Moon Shine

Moon Shine

A Poem by Jo Zapata

            Moon Shine


Full is the moon this autumn,

        as is my heart,

lonesome for the thing it needs most �"

      the light that causes it to shine.


As it is, it is alone.

      Hurt and hurt again,

      yet shining still by leftover light.


How it needs more of what causes that light!

      Without it, that lovely light,

      it wans and fades in its fullness.

      It’s tears over the loss make new

      drops in the sky to be also

      illuminated by what’s left of the light.


What a lovely, lonely, sorrowful

      luminescence; bravely giving up

      its last bit of quintessence into



I absorb it . . .


-Jo- October 15, 1986,  7:50 p.m.

Speicher, Germany

© 2011 Jo Zapata

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Added on January 23, 2011
Last Updated on January 23, 2011


Jo Zapata
Jo Zapata

Jefferson, TX

56-year-old 'girl' who is constantly frustrated to be trapped in this aging body. Single mother of three adult, formerly dysfunctional children. Former military, enlisted and officer, of ten years. .. more..

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