to keep it in any longer. I like you, Makenna," he said and then looked less pissed and more worried. Worried about what I would say, probably. I was totally speechless. Did he really mean it? Or was this a sick joke Maggie came up with? But something in his eyes told me he was not kidding in the slightest bit. "Do you not believe me?" he asked, his face falling just the slightest bit. "D-do I need to prove it? Cause I will." "I believe you, Peter. One hundred percent. I will admit, I thought it was one of Maggie's sick jokes at first," I said and then realized something else that he had said. "What do you mean by prove it?" "You'll find out soon," he smiled. "I promise you" He pulled me into his arms and gave me the best hug I have ever received from a boy. Well, except when my brother feels all sentimental and decides to give me a hug. We heard Maggie's approach and gasp as she saw our embrace. We pulled back immediately and looked at her. 'Oh my goodness,' was written all over her face but she said nothing. "Hey," I said, stupidly. My breath hadn't calmed down from the previous conversation with Peter and I bet she noticed. "Meeting!" was all she said before grabbing my arm and taking me out of Peter's hearing range. "What?" I asked, annoyed that she interrupted our hug. "What was that?" she asked. She looked pretty pissed. "He told me he liked me and then he hugged me? Is that terrible?" I was still very annoyed with her. Then, I thought that that comment would get me slapped... "Awe!" she squealed happily. What? "You aren't mad?" I asked, confused. "No. Why would I be?" she asked, almost as confused as I was at her reaction. "I don't know. The way you grabbed my arm and yanked me over here, maybe?" "Oh. I'm sorry. I thought I looked excited," she giggled. This is when I walked away from her and back to Peter. He had his hands shoved in his pockets and he was looking up, mumbling something. It sounded musical, but I didn't ask. "Hey," I said casually. He turned and smiled his adorable smile. "Hey." "Sorry for the interruption," I said. "Has anyone told you you give amazing hugs?" He just couldn't stop smiling, and neither could I. "Yeah, the interruption was unfortunate, and I have been told that once or twice." He chuckled and then continued, "but we probably should get back home." Then he took me in his arms and gave me another amazing hug. As he hugged me, he said, "I will prove it to you someday. I promise." I pulled away and replied, "And I will hold you to that promise." He smiled and then pulled the rest of the way away. "I'll call you?" "Totally," I replied trying to break away from his gaze. I failed epically at that. "Well, I'll see you soon." "Yep. You will," I giggled. "Your so cute when you laugh," he said and then blushed. I blushed along with him. "Thank you. You're cute when you smile." To prove it, when he smiled in reply, I looked away shyly. "Bye, Makenna." "Bye, Peter." And then he walked away and I almost hyperventilated. It was still only the beginning of summer, so Peter came over many nights to watch the sky and, when it was too cloudy to see the stars, just talk. He still hasn't proved it yet, but I trust him to keep his promise. One Wednesday, when it was very cloudy but too hot for rain, Peter called me. "Hey there," he said. "What are you up to, today, Mack?" "Not much, Pete," I replied, trying not to sound too cheesy. "We won't be able to star see tonight," I tried to hide disappointment in my voice, but it was clearly audible. "Awe," he said, mirroring my disappointment. "Well, I bet I can find something for us to do." From his silence, I knew he was thinking. "What do you have in mind?" I asked, awaiting his response. "Well, do you like music?" he asked. Music? Was he thinking about a concert? And if so, who? I didn't know what kind of music he liked. That subject never came up in out conversations. "A private concert? Does that sound good?" he asked. "Ooh, private? Who is it?" I asked. He just couldn't stop being so mysterious. "Now that, my dear, is a surprise and I'm not one to ruin a surprise," he chuckled. "Surprise? Well, you are good with surprises." Ugh! That was corny! "Awe, thanks, Mack." "So, when is this concert?" I asked. "Umm, what time is it now?" he asked, a slight smile in his voice. I looked at my alarm clock on my nightstand. "Almost five o'clock. Why?" "Oh, okay. Cool. Dinner first? That sound okay?" he asked. "Sounds good. Where will dinner be?" "You women and your questions," he laughed his cute laugh. "You will know at seven o'clock. I'll pick you up around then." "Bye. I can't wait!" "See ya, Makenna!" Now, I started freaking out. What do you wear to a private concert? Not a dress, but u don't want to be casual, do you? I thought about this for, like, twenty minutes and then ended up deciding on my gray slacks and red, dressy v-neck. After I'd laid out the outfit on my bed, I took a quick shower. After a long time debating on wearing my hair up or down, I decided to put my shoulder-length hair up in a cute and casual bun. When I looked at the clock again, it was six-thirty, so I called my mom, told her the plans, and then waited for Peter to arrive. After ten minutes, I heard his signature, quiet knock on the front door. "Coming," I said, jogging to the door, grabbing my bag on the way. When I opened the door, he was leaning against the doorframe, looking up at me from under his lashes, smiling. My heart fluttered. "I hate it when you do that to me." He looked so cute when he looked so guilty. " What did I do? Am I late?" "Looked so cute leaning against the door frame looking at me like that. You almost gave me a heart attack." Then he smiled his smile. "Oh, sorry, Mack. Do you need me to give you CPR?" he asked. I just looked down and blushed. "Is that a no?" he asked, chuckling. I looked up and smiled. "So, are you gonna tell me about dinner and the concert?" I asked. His body shook from laughter as he brought something out from behind his back. A flash of red plaid caught my eye. He had a blindfold in his hand. "Does this answer your question?" "What, are you going to murder me? Or what's the blindfold for?" "Now why would anyone, let alone me, ever hurt you? Whoever even thinks about it, I will hurt them." He looked so serious, I felt bad for the person who wanted to kill me. "Okay, so are you ready?" he smiled. "Yes," I said. He turned me around and secured the blindfold around my eyes and then hugged me from behind. He shook with laughter when I felt his muscle like a blind person searching for a light switch. "Want me to carry you?" he asked. I thought about that. I was very clumsy with my eyes open, let alone blindfolded. How could I find my way to his car? But before I could answer, the ground disappeared out from under me and I was clutching for his neck to hold on to. He laughed at my reaction, but kept going. His lips were suddenly at my ear. "You look so cute when you're so clueless." "Really? Then I'm about to get freaking adorable," I giggled. He shook again and I could feel the warmth of his breath on my neck. "And you are so annoying when you make me clueless." He sat me on the ground. I guessed we were at his car, but I wasn't sure. But then I heard him open his door for me and guide me to the seat. "You in?" he asked. "I don't want to shut your legs in the door or anything." I scrunched into a ball. "I'm good," I mumbled into my knees. The door closed then. I could smell his car. Mostly his cologne but then there was another scent that didn't belong. Almost like flowers... He got in then, buckling me in after he did so himself. "Are you ready? Dinner is first," he said. "Im ready," I assured him. And then we were moving. We went down my street then turned left. "You look beautiful, Makenna," he said at either a stop sign on light. "Is it too much? I didn't want to over-do it," I said, worried. "No, you're just perfect. It's not too much. You look beautiful." He said this not how expected; nervous. He sounded very sure. I smiled. "Thank you. You looked nice yourself before you blinded me with this." I tried to point at my eyes, but it was probably more my mouth then eyes. He chuckled. "We are here." "Can I see now?" I asked. "Not quite. Wait till we get inside." With that, he got out of the car. It took four beats of my heart for him to open my door. He grabbed my arm, pulled me to my feet and then into his arms. I curled into them gratefully. It felt like I fit there. Belonged, even. He opened a door and then we were in a building. It smelt like an Italian restaurant. I could smell some type of pasta and garlic bread. But it didn't sound like a restaurant. No other diners' silverware scraping against plates. No hustle and bustle. No nothing. "Where are we? If it's a restaurant, no one else is here," I pointed out. "Here's our table," he said, letting go of my hand to scoot back a chair. Then he grabbed my hand again and kissed it before he led me to the chair. Once I was sitting down, he scooted me in. "No ones here because it's a private dinner, too." What else could he do to make me love him more? This, I didn't know. He laughed. "You can take that off, Mack. The blindfold, that is." I giggled and my face got warm. I did as he said. My first thought was that we were not in a restaurant, but a house. My second thought was it was Peter's house. I did smell pasta because a plate of spaghetti was in front of me with a slice of garlic bread. It looked delicious! Who made this? "Does Makenna like?" he asked, smiling. "How...?" but I couldn't finish because no words can explain this. "Well, I told everyone to get out of the house for the day. No one knows why, but Maggie might." He laughed at that. "But I made them leave and made this dinner..." "You made this?" I asked. He nodded and then went on, "So I made this and went to pick you up." "This is the sweetest thing anyone has done for me," I said. "Glad I could do this for you, then," he smiled. He picked up his fork, so I did the same. The spaghetti was so good that neither of us talked until he slurped up the noodle and got sauce on his face. I couldn't help but giggle. He turned red in embarrassment, but laughed, too. When we were done, I helped with the dishes even though he kept telling me not to. "This is all for you. You don't have to help me," he had said when I started drying the plates. "But I want to help because I didn't deserve this." "You deserve more than this. Well, and also, there's still the concert," he said. I giggled, "Thanks, Peter. You know, I have never had a guy like you. You actually care about my feelings and you talk to me. You don't just want to get into my pants, if you know what I mean." "And you are the first girl that I've had that won't turn out being the cheating type. I really appreciate that, Makenna." He looked at me with his blue eyes, and I totally knew he meant it. I looked down then, trying to hide the tear that just fell from my eyes. I didn't succeed. "Awe. Why are you crying? Did I do something?" He grabbed my face in between both of his hands, wiped my stupid tear with his thumb and looked into my eyes again, worry written all over his face. "No, Peter," I said, trying to look away from his gaze but failing in the end. My voice was quivering. "Its just that, well, no one has ever said that to me before and, I don't know, I'm just happy." I explained this in a rush. But after I was done, Peter took me in his arms and hugged me for a long time. I was crying like an idiot in his shoulder, ruining his shirt, but he just kept telling me it would be okay. Right when I'd started crying harder and he took me to the couch and I curled up in his lap. After I finally stopped crying, I didn't speak because I felt like an idiot. He took my face back in his hands. "Are you okay? Was all that crying for me?" he asked. "Ugh, I feel like an idiot," I said, wiping my eyes. "And yes, most of it was for you being so sweet. But then I thought of my dad and I..." I trailed off after that. "Oh, don't think of that. I don't like it when you are upset." He kissed my forehead and laid the palm of his had against my ear, forcing me to lay my head against his chest. I could hear the sound of his heartbeat and the even breaths he took. Once my breathing slowed to match the pace of his, I closed my eyes. "I'm fine now. Don't wanna lose it again during the concert, now do I?" I smiled, pulling away to kiss him on the cheek. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot.. Let's see," he said, looking up at the clock. "it's nine o'clock. Let's get going." But then he paused, "You sure you're okay?" "I'm fine," I said, jumping off the couch. "Lets go!" "Okay," he said. He held up the blindfold again, "Let's go." In response, I sighed, closed my eyes, and then turned around. He laughed, but then he put the cloth over my eyes and carried me all the way back to the car. We were in the car and moving for about fifteen minutes until we stopped at the building where I guessed the private concert was. "We're here," he said when he pulled me from the car and into his arms a third time. "I hope you like this." I looked up to where his voice came from. "I bet I will." Then we were inside. I really didn't know where, but I trusted him. He sat me on a couch, maybe? "I will be right back," he said before touching my face and leaving. I can't believe I cried. And in front of him! He was only gone for ten heartbeats when I heard his return. Or, I thought it was him until a sound that sounded like an acoustic guitar hitting a table very lightly, but you could hear the strumming noise. Who ever had that guitar sat next to me. Where is Peter? I felt his presence, but I didn't know where he was. The guitarist started to play. It was the best playing I've heard. I wondered who this mysterious guitarist was. Then, they flowed into the song Smile by Uncle Kracker. I reached up to the knot securing the blindfold to my face and untied it. The first thing I saw was the mysterious guitarist. He was no longer mysterious to me anymore, though. It was Peter. He was singing to me with the best male voice I've ever heard. It was like an angels. So this is what he meant by private concert. This was the best night ever! I put my head on his chest and waited for him to finish. When he did, I looked at him and smiled. "Surprise!" he laughed. "I am surprised. I didn't know you were musical." I couldn't stop smiling. He smiled his brilliant smile back at me. "Neither does my family. You are actually the first person I've ever sang to. Probably the only one I will sing to. Did you like the song? It seemed to fit for us. Or..." I put my finger over his lips. "You are cute when you ramble. I like it." I put my arms around his neck and he put the guitar down and pulled me into his lap. I cuddled into his neck and he pulled me tighter. I love him. I am in love with my best friends brother. Is that bad? If so, I didn't care. He started humming the song he just sang and I pulled away and looked him in the eyes. "This was really the best night I've ever had." I cuddled back into his shoulder. "Thank you," I whispered in his ear. His heart, which was under my hand, sped up. What he did next made my heart speed up, too. He stroked my hair and kissed my ear! I wanted to shout, "I love you!" But I didn't. Instead I fell asleep right there in his arms while he sang to me. Sleeping alone would feel of now, but I didn't care. I guess I didn't really fall asleep because I heard everything he said. At one point, he just sighed and kissed my forehead without anything else to say. At another point, he ran lyrics from a song I didn't recognize and fit my name into them. It was the most romantic thing ever. "Okay, you two. I am home now," Maggie yelled as she walked in the door. I moaned at the sound of her voice. She had almost ruined my perfect night, but then Peter hollered, "Go away, my girl is sleeping over here!" It made me smile. "Oh, well don't let me interrupt," she giggled. "But shouldn't she be going home? "Oh crap," I said, looking at the time. "It's almost eleven!" He ran to the kitchen to grab his keys. Maggie gave me the you-better-call-me-later look. I nodded and then headed upstairs, but not without turning around to smile at me. "Well," he said when he got to my side. "let's go." He wove his fingers with mine and smiled. He started toward the door and I followed willingly. We walked hand-in-hand all the way to his car. He opened the door for me before getting in himself. "So, you liked that, eh?" he asked as he pulled out of the driveway. "How many times do I have to say it? It was the best night of my life. But it wouldn't have been anything without you, Peter," I said shyly. "Ah, come on. I didn't do much. Just made spaghetti and sang to you. That's not that much," he replied, nervously. "Oh, but it was everything!" I exclaimed, a little too loud. I blushed. He just smiled. We had pulled up to my house a while ago, and he was just waiting for me to get out. It's not that he wanted me to leave. No really. He told me, "I don't want you to leave, but I don't want you to get in trouble with your mom." "Awe, Peter," I complained. "I don't want to." I was afraid if I got out of the car because if I did, it would all feel like a dream. He chuckled at my pouty face. "I don't want you to leave, either, darling. But if you don't I may not be able to come over anymore." I pondered that for a moment and then decided he was right. I nodded and he smiled. He then opened his door and walked around to my side. Once he opened my door, he grabbed both of my hands and pulled me close to him. We hugged for I don't know how long and I did not want to let go. He pulled away and kissed my forehead. "We should do this again sometime. But I'll bring my guitar here. Oh, and by the way, don't tell anyone that I'm musical. That's our little secret." His wink made me weak. My heart sped up and my knees practically gave out underneath me. He caught me and smiled. I felt like an idiot, again. I smiled. "Can I at least tell them what an amazing cook you are?" He chuckled all cute-like. "Sure thing. Oh, and maybe next time we do this, I can make you whatever you want." "I'd really love that, Peter," I said. It was quiet for a minute before he said, "Well, you'd better get inside. Your living room curtains just moved," he smiled. I look at my house, annoyed. "Okay, fine. But I will leave only if you promise you will not disappear over night," I challenged playfully. "I promise," he smiled. "I will call you tomorrow," he said and then pulled me into another hug and kissed my forehead. God, I love that! It was kind of annoying to wait for him to kiss me on the lips, but I will wait. "Goodnight, Peter," I said while I was still pressed against his body. "'Night, Makenna. Sleep well." "You, too," I smiled. He got in his car and drove away, leaving me frozen in my driveway. I could tell that he was going to be the best person that has come into my life. Yesterday went so well, I expected a call from Peter in the morning. But it was seven o'clock in the evening and still no call. He was probably busy, but Maggie hadn't called me either to get last nights details. I finally got up the nerve to call Maggie. "Hey, this is Maggie." I got her voicemail. "Sorry I didn't get your call, but please feel free to leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can." Beep. "Hey, Maggie, this is Makenna. I haven't gotten a call from you or Peter so I'm just wondering if everything is alright. Call me back when you can. Bye!" Five minutes after I hung up, my phone rang. It was Maggie. "Hey, sorry to bug you, but..." I said when I answered, but she interrupted me. "What do you want?" she asked, sounding annoyed. "Is everything alright? You sound angry. Where are you? Am I interrupting something?" I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I didn't think I did anything to make her this mad. "No. Everything is not alright." The emphasis on 'not' was angry. What the heck? "What?" I said, surprised. "Is Peter okay?" "No!" she shouted. "He's not okay!" "Why?" I asked. Did something happen to him? Did he even make it home after dropping me off? So many question bobbled through my head yet I didn't ask any of them except, "Can I talk to him?" "He's not talking to anyone right now. He won't even come out of his room. The door is locked and I can hear him crying every now and then! How could you do this to my brother?!" "Whoa. What the heck did I even do?" I was freaking out right now, but I tried to keep my voice as calm as I could manage. "We heard about you and James, Makenna. Peter is devastated, if you can't already tell." James was my brothers best friend. What did he have to do with this? "What about me and James?" My eyes were prickling while I was holding back tears. "There's nothing between us." I couldn't imagine my world without Peter in it, now. Last night had been so magical. "Oh, whatever, Makenna. Peter's ex-girlfriend, otherwise, your neighbor, called him last night when he got home and told him she saw you and James together a couple days ago. She said that you two were outside wrestling around and kissing each other. How could you do that to Peter?! After he's been nothing but kind to you?!" She was pissed. I could tell. But none of this made any sense. For one, James has been in Hawaii on vacation ever since school got out. And for another reason, why would I do that to Peter? How could he believe that? Doesn't he know me better than that? "Well," she said when I didn't answer her, "I hope you enjoy having no friends, cause everyone knows. Or at least, they will soon. Do not call me or brother ever again!" "Maggie, James is in Hawaii! And you know I'd never..." But it was too late. She hung up before I could finish. I was alone now to cry. Why would I even do that? And to Peter? I love him! What the hell just happened?! "Makenna? You okay, sis?" Matthew had just walked in. He was a very good older brother. He was protective of me, almost like he was a year or two older than me instead to two minutes. He was also very smart and active. I shook my head to answer his question. "Our friggen neighbor, Alyson, told Peter she saw me with James kissing out back two days ago! He's not even back yet from Hawaii, is he?" My voice was squeaking through my tears and my breathing was heavy. "No," he said walking over to me, putting his arms around me in a comforting embrace. "Not for another week, at least. Why would Alyson do this?" I buried my face into his shoulder. "I don't know. She's never liked me, but it's probably more likely that she's just jealous" He was quite for a minute, just letting me cry into his shoulder. He removed one of his hands from my back and reached into his pocket for his phone. "I'll help straighten this whole thing out," he said. I pulled away from his shoulder to look at him, know exactly what he was doing. "Matt, don't. They won't even…" He put his index finger to my lips and waited for them to pick up. I heard an annoyed 'Hello?' from the other side of the line before my brother answered. "Hey, Maggie. I need to talk to you," he said into the phone. "My sister is an emotional wreck right now and I want to know exactly what she supposedly did." He paused to let Maggie speak and looked down at me apologetically. His smile lightened my mood and I smiled through my tears. I have such a great brother. When Maggie had finished speaking, he answered, "That's impossible because he's been gone since school got been out." Maggie asked him another question and he answered, "Yeah, that's right. Hawaii. He won't be back until next Thursday." But the look on Matthew's face, she realized I couldn't have been with James. When she didn't answer, Matt continued. "Now, can I speak to Peter?" Short pause. "Not there? Well, where is he?" Even a shorter pause. "Okay. Well, tell him to call my sister." Another short pause. "Uh huh. Thank you. Buh-bye." And then he hung up. I looked at him and then he smiled. "There. Now all you have to do is sit and wait for Peter to call." "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I exclaimed, jumping off the couch and pulling him with me. "I love you Matt and I totally owe you!" I kissed him on the cheek. He rubbed it off. "Geeze, it's not like I saved you from drowning. But if you really want to pay me back, there's something that would really help me out?" he asked playfully. "Anything!" I said. "If that ever happens to me, do the same thing. But only if I ask," he pointed at me and smiled. I laughed. "Of course I will, Matt!" "Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go back out in that drought weather and play flag football. See ya, sis." "See ya, thanks again!" Then he was gone. Out into the ninety-eight degree weather. And even though I was alone again, I was happier. Now I just had to wait for a call. While I waited, I decided to go to my room to grab my moon chair, fan, and a book I was reading before heading out to the deck. I sat up my chair and fan in the hot shade and started reading. I read for a good half an hour when I heard someone coming to where I was. I just guessed it was Matthew, so I just kept reading. But then I recognized the voice and it was not Matthew. Instead, when I looked around the corner of the house, it was Peter. I was so excited that I threw my book down on my chair without even marking my place and headed for the edge of the deck. "Peter! Hey," I said when I peaked around the house. But my smile soon went to a frown when I saw his face. His lips were in a flat line and his eyebrows were furrowed. And when he got closer, I saw that his eye's were red and puffy. "I just came to return this," he said angrily once he was in earshot. His face was to the ground and his shoulders slumped. His right hand was extended toward me, holding out my wallet. "I'm not talking to you about this." "Did Maggie not tell you?" I asked. His next expression told me he hadn't talked to her. "Peter, James is in Hawaii. Plus I would never do that to anyone. Especially you." I could feel the tears in my eyes falling. What if he didn't believe me? What if he never wanted to talk to me again? "But Alyson said…" his voice trailed off. He was thinking hard. He suddenly looked over at Alyson's house. When I followed his gaze, the top bedroom's curtain quivered. Her bedroom. She had been watching us. What is wrong with her? Then he started crying softly. He looked up at me and said through his silent sobs, "How could I be stupid enough to believe her? I'm so stupid! I know you would never do that to me, Makenna. You're so sweet and loving..." His voice trailed of and he put his head in his hands. His sobs shook his strong shoulders and he stumbled to the ground. The way he said my name both made my heart soar and break it at the same time. It sounded full of love and compassion. I too was crying, but I ran to the stairs and made my way towards his so I could take him in my arms to comfort him. "Peter, it's okay. You did nothing wrong. Please don't cry." "I did do something wrong. I listened to my ex-girlfriend and not you. I should've called you, to see if it were true, but I didn't. I'm so sorry, Makenna." As he said this, be began to calm down. "I know you won't forgive me, but..." It had gotten muggier and the air was heavy. "Peter, why wouldn't I forgive you? Of course I forgive you." The way we were sitting wasn't the most comfortable position. He had both of his legs tucked under him and I was kinda sitting on his lap. I decided to move in front of him so we were facing each other and when I did this, he crossed his legs and folded his hands in his lap. I was in practically the same position but i laid my chin in my hands. He smiled his cute, dimpled smile which made me blush and smile back at him. I was so glad I had my Peter back. The way he looked at me told me that we were okay. The an expression crossed his face. Realization, I noticed. "I still have my promise to keep." My heart sped up. This was it. I decided to play stupid. "What promise?" I asked, blushing. Peter looked at me, put his right hand on my cheek and answered, "This one." He leaned in closer but I stayed where I was and smiled. Once his lips were on mine, and I was in heaven. I wrapped my arms around his neck, scooting closer to him, and kissed him back. While we were in our moment, a rumble of thunder sounded and it began to rain. One whole year with no rain and now it was coming down hard. My white shirt was soaked and my jean shorts were sopping wet. I could feel the collar of his button-down shirt soaking under my arms, but otherwise I didn't pay attention to my surroundings. I was too busy kissing the love of my life. Once we were completely dripping with water, he slid away from me, looked into my eyes and chuckled. "Why, you are my little rain baby, aren't you?" I giggled. "I guess so." We smiled at each other and went in for another kiss. Now this was the best day of my teen-age years. That evening, Peter stayed and played his guitar for me. His guitar was just in his trunk, so all he had to do was grab an umbrella and go get it. Once he got back inside, he played our song for me again. During the little breaks where there was no singing, he bent down to kiss my neck. In some instances, he would stop where he was, wrap his arms around me, and kiss me on the lips. His kisses were sweet and passionate. After that song was over, he played a couple more songs before we went outside and played in the rain. We mostly pushed each other around until once we tumbled to the ground and kissed. "You know what, Makenna?" he asked me after I had tackled him to the ground and now laid on top of him. I smiled at him and kissed him on the chin. "What is it, Peter?" "I can't believe I almost gave all of this up." As he said this, he wrapped his arms around me, helping me figure out what he meant by 'this.' I smiled at him. "I'm glad you didn't." He smiled in return and took my face in his strong hands. "Me too, darling. Me too." We kissed again and the thunder rolled off in the distance. I heard Matt's approach before I saw him. I'm gonna have to thank him for this. "Whoa, whoa!" he laughed when he saw us. "Hey you two, no sucking face in front of Matt." I smiled up at my big brother. He was all muddy and I could see grass stains on his shorts in between splotches of mud. Looked like he had a great time at flag football. "Anyway," he went on, "you guys wouldn't believe what happened at football! We were just getting ready to start when it started pouring down rain! It was so fun." Then he looked at me. "Now, you wouldn't have anything to do with that, Makenna, would you?" Peter and I laughed. "She had every little bit to do with it," he said. "You and your freaky water powers, little sister," he smiled. "Well, I should go inside and leave you two alone." After Matt went inside, Peter and I looked at each other. "I love you, Makenna," he said and then kissed my neck. "Every minute of every day, I will love you forever and always." Peter's fingers were gently stroking my face, making my heart skip a beat. I smiled. "I love you, too, Peter. So much that words cannot describe it." We kissed there in the rain for who knows how long before I fell asleep on his chest, where I would always belong. THE END © 2011 HayPix6Author's Note
1 Review Added on April 14, 2011 Last Updated on April 14, 2011 Author![]() HayPix6Pratt, KSAboutI am a junior in high school and I love to write stories. It all started in 8th grade when I started to write my first book. I haven't finished it yet, but I've started so many other stories. Most of .. more..Writing