--[[ 'The' has conducted its tyranny on the most commonly used words for long enough! But some do not agree. ]]--
___ once powerful and ___ most common word in ___ English language was arrested earlier this week. Authorities claim that this was a mistake, and will be fixed shortly. Many angered citizens conclude that something more sinister was behind ___'s arrest.
Some claim that ___ A.N.D. (Anonymous Necessitation Department), ___ writerscafe secret police, busted down ___ door of ___'s apartment and arrested ___ on falsified charges.
Others claim that ___ word's undisputed dominance over ___ English language has been a tyrant at ___ top of ___ charts long enough, and something needed to change in order for other words to have ___ equality they so desire.
No theory has been confirmed. However, ___ authorities also claim that they are looking into who exactly was ___ culprit behind this devious scheme.
Other organizations such as ___ S.S.C.W. (Secret Society of Cool Words), have banded together to protest ___ arrest of ___. Their efforts are proving rather ineffective, as ___ voice of reason for ___ S.S.C.W., Sir Rick P. McAstley III has refused to give up "___ third" from his name and has been charged with conspiracy.
A very original, entertaining, humorous write! I found the acronyms hilarious, especially _____A.N.D. It has that clipped tone of a "This Just In" News Break, with a bit of dramatic theories thrown in. With all the political drama we have endured in the very recent past, I thank you for the laugh.
Augh! My third Rick Astley mention today! This was a clever premise, though. This short story was interesting and fun to read. It would be interesting to try to write an entire story with this. Well done, and keep writing.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
Your third one? I suppose that's understandable. Rickroll is fun to do!
8 Years Ago
It was a weird day. I want to tell you how I'm feeling and make you understand, but you know the ru.. read moreIt was a weird day. I want to tell you how I'm feeling and make you understand, but you know the rules, and so do I. No sharing experiences with Rickrolls.
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8 Years Ago
But you gotta make me understand!
I thought you were never gonna let me down.
.. read moreBut you gotta make me understand!
I thought you were never gonna let me down.
But alas, inside we both know what's been going on. We know the game and we're gonna play it.
8 Years Ago
Most certainly. I'm thinking of a full commitment to those rules, and I'm never going to give them u.. read moreMost certainly. I'm thinking of a full commitment to those rules, and I'm never going to give them up.
You never have to give them up.
We've known each other for so long,
Your heart.. read moreYou never have to give them up.
We've known each other for so long,
Your heart's been aching to tell me how you're feeling, but you're too shy to say it.
8 Years Ago
We're no strangers to the Internet, and you couldn't get my tale from any other guy. But we both kno.. read moreWe're no strangers to the Internet, and you couldn't get my tale from any other guy. But we both know what's going on, don't tell me you're too blind to see. I never can give it up.
8 Years Ago
Stop running around. I think you're deserting the problem here. But again, you're too shy to say it... read moreStop running around. I think you're deserting the problem here. But again, you're too shy to say it.
A full commitment is what I'm thinking of, and if you ask me how I'm feeling, I'll never say goodbye to this.