

A Poem by Jo Zapata

Written on a napkin while watching my children play at Chuck E. Cheese's. . .



A time of delight in

      crawling through holes

      while adults are trying

      to fill them up!


A time of approaching

      everyone they see to get

      to know them, while

      adults are avoiding as

      many as possible . . .


A time of trying everything once

      while adults are addicted

      to the same things

      day after day.


A time when a rude sound

      is cause for hilarity

      while the nearby adults

      blush profusely!


A time when words

      are not always available yet,

      yet adults are choosing

      from among too many. . .


A time when sleep is simply

      for resting an exhausted body

      in order to joyfully move into another day,

      while the adult uses it to escape the day. . .


A time of unabandoned delight

      and wonder, while adults

      abandon dreams . . .

      and wonder why.


A time to learn from

      their adults " and for

      their adults to

      learn from them!




Chuck E. Cheeses

Syracuse, NY

© 2011 Jo Zapata

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Added on January 23, 2011
Last Updated on January 23, 2011


Jo Zapata
Jo Zapata

Jefferson, TX

56-year-old 'girl' who is constantly frustrated to be trapped in this aging body. Single mother of three adult, formerly dysfunctional children. Former military, enlisted and officer, of ten years. .. more..

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